46 research outputs found

    Emotional Intelligence and Academic Self-Efficacy in Relation to the Psychological Well-Being of University Students During COVID-19 in Venezuela

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    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, educational centers and universities in Venezuela have closed their physical plants and are migrating to emergency remote education to continue with academic programs. This empirical study aimed to analyze the predictive capacity of academic self-efficacy and emotional intelligence skills on each of the dimensions of psychological well-being. We employed a cross-sectional predictive design. The sample comprised 277 university students, of which 252 were female (91.00%). Their ages ranged from 18 to 45 years, with a mean of 20.35 (SD = 2.29). Non-probabilistic chance sampling was used. For data collection, we used an anonymous online form, contacted students by mail, and invited them to participate in the study. Questionnaires were available between 217 and 227 days of decreed quarantine in Venezuela. The results indicated average levels of academic self-efficacy (Me = 4; IQR = 2), emotional intelligence: clarity (Me = 27; IQR = 10), attention (Me = 25; IQR = 10) y repair (Me = 25; IQR = 12), and psychological well-being (Me = 35; IQR = 5). We found differences according to sex and age, specifically in emotional regulation (z = 3.73, p < 0.001, d = 0.438) and in bonds of psychological well-being (z = 2.51, p = 0.012, d = 0.276) favoring men (Me = 33, IQR = 9; Me = 8, IQR = 1), respectively. Regarding age, statistically significant differences were found in the group of students older than 21 years with higher perception of psychological well-being (z = 3.69, p < 0.001, d = 0.43) and in each of its dimensions. Emotional intelligence and academic self-efficacy were found to be significant predictors of psychological well-being and its dimensions, specifically on control (R2-Cox = 0.25, R2-Nagelkerke = 0.34, 69.90% of total correct classification), links (R2-Cox = 0.09, R2-Nagelkerke = 0.12, 65.07% of total correct classification), projects (R2-Cox = 0.32, R2-Nagelkerke = 0.46, 78.40% of total correct classification), acceptance (R2-Cox = 0.17, R2-Nagelkerke = 0.23, 68.28% of total correct classification), and total well-being (R2-Cox = 0.52, R2-Nagelkerke = 0.71, 87.16% of total correct classification). It was concluded that emotional intelligence and academic self-efficacy are protective psychological resources of psychological well-being that should be promoted at university to mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic on the mental health of young people

    Return to Face-to-Face Classrooms in Higher Education: Students Experiences in Chile, Venezuela, and Ecuador

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    Emergency remote teaching (ERE) triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic posed significant challenges to higher education institutions worldwide. Although it had several negative consequences, it also enabled advances in the integration of technology into the teaching and learning process. The purpose of this study was to examine and characterize the key elements of the process of returning to face-to-face courses. The study was based on a mixed quantitative and qualitative design. 631 students from Chile, Venezuela, and Colombia were surveyed about their experiences returning to face-to-face classes (in terms of virtual tools, their feelings, and their expectations for academic success). The survey also included questions about the lockdown caused by the pandemic, specifically regarding instructional and didactic design, participation in online sessions, and the role of faculty during the pandemic. Descriptive and correlative analyses were performed to examine relationships among variables. Qualitative data were analyzed within a hermeneutically-oriented framework. Our analyses show that virtual classrooms or learning management systems (LMS) continued to be used after the pandemic. However, their use is strongly associated with a more traditional approach to teaching; LMSs and virtual classrooms are primarily used as filing locations and for receiving and storing homework assignments and assessments. In terms of interaction, qualitative analyses have shown that relationships with faculty and between students are better in face-to-face classes and that there is not much difference in perceptions of collaborative work in online learning compared to face-to-face classes. Finally, students' expectations of academic success are low in the short term, while they are higher in the long term. Students also indicated that it is important to them that teachers take care about the didactic design of the course, including strategies that encourage interaction and participation in both synchronous and asynchronous sessions. In addition, students mentioned that teachers should incorporate strategies to promote academic motivation, self-regulation, and a safe environment. An important finding of this study is that students prefer a blended learning format when comparing online and face-to-face instruction. This article also provides recommendations for the new post-pandemic education scenario.聽Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-SIED2-017 Full Text: PD

    Return to University Classrooms With Blended Learning: A Possible Post-pandemic COVID-19 Scenario

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    After more than 2 years of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, a gradual return to face-to-face teaching has been taking place. Therefore, administrators need to establish procedures to facilitate and ensure the quality of teaching during this process. The purpose of this article is to describe the strengths and challenges of implementing Blended Learning (BL). The design used is consistent with a secondary investigation of a narrative review. As a result, several recommendations are presented for building institutional frameworks that enable the implementation of high-quality BL models in the context of a gradual return to face-to-face courses in higher education. From a theoretical and contextual perspective, considerations for transitioning to this model are discussed, based on lessons learned from emergency remote education. We conclude that the present post-pandemic scenario constitutes a pivotal moment for determining the way education is delivered in higher education

