440 research outputs found

    Dynamic Sender-Receiver Games

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    We consider a dynamic version of sender-receiver games, where the sequence of states follows an irreducible Markov chain observed by the sender. Under mild assumptions, we provide a simple characterization of the limit set of equilibrium payoffs, as players become very patient. Under these assumptions, the limit set depends on the Markov chain only through its invariant measure. The (limit) equilibrium payoffs are the feasible payoffs that satisfy an individual rationality condition for the receiver, and an incentive compatibility condition for the sender

    Intensity Correlation between Observations at Differrent Wavelengths for Mkn 501 in 1997

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    The CAT imaging telescope on the site of the former solar plant Th'emis in southern France observed gamma-rays from the BL Lac object Mkn501 above 250 GeV for more than 60 usable hours on-source from March to October 1997. This source was in a state of high activity during all this period. By studying the correlation between the photons of different energies detected by the CAT imaging telescope and by the ASM/RXTE experiment (1.3-12.0 keV) on board the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer, we may constrain the mechanisms which could lead to the emission of these photons.Comment: Proceedings of the 19th Texas Symposium. 8 pages, 7 figure

    Entrepreneurial motives and performance:Why might better educated entrepreneurs be less successful?

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    In a sample of newly created French firms, the impact of an entrepreneurís education on the firm's survival varies widely depending on his previous labor market situation. While it is strongly positive for the overall population, it is much weaker or insignificant for entrepreneurs who were previously unemployed or poorly matched. Our theoretical entrepreneurship model shows that these differences may be attributed to differences in unobserved human capital for better educated entrepreneurs across different initial states in the labor market. Empirical results are consistent with the theory if employers have limited information about potential entrepreneurs'human capital

    Inferring the unobserved human capital of entrepreneurs

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    The goal of this paper is to study the role of unobserved human capital in entrepreneurial choice and its impact on the survival of newly created firms. Our starting point is that, when starting a new business, an entrepreneur’s labor market situation (e.g. employed or not) reflects how his human capital may be valuated through salaried labor. This in turn affects the entrepreneurial decision so that, an entrepreneur’s human capital should be correlated with the state at which he decided to start a new firm. We illustrate this point with descriptive statistics computed from a survey of French startups. These statistics show that the impact of education on the new firm’s survival is most pronounced for firms created by individuals salaried in their preferred branch of activity while it is rather limited if the entrepreneur was in the wrong branch or newly unemployed. In this paper we argue, both theoretically and empirically, that these results may be explained by some unobserved heterogeneity in the entrepreneur’s human capital that is correlated both with the initial labor market situation and with some observable measures of human capital such as education or experience. We first present a simple model of entrepreneurial choice that provides predictions about an entrepreneur’s actual human capital as a function of human capital observed by the econometrician as well as the individual’s state in the labor market when the firm was created. The model allows for some information asymmetry on the labor market as well as other sources of inefficiencies such as incentive problems due to moral hazard. It also allows in a simple way for some dynamic considerations on the part of the entrepreneur regarding potential depreciation of his human capital. We argue that the data may be best explained by a model where employer’s information on employee’s human capital is sufficiently poor and where there is a strong concern about human capital depreciation for those with a high level of observed human capital. We then run some duration analysis on our data on new firms’ survival by estimating a proportional hazard Cox model with partial maximum likelihood. The estimation results are coherent with the descriptive statistics on the impact of education on survival for different initial states of the entrepreneur. This econometric analysis will be completed with additional regressions that allow for correcting for unobserved heterogeneity in order to evaluate its magnitude and nature. We have done some preliminary work where unobserved heterogeneity is modelled through random effects (frailties) for different subgroups of individuals according to education level and experience that have a gamma distribution. Our preliminary results show that there is significant unobserved heterogeneity but the estimates of the frailties are consistent with the results obtained by running a standard Cox estimation.Entrepreneurship, Labor Market, Human Capital Valuation, Information Asymmetries, Duration of the New Firm

    263 Cardiac characterization of sgca-null mouse, a model of alpha-sarcoglycanopathy, by using echocardiography

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    Alpha-sarcoglycanopathy (LGMD2D) is an autosomal recessive inherited limb-girdle muscular dystrophy caused by mutations in the alpha-sarcoglycan gene, SGCA. Disruption of SGCA gene in mouse (Sgca-null mouse) shares many of clinical pictures observed in patients. Mice disclose progressive muscular dystrophy. We sought to characterize cardiac function in this disease in order to evaluate target therapy. After shaving, Sgca-null mice were anaesthetized with isoflurane before performing echocardiography. Echocardiography was performed with a Vevo 770 Visuals Sonics (30 MHz cardiac probe). Mice were analysed at 5, 13, and 17 months.Control and Sgca-null mice were similar regarding age and heart rate. At age 5 months, in Sgca-null mice, we found significant anatomical differences regarding the inter-ventricular septal (IVS) wall thickness and the posterior wall (PW) thickness, as compared to their control. The IVS diastolic thickness was significantly increased in Sgca-null mice (0.91mm+/–0.06 vs 0.73 mm+/–0.02; p=0.003). Furthermore, the PW diastolic thickness was also increased in Sgca-null mice compared to WT (0.81mm+/–0.07 vs 0.69 mm+/–0.03; p=0.03). Also, LV mass was significantly increased in Sgca-null mice (147mg+/–15 vs 117.6mg+/–5.3; p=0. 02). At age 13 months, LV mass was significantly higher in Sgca-null mice (LV mass 205.22 mg vs 143 mg; p =0.001).The PW thickness was significantly different in the 2 groups (0.89 mm in Sgca-null vs 0.73 mm; p=0,02). Moreover, Sgca-null mice at 13 months disclosed dilatation of the left ventricle (LVEDD: 4.84mm vs 4.29 mm; p= 0.019). Systolic function was conserved in the 2 groups at 13 months regarding SF and EF.At age 17 months, we noted a decreasing of the posterior wall thickening (17% vs 30%; p= 0.036) and an increasing of the LV mass/weight (5.6 vs 3.9; p=0,016). No significant differences were found regarding the other anatomic echocardiography parameters.This study is unique and provides data that will help researchers to evaluate the efficiency of pharmaceutical or gene cardiac therapies

    Détection et suivi des sillons corticaux

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    L'étiquetage et l'identification automatique des structures cérébrales, en particulier des sillons corticaux, ont des applications dans le domaine de la neurologie. Nous proposons une méthode de détection du fond des sillons du cortex cérébral dans le but d'obtenir la surface médiane 3D des sillons et une modélisation paramétrique de cette surface. La méthode est basée sur un calcul des caractéristiques différentielles appliqué sur le volume IRM complet. L'extraction du fond des sillons se fait par suivi pseudo-continu (précision sub-voxel). Les déplacements successifs s'effectuent en direction des vecteurs courbure minimum en chaque point. Les caractéristiques différentielles nécessaires au suivi sont calculées à partir des dérivées partielles du volume traité. Le suivi du fond des sillons, correctement détecté, ne nécessite pas de segmentation fine du cortex cérébral

    Melatonin receptors in GtoPdb v.2021.3

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    Melatonin receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Melatonin Receptors [40]) are activated by the endogenous ligands melatonin and clinically used drugs like ramelteon, agomelatine and tasimelteon
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