31 research outputs found
Reversão de dipolo: um achado crítico em um paciente com epilepsia parcial benigna da infância com ponta centrotemporal
We describe the case of a 15-year-old boy who had the diagnosis of benign partial epilepsy of childhood with centrotemporal spike. During the EEG a subclinical electrographic seizure was recorded. The discharges were clearly electropositive in T4 with positive phase reversal between derivations F8-T4 and T4-T6. The whole episode lasted less than one minute (45 sec). The interictal right medio-temporal spikes reemerged after 60 sec and were electronegative in the same location after the end of the electrographic seizures. The mechanisms underlying this uncommon pattern on EEG is not well stablished.Relatamos o caso de um menino de 15 anos com o diagnóstico de epilepsia parcial benigna da infância com ponta centrotemporal. Durante o EEG uma crise eletrográfica subclínica foi gravada. As descargas estavam eletropositivas em T4 com reversão de fase positiva entre as derivações F8-T4 e T4-T6. O episódio durou menos que um minuto (45 seg). As espículas inter-ictais, na região temporal média direita, reapareceram 60 seg após e estavam eletronegativas na mesma região depois do término da crise eletrográfica. O mecanismo subjacente a este padrão incomum no EEG não está bem estabelecido.Escola Paulista de Medicina EEG SectorEPMUNIFESP, EPM, EEG SectorEPMSciEL
Governance of Diversity Between Social Dynamics and Conflicts in Multicultural Cities. A Selected Survey on Historical Bibliography
This paper is an excursus on multiculturalism from a historical perspective. It ranges from the encounters of different cultures in ancient times, through the Middle Ages, the Reformation and Counter-Reformation period up to the present times. It describes the peculiarity of the solutions adopted, juridical or social, formal or informal. Although it is difficult to classify the various attitudes towards foreigners, a decisive distinction should be made between modern history and previous times. Until the 19th century the number of migrants was significant in a historical perspective, but limited in absolute terms. May this fact have helped the hosting institutions to encourage a favourable policy towards foreign settlements? Another distinction must be made between high qualified migration and humble and unskilled workers. Cities’ histories are full of discriminatory measures towards local immigrants from villages who swelled the ranks of urban outcasts. Finally, it seems clear that the category of multiculturalism, as a premise for the successful integration of foreigners can only be applied with precautions to historical examples. The challenge of the clash of cultures was tackled differently in past societies, without necessarily meaning that those societies were racist or xenophobic. Successful examples of integration and development with the contribution of diversity in the past could involve exclusion and discrimination apparently unacceptable nowadays.Social dynamics, Conflicts, Multicultural cities, Diversities
Epilepsia com ponta-onda contínua do sono lento: estudo clínico e eletrencefalográfico
We report four children with epilepsy with continuous spike-waves during slow wave sleep (CSWSS). The main clinical features were partial motor seizures, mental retardation and motor deficit. The EEG findings were characterized by nearly continuous (>85%) diffuse slow spike and wave activity in two patients, and localized to one hemisphere in two other cases during non-REM sleep. The treatment was effective in improving the clinical seizures, but not the EEG pattern. We believe that this epileptic syndrome has been overlooked and routine sleep EEG studies on epileptic children may disclose more cases of CSWSS.Relatamos quatro crianças epilépticas com ponta-onda contínua durante o sono lento (POCSL). Os principais achados clínicos foram crises parciais motoras,retardo mental e déficit motor. Os EEG se caracterizaram por complexos ponta-onda quase contínuos (>85%) difusos em dois pacientes e localizados em um hemisfério nos outros dois casos. O tratamento foi eficaz no controle das crises, mas não em relação ao EEG. Achamos que este quadro tem sido pouco relatado e estudos do sono em crianças epilépticas podem revelar mais casos de POCSL.Escola Paulista de Medicina Head of the EEG SectorEPMUNIFESP, EPM, Head of the EEG SectorEPMSciEL
Sulle origini della lingua giapponese: principali teorie
