53 research outputs found

    Preclinical evaluation of two 68Ga-siderophores as potential radiopharmaceuticals for Aspergillus fumigatus infection imaging

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    PURPOSE: Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is mainly caused by Aspergillus fumigatus, and is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. The mortality associated with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis remains high, mainly due to the difficulties and limitations in diagnosis. We have shown that siderophores can be labelled with (68)Ga and can be used for PET imaging of A. fumigatus infection in rats. Here we report on the further evaluation of the most promising (68)Ga-siderophore candidates, triacetylfusarinine (TAFC) and ferrioxamine E (FOXE). METHODS: Siderophores were labelled with (68)Ga using acetate buffer. Log P, protein binding and stability values were determined. Uptake by A. fumigatus was studied in vitro in cultures with high and low iron loads. In vivo biodistribution was determined in normal mice and an infection model was established using neutropenic rats inoculated with A. fumigatus. Static and dynamic muPET imaging was performed and correlated with CT images, and lung infection was evaluated ex vivo. RESULTS: (68)Ga-siderophores were labelled with high radiochemical purity and specific activity. (68)Ga-TAFC and (68)Ga-FOXE showed high uptake by A. fumigatus in iron-deficient cultures. In normal mice, (68)Ga-TAFC and (68)Ga-FOXE showed rapid renal excretion with high metabolic stability. In the rat infection model focal lung uptake was detected by muPET with both compounds and increased with severity of the infection, correlating with abnormal CT images. CONCLUSION: (68)Ga-TAFC and (68)Ga-FOXE displayed excellent in vitro stability and high uptake by A. fumigatus. Both compounds showed excellent pharmacokinetics, highly selective accumulation in infected lung tissue and good correlation with severity of disease in a rat infection model, which makes them promising agents for A. fumigatus infection imaging

    Business Negotiations and Business Meetings: Communication in the Bargaining Process

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    This article deals with the problems associated with lack of communication elements of the bargaining process, perception and usage. This article provides an overview of personal communication, communication in negotiations and business processes, a variety of definitions and their logical relations, the main features of these communication processes and essential properties. The article focuses on the bargaining process, mutual understanding in the process of achieving a common goal. The  article  discusses  the  most  common  errors  in perception  of  bargaining  process,  and  provides  measures  to  prevent  them.  The bargaining process in communication highlights the emotional aspect of bargaining, the impact of verbal and nonverbal measures on harmonization. Article in Lithuanian. Verslo derybos ir dalykiniai pokalbiai: komunikacija derÄ—jimosi procese Santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinÄ—jamos problemos, susijusios su nepakankamu derÄ—jimosi proceso komunikaciniĹł elementĹł sisteminiu suvokimu ir naudojimu. ApĹľvelgiama asmeninÄ—s komunikacijos, komunikacijos derybĹł ir dalykiniĹł pokalbiĹł procesuose apibrÄ—ĹľimĹł ÄŻvairovÄ— ir jĹł loginiai ryšiai, pagrindiniai šiĹł bendravimo procesĹł poĹľymiai ir esminÄ—s savybÄ—s. Daug dÄ—mesio skiriama derÄ—jimosi proceso tarpusavio supratimui siekiant bendro tikslo. Straipsnyje aptariamos daĹľniausiai pasitaikanÄŤios suvokimo klaidos derÄ—jimosi procese ir pateikiamos priemonÄ—s joms išvengti. DerÄ—jimosi proceso komunikacijoje išryškinamas emocinis derÄ—jimosi aspektas, verbalinio ir neverbalinio poveikio priemoniĹł derinimo bĹ«tinumas. Reikšminiai ĹľodĹľiai: verslo derybos, dalykiniai pokalbiai, komunikacija, derÄ—jimasis
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