27 research outputs found

    Variant Salmonella Genomic Island 1 Antibiotic Resistance Gene Cluster in Salmonella enterica Serovar Albany

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    Salmonella genomic island 1 (SGI1) contains an antibiotic resistance gene cluster and has been previously identified in multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovars Typhimurium DT104, Agona, and Paratyphi B. We identified a variant SGI1 antibiotic-resistance gene cluster in a multidrug-resistant strain of S. enterica serovar Albany isolated from food fish from Thailand and imported to France. In this strain, the streptomycin resistance aadA2 gene cassette in one of the SGI1 integrons was replaced by a dfrA1 gene cassette, conferring resistance to trimethoprim and an open reading frame of unknown function. Thus, this serovar Albany strain represents the fourth S. enterica serovar in which SGI1 has been identified and the first SGI1 example where gene cassette replacement took place in one of its integron structures. The antibiotic resistance gene cluster of serovar Albany strain 7205.00 constitutes a new SGI1 variant; we propose a name of SGI1-F

    A new French organization based on multi-partner platforms for a more efficient and integrated surveillance on the food chain: a two year's experience on Salmonella

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    International audienceContext: France has recently set up a new organization based on collaborative epidemiological platforms, strengthening the link between private and public stakeholders in charge of ensuring food safety. The first two years of work focused notably on prevention of Salmonella contamination, data sharing and data quality

    Transposition of IS 1181 in the genomes of Staphylococcus and Listeria

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    International audienceThe recombinant plasmid pIP1713 was constructed to analyse the transpositional activity of the insertion sequence IS1181 in Staphylococcus aureus RN4220, Staphylococcus carnosus TM300 and Listeria monocytogenes EGD. This 11.3-kb plasmid contains two genetically different elements: (i) a pE194ts-derived replicon, the ermC gene of which confers resistance to erythromycin in Gram-positive bacteria of several species, and (ii) a copy of IS1181, cloned from S. aureus BM3121, in which the tetracycline resistance gene, tet(T), has been inserted between the transposase-encoded gene and the downstream inverted repeat. When introduced by electroporation into the three bacterial hosts, pIP1713 delivered IS1181 omega tet(T) to various chromosomal sites. Cointegrate structures between pIP1713 and the host chromosome were occasionally detected. Transposition was associated with 8-bp repeats at the insertion sites. IS1181 omega tet(T) could be used for random mutagenesis in Gram-positive bacteria

    A new French organization based on multi-partner platforms for a more efficient and integrated surveillance on the food chain: a two year's experience on Salmonella

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    International audienceContext: France has recently set up a new organization based on collaborative epidemiological platforms, strengthening the link between private and public stakeholders in charge of ensuring food safety. The first two years of work focused notably on prevention of Salmonella contamination, data sharing and data quality

    Rapport du GT ONDES - Version validée par les membres des comités de pilotage des Plateformes SCA et ESA

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    Ont participé à la réalisation de ce document en tant que membres du GT ONDES :Hélène, AMAR (DGAL), Jean-Philippe AMAT (Anses), Sandrine BIZE (CGAD), Laetitia BONIFAIT (Anses), Emmanuelle BOURDEAUX (FCD), Valérie BRIS (La COOPERATION AGRICOLE), Anne Ariel CEYRAC (ANIA), Maxime CHAUMET (CNPO), Lucie COLLINEAU (INRA puis Anses), Christophe DENOYELLE (IDELE), Laure DOMMERGUES (La COOPERATION AGRICOLE), Anne Christine DUFAY-LEFORT (ITAVI), Choreh FARROKH (CNIEL), Kristel GACHE (GDS France), Thierry GREGORI (FICT), Lionel GRISOT (SNGTV), Ségolène GUERRUCCI (SNA, ANVOL) ,Stéphanie LE BOULCH (FCD), Blandine MARKWITZ (OQUALIM), Valérie MICHEL (ACTALIA), Brice MINVIELLE (IDELE), Gilles NASSY (IFIP), Fabienne NIGER (FEDEV),Mylène PETIT (INAPORC), Mélanie RODRIGUEZ (CGAD), Emilie TAFOURNEL (FCD), Nathalie VEAUCLIN(CULTURE VIANDE).Ont participé à la réalisation des évaluations de dispositifs de surveillance volontaires :Yves LAMBERT (DGAL), Alain LEROUX (IFIP), Jocelyn MARGUERIE (CNPO), Céline RAVEL (OQUALIM), Mélanie PICHEROT (DGAL MUS), Isabelle TAPIE (DGAL), Guillaume TRIBEHOU (DGAL) et les membres du GT ONDES.Ont participé à la réalisation de l’évaluation des collaborations : Marion BORDIER, coordinatrice (Anses, CIRAD), Célia AZOYAN (DGCCRF), Ghaya BEN HMIDENE, co-coordinatrice (Anses), Camille DELAVENNE, co-coordinatrice (INRAE), Nathalie JOURDAN-DASILVA (SANTE PUBLIQUE FRANCE) et les membres du GT ONDES.Coordinateur scientifique et rédactionnel : Renaud LAILLER (Anses).Co-coordinateurs scientifiques: Didier Calavas (Anses, Plateforme ESA 2018), Céline DUPUY (Anses,Plateforme ESA 2019), Sophie CARLES (INRAE, Plateforme ESA 2020).Co-coordinatrices rédactionnelles : Marion BORDIER (Anses, CIRAD), Diane CUZZUCOLI (DGAL).Accompagnatrices de la démarche participative et collective : Aurélie BINOT (CIRAD), Marion BORDIER (Anses, CIRAD).Nous remercions les relecteurs : Christophe NGUYEN-THE (INRAE), Philippe VELGE (INRAE), Hélène BERNARD (INRAE, Plateforme SCA), les membres des comités de pilotage des plateformes ESA et SCA et les membres du groupe de travail.Ce document est le résultat d’une collaboration entre 23 organismes partenaires poursuivant un objectif commun d’amélioration des modalités de surveillance des salmonelles tout au long de la chaine alimentaire.Ces travaux ont été menés entre le 22 octobre 2018 et septembre 2020 dans le cadre d’un groupe de travail (GT) nommé ONDES, pour Optimisation nationale des dispositifs de surveillance des salmonelles. Ce GT émane conjointement du cadre collaboratif des Plateformes de surveillance de la chaîne alimentaire (SCA) et d’épidémiosurveillance en santé animale (ESA).Ce travail s’inscrit dans la continuité des travaux engagés par la Plateforme SCA en collaboration avec les professionnels de la filière laitière française (cf. Guide d’aide méthodologique pour la surveillance des salmonelles dans les fromages au lait cru)