    Efectos del Programa Creciendo Fuertes sobre el bienestar psicol贸gico y autoeficacia generalizada en adolescentes: estudio preliminar

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    Objetivo. El prop贸sito de este art铆culo es dar a conocer el dise帽o, ejecuci贸n y determinaci贸n de los efectos preliminares de un programa basado en las fortalezas del car谩cter. Los objetivos de esta investigaci贸n son: a) caracterizar los niveles de bienestar psicol贸gico y autoeficacia generalizada antes y despu茅s de la aplicaci贸n del Programa Creciendo Fuertes, b) determinar el efecto dicho programa sobre el bienestar psicol贸gico y autoeficacia generalizada de adolescentes de secundaria y c) analizar la relaci贸n de la virtud del coraje con el bienestar psicol贸gico y la autoeficacia generalizada luego de realizado el programa en los estudiantes participantes. Metodo. Metodol贸gicamente, se ajusta a un dise帽o de investigaci贸n cuasi experimental de estudio pre - post con un solo grupo, compuesto por una muestra de veinticuatro adolescentes estudiantes de secundaria. Se emplearon instrumentos de recolecci贸n de datos con adecuada confiabilidad y validez. Resultados. Se presentaron incrementos estad铆sticamente significativos en los niveles de las variables de bienestar psicol贸gico y autoeficacia generalizada luego de aplicar el programa. Tambi茅n se mostraron diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas en las puntuaciones de estas variables antes y despu茅s de aplicar el programa. A su vez, se presentaron correlaciones estad铆sticamente significativas entre la virtud del coraje, autoeficacia generalizada y bienestar psicol贸gico. Conclusiones. De acuerdo con estos resultados preliminares, que el programa puede ser empleado a modo de refuerzo psicoeducativo para la promoci贸n del bienestar en las escuelas secundarias

    Lessons learned from the educational experience during COVID-19 from the perspective of Latin American university students

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    The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the educational context. University students were exposed to an educational transition from a face-to-face context to emergency remote teaching (ERT). This change affected the educational experience of students and teachers in general, and impacted their educational performance, as well as their emotional and mental health, among other aspects. However, learning from the successes during the ERT and reflecting on good and bad practices will allow us to configure effective learning scenarios that respond to the new normal. The objective of this paper is to describe and present the lessons learned during ERT from the experience of university students in Latin America who have already returned to face-to-face instruction. The study used a qualitative inductive approach and a phenomenographic design. The sample consisted of 640 undergraduate students (63% women) of higher education who experienced online education during the year 2021 and a face-to-face modality during the first semester of 2022, belonging to universities in Chile, Venezuela, and Ecuador. The results suggest that new learning scenarios should consider specific pedagogical practices, including active, collaborative, meaningful, and problem-based strategies, together with a diversity of feedback practices. It is concluded that the ERT brought good practices that should guide university educational policies

    Academic emotions, college adjustment, and dropout intention in university students

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    IntroductionIn recent years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the entrance and development of university life has become a complex process, making it relevant to investigate which variables could facilitate the adaptation of young people to university. This study aimed to analyze academic emotions and their prediction of university adaptation and intention to drop out.MethodsThe study was quantitative, explanatory, and cross-sectional. A total of 295 university students participated. Academic emotions were assessed with the short version of The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire, adaptation to university life with the reduced version of the Student Adjustment to College Questionnaire, and intention to drop out with three items designed to measure this variable.ResultsDifferences were identified in the emotions experienced during classes and study by students according to the year of entry. We found that males report experiencing emotions such as enjoyment and hope more during evaluations.DiscussionGenerally, students report positive emotions in their academic experience. Positive emotions predict adaptation to university life and the intention to study

    Factors associated with victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression in Chilean university students

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    Introduction: Sexual aggression is a type of violence considered a public health problem that can affect people at any time of their lives. This investigation had three objectives: 1) to know the prevalence of victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression and its subtypes in the Chilean university context, 2) to identify the association of sex on the prevalence of victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression and its subtypes, and 3) to identify the association of alcohol consumption and victim-perpetrator relationship in the subtypes of victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression based on sex. Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study, with a sample of 1728 students (65.3% women) with a median age of 22 years. Results: 42.6% and 8.3% of the students reported at least one incident of victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression respectively in the last 12 months; an association of sex with the victimization of sexual aggression 蠂2 (1, N = 1728) = 101,425, p &lt; .001 and its subtypes was identified; no sex association was identified with the perpetration of sexual aggression, but with sexual coercion 蠂2 (1, N = 1728) = 5,122, p &lt; .05. In the case of alcohol consumption and victim-perpetrator relationship, they were associated with some subtypes of victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression. Conclusion: the findings contribute to the estimation of the magnitude of sexual aggression and associated factors in the university context, which should be explored in depth in order to create preventive programs for victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression.

