755 research outputs found

    Initial steps towards automatic segmentation of the wire frame of stent grafts in CT data

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    For the purpose of obtaining a geometrical model of the wire frame of stent grafts, we propose three tracking methods to segment the stent's wire, and compare them in an experiment. A 2D test image was created by obtaining a projection of a 3D volume containing a stent. The image was modified to connect the parts of the stent's frame and thus create a single path. Ten versions of this image were obtained by adding different noise realizations. Each algorithm was started at the start of each of the ten images, after which the traveled paths were compared to the known correct path to determine the performance. Additionally, the algorithms were applied to 3D clinical data and visually inspected. The method based on the minimum cost path algorithm scored excellent in the experiment and showed good results on the 3D data. Future research will focus on establishing a geometrical model by determining the corner points and the crossings from the results of this method.\u

    Simulability of Imperfect Gaussian and Superposition Boson Sampling

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    We study the hardness of classically simulating Gaussian boson sampling at nonzero photon distinguishability. We find that similar to regular boson sampling, distinguishability causes exponential attenuation of the many-photon interference terms in Gaussian boson sampling. Barring an open problem in the theory of matrix permanents, this leads to an efficient classical algorithm to simulate Gaussian boson sampling in the presence of distinguishability. We also study a new form of boson sampling based on photon number superposition states, for which we also show noise sensivity. The fact that such superposition boson sampling is not simulable with out method at zero distinguishability is the first evidence for the computational hardness of this problem

    Marginal probabilities in boson samplers with arbitrary input states

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    With the recent claim of a quantum advantage demonstration in photonics by Zhong et al, the question of the computation of lower-order approximations of boson sampling with arbitrary quantum states at arbitrary distinguishability has come to the fore. In this work, we present results in this direction, building on the results of Clifford and Clifford. In particular, we show: 1) How to compute marginal detection probabilities (i.e. probabilities of the detection of some but not all photons) for arbitrary quantum states. 2) Using the first result, how to generalize the sampling algorithm of Clifford and Clifford to arbitrary photon distinguishabilities and arbitrary input quantum states. 3) How to incorporate truncations of the quantum interference into a sampling algorithm. 4) A remark considering maximum likelihood verification of the recent photonic quantum advantage experiment

    Quantum noise limited and entanglement-assisted magnetometry

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    We study experimentally the fundamental limits of sensitivity of an atomic radio-frequency magnetometer. First we apply an optimal sequence of state preparation, evolution, and the back-action evading measurement to achieve a nearly projection noise limited sensitivity. We furthermore experimentally demonstrate that Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) entanglement of atoms generated by a measurement enhances the sensitivity to pulsed magnetic fields. We demonstrate this quantum limited sensing in a magnetometer utilizing a truly macroscopic ensemble of 1.5*10^12 atoms which allows us to achieve sub-femtoTesla/sqrt(Hz) sensitivity.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letters, April 9 issue (provisionally

    Benchmarking of Gaussian boson sampling using two-point correlators

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    Gaussian boson sampling is a promising scheme for demonstrating a quantum computational advantage using photonic states that are accessible in a laboratory and, thus, offer scalable sources of quantum light. In this contribution, we study two-point photon-number correlation functions to gain insight into the interference of Gaussian states in optical networks. We investigate the characteristic features of statistical signatures which enable us to distinguish classical from quantum interference. In contrast to the typical implementation of boson sampling, we find additional contributions to the correlators under study which stem from the phase dependence of Gaussian states and which are not observable when Fock states interfere. Using the first three moments, we formulate the tools required to experimentally observe signatures of quantum interference of Gaussian states using two outputs only. By considering the current architectural limitations in realistic experiments, we further show that a statistically significant discrimination between quantum and classical interference is possible even in the presence of loss, noise, and a finite photon-number resolution. Therefore, we formulate and apply a theoretical framework to benchmark the quantum features of Gaussian boson sampling under realistic conditions

    Gaussian Optical Ising Machines

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    It has recently been shown that optical parametric oscillator (OPO) Ising machines, consisting of coupled optical pulses circulating in a cavity with parametric gain, can be used to probabilistically find low-energy states of Ising spin systems. In this work, we study optical Ising machines that operate under simplified Gaussian dynamics. We show that these dynamics are sufficient for reaching probabilities of success comparable to previous work. Based on this result, we propose modified optical Ising machines with simpler designs that do not use parametric gain yet achieve similar performance, thus suggesting a route to building much larger systems.Comment: 6 page

    Will I Make It On My Own? Voices and Visions of 17-Year-Old Youth in Transition

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    Voices and Visions of Youth in Transition, a longitudinal transformative youth-centered research study, examines the experiences and thoughts of youth as they transition out of foster care at the ages of 17, 19, and 21. Qualitative and quantitative survey inquiries were used to attain an understanding of the experiences of 198 youth in foster care who were 17 years old during the first wave of data collection. Nine critical areas related to the transition out of foster care were examined: education; employment; housing; high-risk behavior; access to health insurance; social connections with adults, family, and friends; the transition plan; transition concerns; and personal goals. The majority of youth reported the importance of resources, social support, and personal habits and skills as they prepare for the transition out of foster care. Youth also expressed concerns about being on their own without adequate support and not being able to make it on their own. This article highlights the study's findings from the first wave of data collection and how youth in transition are meaningfully engaged and empowered throughout the research process