23 research outputs found

    Desempenho de cultivares de cebola em função do manejo da irrigação por gotejamento Performance of onion cultivars as a function of drip irrigation management

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    Objetivou-se, com este estudo, avaliar o efeito de diferentes tensões da água no solo sobre a produção de duas cultivares de cebola irrigadas por gotejamento. O experimento foi conduzido em Lavras, Minas Gerais (21° 14' S, 45° 00' W e 918,8 m), no período de junho a outubro de 2008. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 6, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos se constituíram de duas cultivares de cebola, cultivar híbrida Optima F1 e cultivar não híbrida Alfa Tropical, e seis níveis críticos de tensões da água no solo, 15, 25, 35, 45, 60 e 75 kPa. Com os resultados, concluiu-se que o híbrido Optima F1 apresentou melhores respostas com relação às seguintes características analisadas: produtividade total de bulbos, produtividade de bulbos comerciais, massa média de bulbos comerciais e eficiência no uso da água. Visando à obtenção de maiores produtividades de bulbos (total e comercial) e maior massa média de bulbos comerciais, em ambas as cultivares, deve-se irrigar no momento em que a tensão da água no solo estiver em torno de 15 kPa na profundidade de 0,15 m. O teor de sólidos solúveis totais apresentou resposta quadrática com relação às tensões da água no solo. A eficiência no uso da água aumentou linearmente em virtude do acréscimo da tensão da água no solo.<br>Different soil water tension values were tested to evaluate the effects on onion yield of two drip irrigated onion cultivars. The experiment was carried out at Lavras, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil (21° 14' S, 45° 00' W and 918.8 m), from June to October 2008. The statistical design used was randomized blocks with a factorial scheme 2 x 6, with four replications. The treatment levels were two onion cultivars (hybrid Optima F1 and the non hybrid Alfa tropical) and six critical soil water tension levels (15, 25, 35, 45, 60 and 75 kPa). It can be concluded that the hybrid Optima F1 presented the best response in relation to the following analyzed variables: total bulb yield, marketable bulb yield, average marketable bulb mass and water use efficiency. In order to obtain larger bulb yield (total and marketable) and average marketable bulb mass, for both cultivars, the irrigation should be provided when soil water tension reaches 15 kPa at 0.15 m depth. The total soluble solids, presented a quadratic polynomial response in relation to soil water tension. Water use efficiency increased linearly with increase in soil water tension

    Biomechanical Parameters in Children with Unilateral and Bilateral Clubfoot during Vertical Jumps

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    Abstract Gait analysis may offer information to choose the best exercise-based clinical intervention for the children with clubfoot. However, other motor abilities are not commonly investigated. The aim of this research was to analyze the biomechanics of countermovement vertical jumping in clubfooted children who had undergone surgery. Fourteen children with idiopathic clubfoot were selected and the control group consisted of 11 children. Clubfooted children showed less dorsiflexion in the jump preparation phase. In the impulse phase, this group showed more knee flexion and less plantarflexion associated with less magnitude of vertical reaction force and less muscular activity in the gastrocnemius medialis. In the landing phase, for clubfoot group, we found high loading rate for the first peak of vertical force, less plantarflexion and more knee flexion. Understanding the biomechanical changes of vertical jump landing should assist in better targeting of physical and sporting activities of this population