21 research outputs found

    Importância do Conhecimento Tradicional no uso de Plantas Medicinais em Buritis, mg, Brasil

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2179460X13233The objective of this research was to determine the knowledge and reason for use , as well as means of obtaining and uses of medicinal plants in the city of Buritis , MG . The survey data were collected between January and July 2011. Based on a semi - structured questionnaire , 393 residents in Buritis were interviewed. Of these, 91% claimed to know and use medicinal plants, the majority (64%) women. The predominant age group was 21-40 years ( 50%). The main reason for the use of plants is by family tradition (77%) . The part of the plant most used in homemade preparations was the sheet, the most widely used form of preparation was infused, the majority acquires medicinal plants in their own backyard. We conclude that the use of medicinal plants in the municipality studied, is traditional, but this knowledge is disappearing among the younger generations. Thus, this study contributes to the rescue of the knowledge and culture of the population studied. As soon as one of the goals of an ethnopharmacological work is the return of research results to the community, the same will be done through lectures and textbooks in schools to assist with the process of awareness about the importance of biodiversity of the Cerrado.O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi verificar o conhecimento e motivo do uso, assim como meios de obtenção e formas de utilização das plantas medicinaisna cidade de Buritis, MG. Os dados da pesquisa foram coletados entre os meses de janeiro e julho de 2011. Baseado em um questionário semi-estruturado, 393 moradores da cidade de Buritis foram entrevistados. Destes, 91% afirmaram conhecer e utilizar as plantas medicinais, sendo a maioria (64%) mulheres. A faixa etária predominante foi 21-40 anos (50%). O principal motivo para utilização das plantas se dá pela tradição familiar (77%). A parte da planta mais utilizada nas preparações caseiras foi a folha; a forma de preparo mais utilizada foi a infusão; a maioria adquire suas plantas medicinais no próprio quintal. Conclui-se que o uso de plantas medicinais, no município estudado, é tradicional, porém este conhecimento está desaparecendo entre as novas gerações. Assim, este estudo contribui para o resgate do conhecimento e cultura da população pesquisada. Logo, como um dos objetivos de um trabalho etnofarmacológico é a devolução dos resultados da pesquisa para a comunidade, o mesmo será feito através de palestras e cartilhas nas escolas para favorecer o processo de conscientização sobre a importância da biodiversidade do Cerrado

    Case–control study of HLA-G promoter methylation status, HPV infection and cervical neoplasia in Curitiba, Brazil: a pilot analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The causal association between persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cervical cancer has been established, but the mechanisms that favor HPV persistence in cervical cells are still unknown. The diminished capability of the immune system to control and resolve HPV infection is one of several hypotheses. The tolerogenic protein HLA-G has shown aberrant expression in a variety of cancers, which has been suggested as a mechanism for tumor escape from immunosurveillance. In the present study we evaluate the role of epigenetic modification (promoter de-methylation) of the HLA-G gene on susceptibility to HPV infection and development of high-grade cervical lesions. METHODS: A case–control study was carried out in Curitiba, Brazil, between February and June 2010. A total of 789 women aged 15–47 years were recruited: 510 controls with normal cervical cytology, and 279 cases with histologically confirmed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 (CIN2, N = 150) or grade 3 (CIN3, N = 129). All women were administered a questionnaire by interview, which collected information on demographic and lifestyle factors, and a cervical sample was collected. HPV DNA detection was performed by GP5+/GP6+ primer-mediated PCR. HPV-positive samples were genotyped by multiplex PCR. A pilot analysis of HLA-G promoter methylation was carried out in a subset of the study population (96 cases and 76 controls) by pyrosequencing. HLA-G methylation and HPV infection status of cases and controls were compared, and confounding factors were computed by t Student and non-parametric Wilcoxon tests. Comparison of HLA-G methylation between cases and controls was assessed by the Bonferroni correction. The association of HLA-G methylation with CIN2/3 was evaluated by logistic regression. RESULTS: HPV prevalence was 19.6% in controls and 94.3% in CIN2/3 cases. HPV16, 31, 33, 35 and 18 were the most prevalent types. Methylation analysis of seven CpGs in the HLA-G promoter did not reveal any spontaneous de-methylation events in CIN2/3 cases (mean proportion of methylation: 75.8%) with respect to controls (mean 73.7%; odds ratio 1.01, 95% confidence interval 0.96, 1.07). CONCLUSIONS: This study did not support the hypothesis that spontaneous de-methylation events in the HLA-G promoter play a primary role in promoting escape from immunosurveillance in the development of precancerous cervical lesions

    Prevalência de perda auditiva e vulnerabilidade a saúde em crianças de 25 a 36 meses: uma análise da distribuição espacial

