712 research outputs found

    Quantitative dominances of taxa structuring the macrozoobenthic communities living in different coastal habitats.

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    The aim of this study was to quantify the dominance of macrozoobenthic taxa structuring the benthic assemblages associated to 6 coastal habitats, which occur from the mesolittoral to the circalittoral zone of the Campania coast. Crustaceans, polychaetes and molluscs were the main taxonomic groups structuring all the benthic assemblages, representing an average of 89.20% of the total taxa. However, each habitat showed the dominance of only one peculiar taxon

    Red coral (Corallium rubrum) populations and coralligenous characterization within "Regno di Nettuno MPA" (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

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    Red coral is one of the most important species belonging to the coralligenous habitats, being a structuring organism and highly sensitive to human pressure. The presence of red coral populations is historically well documented along the Campania coast (Tyrrhenian Sea), and, due to its high economic value, it has been commercially overharvested since ancient times. Red coral populations along several cliffs on the "Regno di Nettuno" MPA of the Gulf of Naples were investigated using ROV-imaging techniques. Coralligenous habitats were characterized in terms of percent cover and number of morphological groups. Pizzaco site showed the richest and most diverse community. Density of red coral colonies was calculated and compared with morphometric parameters. Results show an inversely correlated trend between colonies density and their size. Finally, fishing pressure was estimated through frequency of lost fishing gears, and S. Angelo site resulted the most stressed one. Anthropic stress plays a key role in the degradation of coralligenous habitats and the dramatic reduction of red coral populations recorded in recent years allows to suspect a more extensive degradation of the entire community. An assessment of the distribution and state of the populations can provide useful information to take measures for a better MPAs management

    Tracheal surgery

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    Surgical resection and reconstruction of the trachea can be performed both for benign and malignant diseases. The main indications for surgery include inflammatory (generally post-intubation), congenital or post-traumatic stenoses, degenerative lesions, benign or malignant neoplasms. Success can be pursued only by accurate patient selection and timing, meticulous surgical techniques, careful follow up and, when required, multidisciplinary cooperation. Although surgical resection has now become part of our surgical practice, other treatment modalities are approaching a new clinical application era, in particular tracheal transplantation and bioengineering. These new techniques will certainly offer, in the near future, improved chances to treat difficult cases

    Report of a Case of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Resection of Bronchogenic Cyst Developed in the Aorto-Pulmonary Window

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    We report the case of a 28-years-old male with a bronchogenic cyst developed in the aorto-pulmonary window. Left video-assisted thoracoscopy was performed and the cyst was removed intact and completely. Operative time was 48 minutes. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged on the third postoperative day. We believe that an uncomplicated mediastinal bronchogenic cyst can be successfully approached by video-assisted thoracoscopy. In the case of an intraparenchymal or complicated cyst, thoracoscopic resection can be technically difficult and hazardous, and open approach is preferable

    Immunomodulating effects of the anti-viral agent Silibinin in liver transplant patients with HCV recurrence

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    Background: Silibinin has been shown to have anti-HCV activity and immune-modulating properties by regulating dendritic cell (DC) function. DCs are antigen-presenting cells that, together with regulatory T cells (Treg), play a pivotal role in controlling alloimmune, as well as anti-HCV immune responses. Methods: Twelve liver transplant patients with HCV recurrence received iv infusion of Silibinin (iv-SIL) for 14 consecutive days. Using flow cytometry, before and at the end of treatment, we determined the frequencies of circulating myeloid (m) and plasmacytoid (p) DC and Treg and the expression of costimulatory/coregulatory molecules by the DC subsets and Treg. Statistical analysis was performed using the paired Student's t test and Pearson correlation test. Results: After iv-SIL treatment, we observed an elevated plasmacytoid dendritic cell (pDC)/myeloid dendritic cell (mDC) ratio, while pDC displayed lower HLA-DR and higher immunoglobulin-like transcript 4 (ILT4), CD39, and HLA-G expression compared to the pretreatment baseline. In addition, after iv-SIL, mDC showed increased inducible costimulator ligand (ICOSL) expression. No changes were detected in Treg frequency or programed death (PD)-1 expression by these cells. Moreover, several correlations between DC/Treg markers and clinical parameters were detected. Conclusions: This descriptive study, in liver transplant patients with HCV recurrence, reveals the impact of iv-SIL on DC and Treg. The changes observed in circulating pDC and mDC that have previously been associated with tolerogenic conditions shed new light on how iv-SIL may regulate anti-viral and alloimmunity. We have also observed multiple clinical correlations that could improve the clinical management of liver transplant patients and that deserve further analysis

    Long-term results of laryngotracheal resection for benign stenosis from a series of 109 consecutive patients