    Factors associated with victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression in Chilean university students

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    Introduction: Sexual aggression is a type of violence considered a public health problem that can affect people at any time of their lives. This investigation had three objectives: 1) to know the prevalence of victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression and its subtypes in the Chilean university context, 2) to identify the association of sex on the prevalence of victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression and its subtypes, and 3) to identify the association of alcohol consumption and victim-perpetrator relationship in the subtypes of victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression based on sex. Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study, with a sample of 1728 students (65.3% women) with a median age of 22 years. Results: 42.6% and 8.3% of the students reported at least one incident of victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression respectively in the last 12 months; an association of sex with the victimization of sexual aggression 蠂2 (1, N = 1728) = 101,425, p &lt; .001 and its subtypes was identified; no sex association was identified with the perpetration of sexual aggression, but with sexual coercion 蠂2 (1, N = 1728) = 5,122, p &lt; .05. In the case of alcohol consumption and victim-perpetrator relationship, they were associated with some subtypes of victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression. Conclusion: the findings contribute to the estimation of the magnitude of sexual aggression and associated factors in the university context, which should be explored in depth in order to create preventive programs for victimization and perpetration of sexual aggression.

    Agresi贸n sexual, problemas de salud mental y teor铆as para su comprensi贸n

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    La agresi贸n sexual es un problema de salud p煤blica que puede afectar a las personas en cualquier momento de su vida, generando graves consecuencias a nivel psicol贸gico entre las que destaca el trastorno de estr茅s postraum谩tico (1) y la ideaci贸n suicida (2). Los estudios sobre esta problem谩tica se han centrado principalmente en las victimas y las consecuencias que ocasiona, dejando muchas veces de lado los motivos por los cuales una persona agrede. Diferentes teor铆as especializadas de agresi贸n sexual y violaci贸n han postulado que existen motivos para agredir sexualmente a una persona, donde el comportamiento sexual es un medio para otro fin; desde el punto de vista feminista, la agresi贸n sexual es una estrategia destinada a mantener a la mujer en una posici贸n de dominaci贸n social y econ贸mica, manteniendo las relaciones de poder asociadas con el patriarcado que se expresan en las relaciones de pareja al momento de la toma de decisiones a nivel econ贸mico cuando hay citas o cuando se debe tomar decisiones en el hogar (3). Desde esta perspectiva la dominaci贸n, el poder y el control son las principales motivaciones detr谩s de la agresi贸n sexual donde los comportamientos sexuales contribuyen a acentuar la humillaci贸n y reforzar la opresi贸n de la mujer; siendo la agresi贸n sexual un proceso de intimidaci贸n por el cual los hombres mantienen a las mujeres en un estado de temor y sumisi贸n. A partir de los diferentes postulados te贸ricos y las investigaciones realizadas sobre la etiolog铆a de la agresi贸n sexual y la violaci贸n, a principios de los 80麓s surgi贸 una generaci贸n de estudios con un enfoque socio-legal para poblaci贸n general; este enfoque describ铆a a los agresores sexuales como individuos racionales cuya agresi贸n sexual no era ocasionada por una desviaci贸n sexual que requiriera intervenci贸n cl铆nica, sino que estaba m谩s asociada a influencias culturales que apoyaban el desarrollo de predisposiciones violentas particularmente hacia las mujeres y que, por lo tanto, requer铆an castigo y disuasi贸n; desde este enfoque destaca el papel y la importancia de los factores contextuales y transitorios, como el consumo de alcohol y la intoxicaci贸n, la presencia y disponibilidad de material pornogr谩fico, el apoyo de compa帽eros, los mitos de violaci贸n y las falsas creencias sobre las mujeres y la sexualidad (4). Desde la teor铆a integrada de Marshall y Barbaree (1990), los factores situacionales, como el consumo de alcohol, pueden convertirse en un factor que en el caso de los perpetradores favorece la desinhibici贸n existiendo una mayor propensi贸n a la agresi贸n sexual; y el en caso de las v铆ctimas incrementa la vulnerabilidad al no identificar las se帽ales de riesgo previas a la agresi贸n (5). Espec铆ficamente desde el enfoque socio-legal las influencias culturales que permiten la creaci贸n y naturalizaci贸n de las falsas creencias sobre las mujeres, los estereotipos de g茅nero y los mitos de violaci贸n permiten que la persona agreda sexualmente a otra, consider谩ndolo un comportamiento normal que permite satisfacer el deseo de dominaci贸n y satisfacci贸n sexual inmediata (4). De igual manera la teor铆a integrada de delitos sexuales, hace 茅nfasis en que la exposici贸n continua a un entorno social caracterizado por actitudes sexistas y hostiles hacia las mujeres, donde existen normas sexuales disfuncionales, pueden ayudar a mantener y naturalizar la agresi贸n sexual (6). La existencia de diferentes teor铆as que proponen caracter铆sticas y factores de riesgo para la perpetraci贸n de agresi贸n sexual facilitan escenarios para intervenciones tempranas basadas en la prevenci贸n de dicho comportamiento