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    RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a associação entre perda auditiva e a vulnerabilidade à saúde em crianças na faixa etária de 25 a 36 meses. Método Estudo observacional analítico do tipo transversal realizado por meio da triagem auditiva infantil em nove creches. A triagem constou de anamnese, meatoscopia, timpanometria, emissões otoacústicas transientes e audiometria tonal limiar. Para cada exame realizado foi estabelecido o critério de “passa” e “falha”. Os endereços residenciais das crianças foram georreferenciados e foi construído mapa coroplético da distribuição espacial, considerando o Índice de Vulnerabilidade à Saúde (IVS). Foi realizada análise de associação entre o IVS com as variáveis sexo, exames audiológicos e regional de domicílio por meio dos testes Qui-quadrado de Pearson, e Exato de Fisher. Resultados Foram avaliadas 95 crianças de ambos os sexos, destas, 44,7% apresentaram alteração em pelo menos um dos exames realizados, sendo encaminhadas para avaliação otorrinolaringológica e auditiva. Das alterações observadas 36,9% ocorreram na timpanometria e 7,8% nas emissões otoacústicas transientes. Dentre crianças encaminhadas para avaliação, 9,7% apresentaram diagnóstico de perda auditiva do tipo condutiva, 13,6% resultados dentro da normalidade e 21,4% não compareceram para reavaliação. Das crianças que apresentaram o diagnóstico final de perda auditiva do tipo condutiva (9,7%), 1,9% foi classificado como IVS de risco baixo e 6,8% como IVS de risco médio. Houve significância estatística entre IVS e o local de residência da criança. Conclusão Não houve associação com significância estatística entre alteração auditiva e IVS, entretanto foi possível observar que 77,7% das crianças com diagnóstico de perda auditiva residiam em setores censitários de risco médio do IVS

    Lesão da valva tricúspide por trauma torácico penetrante

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    As lesões da valva tricúspide decorrentes de trauma torácico penetrante são raras e frequentemente subdiagnosticadas. O objetivo deste relato é descrever um caso de insuficiência tricúspide grave secundária a acidente por arma branca com evolução insidiosa, diagnosticada 19 anos após o ocorrido. O caso enfatiza a importância do acompanhamento adequado dos pacientes vítimas de trauma torácico penetrante por longo período após a injúria, para detecção de possíveis complicações tardias do trauma

    Heart rate recovery in asymptomatic patients with Chagas disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Chagas disease patients with right bundle-branch block (RBBB) have diverse clinical presentation and prognosis, depending on left ventricular (LV) function. Autonomic disorder can be an early marker of heart involvement. The heart rate recovery (HRR) after exercise may identify autonomic dysfunction, with impact on therapeutic strategies. This study was designed to assess the HRR after symptom-limited exercise testing in asymptomatic Chagas disease patients with RBBB without ventricular dysfunction compared to patients with indeterminate form of Chagas disease and healthy controls. METHODS: One hundred and forty-nine subjects divided into 3 groups were included. A control group was comprised of healthy individuals; group 1 included patients in the indeterminate form of Chagas disease; and group 2 included patients with complete RBBB with or without left anterior hemiblock, and normal ventricular systolic function. A symptom-limited exercise test was performed and heart rate (HR) response to exercise was assessed. HRR was defined as the difference between HR at peak exercise and 1 min following test termination. RESULTS: There were no differences in heart-rate profile during exercise between healthy individuals and patients in indeterminate form, whereas patients with RBBB had more prevalence of chronotropic incompetence, lower exercise capacity and lower HRR compared with patients in indeterminate form and controls. A delayed decrease in the HR after exercise was found in 17 patients (15%), 9% in indeterminate form and 24% with RBBB, associated with older age, worse functional capacity, impaired chronotropic response, and ventricular arrhythmias during both exercise and recovery. By multivariable analysis, the independent predictors of a delayed decrease in the HRR were age (odds ratio [OR] 1.11; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.03 to 1.21; p = 0.010) and presence of RBBB (OR 3.97; 95% CI 1.05 to 15.01; p = 0.042). CONCLUSIONS: A small proportion (15%) of asymptomatic Chagas patients had attenuated HRR after exercise, being more prevalent in patients with RBBB compared with patients in indeterminate form and controls

    Case–control study of HLA-G promoter methylation status, HPV infection and cervical neoplasia in Curitiba, Brazil: a pilot analysis

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    Abstract Background The causal association between persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cervical cancer has been established, but the mechanisms that favor HPV persistence in cervical cells are still unknown. The diminished capability of the immune system to control and resolve HPV infection is one of several hypotheses. The tolerogenic protein HLA-G has shown aberrant expression in a variety of cancers, which has been suggested as a mechanism for tumor escape from immunosurveillance. In the present study we evaluate the role of epigenetic modification (promoter de-methylation) of the HLA-G gene on susceptibility to HPV infection and development of high-grade cervical lesions. Methods A case–control study was carried out in Curitiba, Brazil, between February and June 2010. A total of 789 women aged 15–47 years were recruited: 510 controls with normal cervical cytology, and 279 cases with histologically confirmed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 (CIN2, N = 150) or grade 3 (CIN3, N = 129). All women were administered a questionnaire by interview, which collected information on demographic and lifestyle factors, and a cervical sample was collected. HPV DNA detection was performed by GP5+/GP6+ primer-mediated PCR. HPV-positive samples were genotyped by multiplex PCR. A pilot analysis of HLA-G promoter methylation was carried out in a subset of the study population (96 cases and 76 controls) by pyrosequencing. HLA-G methylation and HPV infection status of cases and controls were compared, and confounding factors were computed by t Student and non-parametric Wilcoxon tests. Comparison of HLA-G methylation between cases and controls was assessed by the Bonferroni correction. The association of HLA-G methylation with CIN2/3 was evaluated by logistic regression. Results HPV prevalence was 19.6% in controls and 94.3% in CIN2/3 cases. HPV16, 31, 33, 35 and 18 were the most prevalent types. Methylation analysis of seven CpGs in the HLA-G promoter did not reveal any spontaneous de-methylation events in CIN2/3 cases (mean proportion of methylation: 75.8%) with respect to controls (mean 73.7%; odds ratio 1.01, 95% confidence interval 0.96, 1.07). Conclusions This study did not support the hypothesis that spontaneous de-methylation events in the HLA-G promoter play a primary role in promoting escape from immunosurveillance in the development of precancerous cervical lesions.</p