9 research outputs found

    Analyse du comportement d'éléments fléchis en béton renforcé de fibres métalliques: Du matériau à la structure

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    RÉSUMÉ L’utilisation des bĂ©tons renforcĂ©s de fibres (BRF) Ă  titre de renforcement structural nĂ©cessite la connaissance du comportement post-fissuration du matĂ©riau. Cette thĂšse passe en revue les diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes et analyses utilisĂ©es pour la dĂ©termination de la rĂ©sistance Ă  la traction des BRF. L’étude se base sur un programme expĂ©rimental comprenant cinq mĂ©langes de BRF avec des volumes de fibres variant de 0.75% Ă  1.25%. Ces matĂ©riaux ont servi Ă  fabriquer les spĂ©cimens pour les essais de traction uniaxiale, de flexion sur poutre entaillĂ©e et sur dalle circulaire. Les rĂ©sultats des essais de caractĂ©risation permettent de comparer le comportement σ−w obtenu directement Ă  partir de l’essai de traction uniaxiale avec ceux obtenus par analyse inverse des essais de flexion. La variabilitĂ© des rĂ©sultats dĂ©pend notamment de l’orientation des fibres, de la taille de la section fissurĂ©e et de la prĂ©sence d’une entaille. Un modĂšle de calcul, basĂ© sur des hypothĂšses simples et communĂ©ment admises, est proposĂ© pour l’analyse et le dimensionnement d’élĂ©ments en BRF soumis Ă  des efforts de flexion. De maniĂšre Ă  Ă©valuer le modĂšle, une large campagne expĂ©rimentale est menĂ©e. Elle comprend des essais de flexion sur 19 poutres rectangulaires et deux poutres en TĂ©, fabriquĂ©es avec les cinq mĂ©langes de BRF. La contribution des fibres aux diffĂ©rentes phases du comportement en flexion est dĂ©crite. La capacitĂ© du modĂšle analytique Ă  prĂ©dire le comportement M-wmax, en conditions limites d’utilisation et de service, est vĂ©rifiĂ©e Ă  l’aide des rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux. Les Ă©carts observĂ©s peuvent ĂȘtre liĂ©s Ă  la variabilitĂ© de la rĂ©sistance Ă  la traction des BRF et Ă  la diffĂ©rence d’orientation des fibres entre les poutres et les spĂ©cimens de caractĂ©risation. Une approche de dimensionnement rĂ©aliste est finalement proposĂ©e pour des poutres en ‘T’ soumises Ă  des moments positifs et nĂ©gatifs. Par la suite, le comportement en flexion des BRF est Ă©tudiĂ© par la mĂ©thode des Ă©lĂ©ments finis. D’une part, la modĂ©lisation d’essais de flexion sur poutre entaillĂ©e et sur dalle circulaire normalisĂ©s est rĂ©alisĂ©e. La qualitĂ© des rĂ©sultats comparĂ©s aux rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux permet de valider les hypothĂšses utilisĂ©es dans l’analyse inverse pour dĂ©terminer la loi contrainte-ouverture du matĂ©riau. L’effet de l’orientation des fibres, la procĂ©dure d’essai et la validitĂ© des essais normalisĂ©s sont discutĂ©s.----------ABSTRACT Utilization of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) for carrying loads in structural applications requires knowledge of the post-cracking tensile response. Furthermore, applications in loadcarrying structural members have yet to gain wide acceptance in design codes. This is partly explained by the lack of a unified design philosophy adapted to this material. This thesis reviews the experimental characterization tests and subsequent analysis commonly used for determining the post-cracking tensile properties of SFRC. The experimental program supporting this investigation comprised five different SFRC mixes with fibre volumes ranging from 0.75% to 1.25% used to fabricate a set of characterization specimens for uniaxial tensile tests, notched beam tests and round panel tests. In parallel, an extensive experimental program was conducted on large scale beams: 21 rectangular and T-beams of various sizes produced with the same material. Characterization test results allowed a comparison between direct stress-crack opening measurements and the stress-crack openings retrieved from the inverse analysis of bending tests. Result discrepancies are analyzed and related mainly to test configurations, the presence of a predefined crack, support conditions, fibre orientation, and cracked surface size. Results obtained using material characterization tests are then applied to the reproduction of the structural behaviour of large scale beams. A model based on simple and widely accepted assumptions was proposed for the analysis and the design of SFRC members subjected to bending moments. The contribution of fibres at different loading phases in bending is described in detail. The accuracy of the analytical model to predict maximum crack opening applicable in service conditions and the ultimate flexural strength are compared to experimental measurements. Discrepancies observed are related to the dispersion of the material properties and the difference of fibre orientation in beams and characterization specimens. Finally, the proposed design approach is applied to the design of a realistic T-beam subjected to positive and negative bending moments

    Investigation of a district heating network expansion possibility with a 60% share of renewable energy input: A case study – Sevran district heating network in France

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    Climate change is making energy an important matter for scientists, politics and industries. Public concerns and energy supply limitations are changing the rules of energy markets. Fossils fuels are becoming expensive and energy policy makers encourage the development of renewable energies. Every energy sector is impacted by those changes. With a significant potential in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and fossil fuels dependency, the heating market is moving towards greener solutions. It is within this context that Dalkia is developing district heating solutions. This French company is one of the two large actors in the heating market in France and try to keep being part of the energy sector. This thesis work was realized within Dalkia and focuses on a study case: Sevran district heating network. This network provides about 50 GWh of heat with a 60% share of renewable energy (biomass). Developing this network is one way of increasing the renewable share in France. This master thesis tackles two extension possibilities. The study case starts with drawing the state of the existing district heating network. This allows to know a consumption limit in order to keep the 60% share of renewable energy. The district heating network is then modelled with a software called Termis to know hydraulic limits. Extension projects are simulated with this same model to evaluate their technical feasibility. An economical study is finally performed. The study concludes that both extensions are technically feasible, but only one is economically relevant for Dalkia. This master thesis was also the opportunity to observe the French heating market from an industrial point of view. Sevran study case is a typical example of how district heating companies are changing considering economy, energy policies and public acceptance

    Finite-element modelling of SF RC members in bending

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    This paper is aimed at understanding the mechanics of steel-fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) in the context of designing for structural applications. It focuses on the testing procedures adopted to obtain the tensile response of SFRC that are used in finite-element models of structural elements submitted to bending. Modelling of standardised material test specimens enabled validating the assumptions used in inverse analysis to determine the post-cracking σ–w response from bending tests on notched beams and round panels. The effect of fibre orientation, the testing procedure and the validity of standardised test are discussed. Modelling of SFRC structural beams of different scales, shapes, with and without conventional reinforcement, emphasises the importance of using non-uniform material properties within the model to correctly predict the member stiffness and strength, and the crack opening evolution. The paper confirmed that the integration point spacing must be used as the reference length for converting σ–w post-cracking response to σ−Δ material properties for carrying out finite-element analysis. Moreover this approach is not affected by the element size and member depth. </jats:p