9 research outputs found

    On the status of Apostolepis freitasi (Serpentes, Elapomorphinae) by examination of new specimens

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    Apostolepis freitasi Lema, 2004 was described only with the holotype, a young and discolored specimen from Bahia (Brazil). New specimens were found which data cleared better the status of the species, indicating a differentiate population of Apostolepis cearensis Gomes, 1915, restrict to southeastern Bahia State, Brazil, in the morpho climatic domain Caatinga influenced by littoral climate. Key words: local morph, Apostolepis cearensis, Caatinga, southeastern Bahia, Brazil.Apostolepis freitasi Lema, 2004 was described only with the holotype, a young and discolored specimen from Bahia (Brazil). New specimens were found which data cleared better the status of the species, indicating a differentiate population of Apostolepis cearensis Gomes, 1915, restrict to southeastern Bahia State, Brazil, in the morpho climatic domain Caatinga influenced by littoral climate. Key words: local morph, Apostolepis cearensis, Caatinga, southeastern Bahia, Brazil

    Revalidação de Apostolepis barrioi (Serpentes: Dipsadidae).

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    With 32 species, Apostolepis is the most diverse genus in the tribe Elapomorphini. The description of Apostolepis barrioi is based on one specimen and the taxon later was synonymized with A. dimidiata. Based on a examination of new specimens, the taxon is resurrected to full species rank. Apostolepis barrioi differs from all congeners by having an immaculate white venter, narrow dorsolateral stripes not in contact with the ventrals, and a terminal black shield. With the addition of A. barrioi, the number of species of the genus increases to 33; however, more systematic research on the status of the species in the group is required, especially for those species that were described on the basis of only on few specimens.Apostolepis é o gênero mais diversificado da tribo Elapomorphini, com 32 espécies reconhecidas. Apostolepis barrioi foi descrita com base em um único exemplar e então sinonimizada a A. dimiata. Depois de uma reavaliação de novos dados, reconhecemos Apostolepis barrioi como um táxon válido que se distingue das demais espécies do gênero por apresentar o ventre e as escamas gulares de cor branca imaculada, faixas dorsais mais finas que podem ou não apresentar contato com as escamas ventrais e placa terminal negra. Com a revalidação de Apostolepis barrioi o número de espécies do gênero aumenta para 33. No entanto, mais estudos taxonômicos relacionados aos grupos do gênero são necessários, especialmente com aquelas espécies cujas descrições estão baseadas em poucos exemplares

    Status de Apostolepis borellii Peracca 1904 (Serpentes, Xenodontinae), com restrição do conceito de A. nigroterminata

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    Apostolepis borellii has been considered a junior synonym of A. nigroterminata. However, examination of the holotypes showed significant differences between the species, such as head narrow (vs. wide, stocky), slandering snout (vs. wide and rounded), background color brown (vs. red), black nuchal collar wide, reaching the gular region (vs. short, not reaching gular region), tail extremity slandering with conic tip (vs. stocky, rounded tip), tail blotch complete reaching dorsals and subcaudals (vs. only dorsal, with white ring anteriorly). Apostolepis borellii occurs in the Cerrado, while A. nigroterminata, in the Amazonian Forest, two diverse biomes. The former may constitute a new group of small sized species, own from central-western Brazil to Bolivia; the latter is allocated in the nigrolineata group, both presented herein.Keywords: Brazil, Peru, Cerrado, Amazonian Forest, revalidation.Apostolepis borellii tem sido considerada sinônimo de A. nigroterminata. No entanto, o exame dos holótipos mostrou diferenças significativas justificando a revalidação da primeira. Principais diferenças: cabeça estreita (vs. robusta), focinho afilado (vs. largo e arredondado), cor de fundo dorsal parda (vs. avermelhada), colar preto nucal largo atingindo a região gular, onde se alarga bastante (vs. vestigial, quase indistinto, não atinge região gular), extremidade caudal afinando com ponta cônica (vs. grossa, ponta alta, arredondada), mancha caudal e sendo completa atingindo dorsais e subcaudais (vs. apenas dorsal precedida de anel branco). Apostolepis borellii ocorre no Cerrado, enquanto A. nigroterminata, na Floresta Amazônica, dois biomas distintos. A primeira pode representar um novo grupo de espécies pequenas e próprias do Brasil central para oeste na Bolívia; e a última é realocada no grupo nigrolineata, ambos aqui apresentados.Palavras-chave: Brasil, Peru, Cerrado, Floresta Amazônica, revalidação

    Espécies de Apostolepis observadas em coleções da região de Goiás, Brasil central (Serpentes, Xenodontinae, Elapomorphini)