L’idea alla base di questa tesi è quella di presentare le diverse difficoltà riscontrabili riguardo la questione dell’origine della lingua giapponese, che costituisce tuttora fonte di acceso dibattito tra gli studiosi dell’argomento. Questa tipologia di studi risulta particolarmente problematica a causa delle molteplici caratteristiche che contraddistinguono l’idioma nipponico, le quali sono riscontrabili in molte lingue parlate in varie aree dell’Asia. Per la stesura del seguente elaborato, di tipo compilativo, sono stati utilizzati numerosi saggi e testi accademici, e si è così tentato di contestualizzare e analizzare le diverse problematicità riportando le principali teorie sulla classificazione del giapponese compiute da differenti linguisti nell’arco di tre secoli, ossia dal XIX fino a quelle più recenti del XXI secolo; nello specifico, il primo capitolo di questo lavoro consiste di un breve excursus sulla fonetica del giapponese antico. Le ipotesi riportate di seguito, introdotte da delle descrizioni riassuntive sulle varie lingue alle quali il giapponese è stato comparato, sono presentate secondo il seguente ordine: la teoria uralo-altaica, la teoria coreana e la teoria mongola, le quali analizzano gli aspetti morfosintattici del giapponese; la teoria tibeto-birmana e la teoria dravidica, le quali analizzano gli aspetti grammaticali e lessicali del giapponese; la teoria austronesiana e papuasica, le quali analizzano gli aspetti fonetici e lessicali del giapponese; la teoria ryukyuana, la teoria ainu e la teoria nostratica, le quali offrono delle ipotesi alternative riguardo la possibile evoluzione linguistica del giapponese. Sebbene non esista ancora una risposta conclusiva riguardo l’origine dell’idioma nipponico, l’analisi di alcune tra le più importanti ipotesi in merito offrono una significativa panoramica generale per valutare con particolare considerazione un tema delicato e complesso come quello della classificazione di una lingua
Governance of Diversity Between Social Dynamics and Conflicts in Multicultural Cities. A Selected Survey on Historical Bibliography
This paper is an excursus on multiculturalism from a historical perspective. It ranges from the encounters of different cultures in ancient times, through the Middle Ages, the Reformation and Counter-Reformation period up to the present times. It describes the peculiarity of the solutions adopted, juridical or social, formal or informal. Although it is difficult to classify the various attitudes towards foreigners, a decisive distinction should be made between modern history and previous times. Until the 19th century the number of migrants was significant in a historical perspective, but limited in absolute terms. May this fact have helped the hosting institutions to encourage a favourable policy towards foreign settlements? Another distinction must be made between high qualified migration and humble and unskilled workers. Cities histories are full of discriminatory measures towards local immigrants from villages who swelled the ranks of urban outcasts. Finally, it seems clear that the category of multiculturalism, as a premise for the successful integration of foreigners can only be applied with precautions to historical examples. The challenge of the clash of cultures was tackled differently in past societies, without necessarily meaning that those societies were racist or xenophobic. Successful examples of integration and development with the contribution of diversity in the past could involve exclusion and discrimination apparently unacceptable nowadays
Simulating the Impact on the Local Economy of Alternative Management Scenarios for Natural Areas
This working paper estimates the impact on the local economy of the High Garda Natural Park of alternative management scenarios for the West Garda Regional Forest. The local economy is specialized in tourist services and strongly linked to the tourist presence and their level of expenditure. We wish to investigate the effects of the participative management strategy, which takes into account users preferences and the non-participative strategy, using the SAM multiplier analysis. The local SAM has been constructed considering three sectors: agriculture, tourism and a third aggregate sector including all the other activities. The resident population has been divided into two categories: residents employed in the tourist sector and the remaining resident population. The SAM analysis shows that the accounting representation of the local economy is meaningful and that the participative program, if chosen by the central regional management, would be the most desirable program also at the local level