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    OBJECTIVES: Long-term results of patients undergoing laryngotracheal resection for benign stenosis are reported. This is the largest series ever published. METHODS: Between 1991 and March 2015, 109 consecutive patients (64 males, 45 females; mean age 39 ± 10.9 years) underwent laryngotracheal resection for subglottic postintubation (93) or idiopathic (16) stenosis. Preoperative procedures included tracheostomy in 35 patients, laser in 17 and laser plus stenting in 18. The upper limit of the stenosis ranged between actual involvement of the vocal cords and 1.5 cm from the glottis. Airway resection length ranged between 1.5 and 6 cm (mean 3.4 ± 0.8 cm) and it was over 4.5 cm in 14 patients. Laryngotracheal release was performed in 9 patients (suprahyoid in 7, pericardial in 1 and suprahyoid + pericardial in 1). RESULTS: There was no perioperative mortality. Ninety-nine patients (90.8%) had excellent or good early results. Ten patients (9.2%) experienced complications including restenosis in 8, dehiscence in 1 and glottic oedema requiring tracheostomy in 1. Restenosis was treated in all 8 patients with endoscopic procedures (5 laser, 2 laser + stent, 1 mechanical dilatation). The patient with anastomotic dehiscence required temporary tracheostomy closed after 1 year with no sequelae. One patient presenting postoperative glottic oedema underwent permanent tracheostomy. Minor complications occurred in 4 patients (3 wound infections, 1 atrial fibrillation). Definitive excellent or good results were achieved in 94.5% of patients. Twenty-eight post-coma patients with neuropsychiatric disorders showed no increased complication and failure rate. CONCLUSIONS: Laryngotracheal resection is the definitive curative treatment for subglottic stenosis allowing very high success rate at long term. Early complications can be managed by endoscopic procedures achieving excellent and stable results over time

    Uso de ligandos orgánicos en la fitoextracción de plomo por ricino (Ricinus communis L.)

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    Especies vegetales con alta producción de biomasa pueden ser utilizadas para la remoción de metales mediante la cosecha de la biomasa aérea. Sin embargo, la baja disponibilidad de los metales en el suelo, frecuentemente limitan su absorción y translocación, reduciendo la eficiencia del proceso de fitoextracción. La adición de ligandos orgánicos al suelo constituye una estrategia para aumentar la disponibilidad de los metales. Un experimento en macetas fue llevado a cabo para evaluar la fitoextracción de Pb por Ricino (Ricinus communis L.) mediante la aplicación de EDTA (5.1 mmol.kg-1 de suelo), EDDS (5.1 mmol.kg-1), ácido cítrico (5.1 mmol.kg-1) y extracto de compost (66 mg C.kg-1) a un suelo contaminado con 600 mg.kg-1 de Pb. Dos formas de aplicación fueron ensayadas: a) una única aplicación de las dosis, 7 días antes de la cosecha y b) tres aplicaciones separadas de 1/3 de la dosis, realizadas a los 21, 14 y 7 días antes de la cosecha. Ninguno de los tratamientos disminuyó la biomasa de las plantas respecto del control. El EDTA y EDDS aumentaron significativamente la concentración de Pb en parte aérea y raíz de las plantas con respecto al control, en cambio el ácido cítrico y el extracto de compost no tuvieron efecto sobre la concentración de Pb en las plantas. El EDTA (5.1 mmol.kg-1) aplicado 7 días antes de la cosecha de las plantas fue el tratamiento más efectivo en solubilizar Pb asociado a óxidos de Fe y Mn, carbonatos y materia orgánica, lo cual favoreció la absorción del Pb por las raíces y su translocación a los tejidos aéreos de las plantas. El valor del factor de bioconcentración (1.03) y del factor de translocación (1.73) de Ricino mediante la incorporación de EDTA en una aplicación, muestran la aptitud potencial de esta especie vegetal para ser utilizada en la remediación de suelos contaminados con Pb, siendo aceptable el tiempo que insume el proceso de fitoextracción.Plant species with high biomass production can be used to remove metals through the harvest of aboveground biomass. However, low availability of metals in soil often limits their absorption and translocation, which reduces efficiency in phytoextraction process. The addition of organic ligands to soil is a potential strategy for increasing metal availability. A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the phytoextraction potential of Castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) through the application of EDTA (5.1 mmol.kg-1 of soil), EDDS (5.1 mmol.kg-1), citric acid (5.1 mmol.kg-1) and compost extract (66 mg C.kg-1) to soil contaminated with 600 mg.kg-1 of Pb. The amendments were added 12 months after sowing. Two application forms were tested: a) a single application of the dose 7 days before the harvest and b) three separate applications with 1/3 of the doses on the 21st, 14th and 7th day before harvest. None of the treatments decreased plant biomass. EDDS and EDTA application significantly increased Pb concentration in plant shoot and roots in both application forms compared with control pots whereas citric acid and compost extract had no effects on Pb concentration in plants. EDTA applied 7 days before plant harvest was the most effective treatment in solubilization of Pb associated to oxides of Fe and Mn, carbonates and organic matter, which favored the uptake of Pb from soil by the roots and its translocation to shoot. The value of bioconcentration factor (1.03) and translocation factor (1.73) of Castor bean by adding EDTA in an application showed the potential suitability of Castor bean in soil remediation contaminated with Pb. Furthermore, the time required for phytoextraction process was acceptable