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    We report on species of the tribe Elapomorphini based on specimens captured during a trip to Goiás State, Brazil. Various specimens were captured in a rescue of the Hydroelectric Power Plant Serra da Mesa, in Minaçu, North of Goiás; others, in the Universidade Nacional de Brasilia, DF, in the Zoological Park, Brasília, DF, and Universidade Católica de Goiás, Goiania. Ten species were observed, representing a very important sample of the taxon, with dominance of the species Apostolepis ammodites and A. flavotorquata. Key words: Cerrado, central Brazil, Apostolepis, Phalotris, collections.Comentamos sobre espécies da tribo Elapomorphini, com base em espécimes capturados numa viagem ao estado de Goiás, Brasil. Vários exemplares foram capturados em trabalho de resgate de fauna na implantação da Hidroelétrica Serra da Mesa, em Minaçu, norte de Goiás; outros, na Universidade Nacional de Brasília, DF, no Parque Zoológico de Brasília e na Universidade Católica de Goiás, Goiânia. Dez espécies foram observadas, representando um amostra importante do grupo, com a dominância das espécies Apostolepis ammodites and A. flavotorquata.Palavras-chave: Cerrado, Brasil central, Apostolepis, Phalotris, coleções

    On the status of Apostolepis freitasi (Serpentes, Elapomorphinae) by examination of new specimens

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    Apostolepis freitasi Lema, 2004 was described only with the holotype, a young and discolored specimen from Bahia (Brazil). New specimens were found which data cleared better the status of the species, indicating a differentiate population of Apostolepis cearensis Gomes, 1915, restrict to southeastern Bahia State, Brazil, in the morpho climatic domain Caatinga influenced by littoral climate. Key words: local morph, Apostolepis cearensis, Caatinga, southeastern Bahia, Brazil.Apostolepis freitasi Lema, 2004 was described only with the holotype, a young and discolored specimen from Bahia (Brazil). New specimens were found which data cleared better the status of the species, indicating a differentiate population of Apostolepis cearensis Gomes, 1915, restrict to southeastern Bahia State, Brazil, in the morpho climatic domain Caatinga influenced by littoral climate. Key words: local morph, Apostolepis cearensis, Caatinga, southeastern Bahia, Brazil

    Redescription, geographic distribution and ecological niche modeling of Elapomorphus wuchereri (Serpentes: Dipsadidae)

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    The original description of Elapomorphus wuchereri Günther, 1861 included a drawing and brief comments about the morphology of three specimens; two of the latter belong to another species and the holotype is lost. Based on the discovery of new specimens, we redescribe Elapomorphus wuchereri and designate a neotype. We discuss the variation and the taxonomic history of the species, and based on the results of a species distribution model analysis (SDM), we describe the distribution, extent of occurrence, and conservation status.A descrição original de Elapomorphus wuchereri Günther, 1861 continha um desenho e comentários breves acerca da morfologia de três espécimes; dois destes pertencem a outra espécie e o holótipo está perdido. Com base na descoberta de novos espécimes, redescrevemos Elapomorphus wuchereri e designamos um neótipo. Discutimos a variação e o histórico taxonômico da espécie e, com base nos resultados de uma modelagem de nicho ecológico (SDM), descrevemos sua distribuição, extensão de ocorrência e status de conservação

    Estudo histológico e histoquímico da glândula de Duvernoy de Clelia plumbea (Wied) (Serpentes, Colubridae, Xenodontinae) Histological and histochemical study of Duvernoy's gland from Clelia plumbea (Wied) (Serpentes, Colubridae, Xenodontinae)

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    <abstract language="eng">There are report two human envenenomations for species from Clelia Fitzinger, 1826 (opisthoglyph snake). The patients exhibited symptoms similar from bothropic accident. Then this work have with objective, the hystological and histochemical study of Duvernoy's gland from Clelia plumbea. For the hystological observation of the Duvernoy's gland were using, with paraffin's cutting edge, two methods: Hematoxylin + Eosin and Toluidine's Blue. With historesine's cutting edge were using three methods: Metilen's Blue, Toluidine's Blue + Floxine and Toluidine's Blue. For the histochemical detection were using six techniques, with paraffin's cutting edge: PAS, PAS + Alcian Blue pH 2,5, Alcian Blue pH 2,5, PAS + Salivar Amilase, Method of Lars Grimelius and Method of Lillie. It was evidenced the predominance of serous cells on Duvernoy's gland. In relation to the histochemical constituion of the duvernoy's gland, was verified the presence of glucoconjugates neuters, enzymes and cells with reduetive activity. By fact from this species to kill his preys by constriction, the predominance of serous cells in the duvernoy's gland, don' t must be direct related with the subjugation of his preys, but with the digestive processes. Histological and histochemical analysis showed cells of Duvernoy's gland are constituted for two populations: serous cells (prodution of enzymes) and mucous cells (prodution of glucoconjugates)