1,308 research outputs found

    Coupling between corotation and Lindblad resonances in the elliptic planar three-body problem

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    We investigate the dynamics of two satellites with masses μs\mu_s and μs′\mu'_s orbiting a massive central planet in a common plane, near a first order mean motion resonance mm+1:mm (mm integer). We consider only the resonant terms of first order in eccentricity in the disturbing potential of the satellites, plus the secular terms causing the orbital apsidal precessions. We obtain a two-degree of freedom system, associated with the two critical resonant angles ϕ=(m+1)λ′−mλ−ϖ\phi= (m+1)\lambda' -m\lambda - \varpi and ϕ′=(m+1)λ′−mλ−ϖ′\phi'= (m+1)\lambda' -m\lambda - \varpi', where λ\lambda and ϖ\varpi are the mean longitude and longitude of periapsis of μs\mu_s, respectively, and where the primed quantities apply to μs′\mu'_s. We consider the special case where μs→0\mu_s \rightarrow 0 (restricted problem). The symmetry between the two angles ϕ\phi and ϕ′\phi' is then broken, leading to two different kinds of resonances, classically referred to as Corotation Eccentric resonance (CER) and Lindblad Eccentric Resonance (LER), respectively. We write the four reduced equations of motion near the CER and LER, that form what we call the CoraLin model. This model depends upon only two dimensionless parameters that control the dynamics of the system: the distance DD between the CER and LER, and a forcing parameter ϵL\epsilon_L that includes both the mass and the orbital eccentricity of the disturbing satellite. Three regimes are found: for D=0D=0 the system is integrable, for DD of order unity, it exhibits prominent chaotic regions, while for DD large compared to 2, the behavior of the system is regular and can be qualitatively described using simple adiabatic invariant arguments. We apply this model to three recently discovered small Saturnian satellites dynamically linked to Mimas through first order mean motion resonances : Aegaeon, Methone and Anthe

    The dynamics of rings around Centaurs and Trans-Neptunian Objects

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    Since 2013, dense and narrow rings are known around the small Centaur object Chariklo and the dwarf planet Haumea. Dense material has also been detected around the Centaur Chiron, although its nature is debated. This is the first time ever that rings are observed elsewhere than around the giant planets, suggesting that those features are more common than previously thought. The origins of those rings remain unclear. In particular, it is not known if the same generic process can explain the presence of material around Chariklo, Chiron, Haumea, or if each object has a very different history. Nonetheless, a specific aspect of small bodies is that they may possess a non-axisymmetric shape (topographic features and or elongation) that are essentially absent in giant planets. This creates strong resonances between the spin rate of the object and the mean motion of ring particles. In particular, Lindblad-type resonances tend to clear the region around the corotation (or synchronous) orbit, where the particles orbital period matches that of the body. Whatever the origin of the ring is, modest topographic features or elongations of Chariklo and Haumea explain why their rings should be found beyond the outermost 1/2 resonance, where the particles complete one revolution while the body completes two rotations. Comparison of the resonant locations relative to the Roche limit of the body shows that fast rotators are favored for being surrounded by rings. We discuss in more details the phase portraits of the 1/2 and 1/3 resonances, and the consequences of a ring presence on satellite formation.Comment: Chapter to be published in the book "The Transneptunian Solar System", Dina Prialnik, Maria Antonietta Barucci, Leslie Young Eds. Elsevie

    Predictions from Lattice QCD

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    In the past year, we calculated with lattice QCD three quantities that were unknown or poorly known. They are the q2q^2 dependence of the form factor in semileptonic D→KlνD\to Kl\nu decay, the decay constant of the DD meson, and the mass of the BcB_c meson. In this talk, we summarize these calculations, with emphasis on their (subsequent) confirmation by experiments.Comment: v1: talk given at the International Conference on QCD and Hadronic Physics, Beijing, June 16-20, 2005; v2: poster presented at the XXIIIrd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Dublin, July 25-3
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