    Engaging Stakeholders in the Design of One Health Surveillance Systems: A Participatory Approach

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    International audienceMany One Health surveillance systems have proven difficult to enforce and sustain, mainly because of the difficulty of implementing and upholding collaborative efforts for surveillance activities across stakeholders with different values, cultures and interests. We hypothesize that only the early engagement of stakeholders in the development of a One Health surveillance system can create an environment conducive to the emergence of collaborative solutions that are acceptable, accepted and therefore implemented in sustainable manner. To this end, we have designed a socio-technical framework to help stakeholders develop a common vision of their desired surveillance system and to forge the innovation pathway toward it. We implemented the framework in two case studies: the surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in Vietnam and that of Salmonella in France. The socio-technical framework is a participatory and iterative process that consists of four distinct steps implemented during a workshop series: (i) definition of the problem to be addressed, (ii) co-construction of a common representation of the current system, (iii) co-construction of the desired surveillance system, (iv) identification of changes and actions required to progress from the current situation to the desired situation. In both case studies, the process allowed surveillance stakeholders with different professional cultures and expectations regarding One Health surveillance to gain mutual understanding and to reconcile their different perspectives to design the pathway toward their common vision of a desired surveillance system. While the proposed framework is structured around four essential steps, its application can be tailored to the context. Workshop facilitation and representativeness of participants are key for the success of the process. While our approach lays the foundation for the further implementation of the desired One Health surveillance system, it provides no guarantee that the proposed actions will actually be implemented and bring about the required changes. The engagement of stakeholders in a participatory process must be sustained in order to ensure the implementation of co-constructed solutions and evaluate their effectiveness and impacts

    Cas publiés de salmonelloses chez les jeunes enfants secondaires à une exposition aux reptiles : revue bibliographique 1993-2013

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    International audienceContact with animals including reptiles is a known source for Salmonella transmission. Cases of Salmonella infections transmitted by domestic reptiles have been described in the literature since the 1960s.A review of published cases of salmonellosis in young children secondary to reptiles’ exposure since 1993 was carried out in January 2013 in order to identify the most frequent clinical forms, the Salmonella serotypes involved, and the transmission of Salmonella.The 66 selected articles were 43 case-reports, 14 outbreak investigations, 5 case-control studies and 4 retrospective studies.Isolated cases reported were mostly cases of gastroenteritis (69%), and 31% were infections other than digestive. Serotypes of Salmonella strains were mostly enterica subspecies (I). Turtles were the reptiles the most frequently involved.Le contact avec des animaux, notamment avec les reptiles, est une source connue de transmission de Salmonella. Des cas d’infections à Salmonella transmises par des reptiles domestiques ont été décrits dans la littérature dès les années 1960.Une revue de la littérature scientifique des cas publiés de salmonellose chez les jeunes enfants secondaires à une exposition aux reptiles depuis 1993 a été réalisée en janvier 2013 afin de documenter les formes cliniques les plus fréquentes, les sérotypes de Salmonella impliqués ainsi que le mode de transmission des Salmonella.Les 66 articles retenus concernaient 43 études de cas isolés, 14 investigations d’épidémies, 5 études cas/témoins et 4 études rétrospectives descriptives.Les cas isolés rapportés étaient majoritairement des cas de gastro-entérites (69%) et 31% étaient des cas d’infections autres que digestives. Les sérotypes des souches de Salmonella étaient en majorité de la sous-espèce enterica (I). Les reptiles le plus fréquemment impliqués étaient des tortues