10 research outputs found

    Lipids and All-Cause Mortality among Older Adults: A 12-Year Follow-Up Study

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    This is a 12-year follow-up cohort study with 800 people (60–85 years old). The association between lipid disorders and mortality was analysed by Cox proportional hazard adjusted model. All-cause mortality was considered the dependent variable, and lipid disorders as independent variables: total cholesterol (TC) >200 and <170 mg/dl, HDL-c <35 and 40, LDL-c >100 and 130, and triglycerides (TG) >50. An initial analysis of all subjects was performed and a second was carried out after having excluded individuals with a body mass index (BMI) <20 kg/m2 or mortality in ≀2 years. The mortality showed a positive association with low TC and a negative association with high TC and high LDL-c. After the exclusion of underweight and premature mortality, there was a positive association only with TC <170 mg/dl (HR = 1.36, CI95%: 1.02–1.82). The data did not show a higher risk with high levels of TC, LDL-c, and TG. However, they showed higher mortality among older adults with low TC

    FrequĂȘncia e fatores associados a quedas em adultos com 55 anos e mais

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    OBJETIVO Analisar a frequĂȘncia e fatores associados Ă  ocorrĂȘncia de quedas em adultos de 55 anos ou mais. MÉTODOS Estudo inserido em outro de base populacional com amostra representativa de pessoas com 40 anos ou mais da ĂĄrea urbana de municĂ­pio de mĂ©dio porte do ParanĂĄ em 2011. Foram obtidos dados demogrĂĄficos e socioeconĂŽmicos, caracterĂ­sticas referentes aos hĂĄbitos de vida, Ă s condiçÔes de saĂșde e Ă  capacidade funcional (n = 1.180). Em 2012, selecionaram-se todas as pessoas com idade igual ou superior a 55 anos (n = 501). Foram estimadas a força de preensĂŁo palmar e a ocorrĂȘncia de queda desde a Ășltima entrevista em 80,6% delas. Foram calculadas odds ratios (OR) brutas e ajustadas por regressĂŁo logĂ­stica segundo modelo hierarquizado. RESULTADOS A frequĂȘncia de queda foi de 24,3%. ApĂłs ajustes, observaram-se chances maiores de queda entre mulheres (OR = 3,10; IC95% 1,79–5,38), entre pessoas com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos (OR = 2,39; IC95% 1,45–3,95), com qualidade do sono ruim (OR = 1,78; IC95% 1,08–2,93) e com baixa força de preensĂŁo palmar (OR = 2,31; IC95% 1,34–3,97). CONCLUSÕES Qualidade ruim do sono e a baixa força muscular podem ser indicadores de maior risco de quedas e merecem avaliaçÔes e intervençÔes visando Ă  prevenção desse agravo.OBJECTIVE The objective of this study is to analyze the frequency and factors associated with falls in adults aged 55 years or more. METHODS This is a study inserted into another population-based study with representative sample of persons aged 40 years or more of the urban area in a medium-sized municipality of the State of ParanĂĄ, Brazil, in 2011. That study obtained demographic and socioeconomic data and characteristics related to life habits, health conditions, and functional capacity (n = 1,180). In 2012, we selected all persons aged 55 years or more (n = 501). We have estimated grip strength and the occurrence of a fall since the last interview in 80.6% of the adults. The crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) have been calculated by logistic regression according to a hierarchical model. RESULTS The rate of fall was 24.3%. After adjustments, we could observe higher chances of falls among women (OR = 3.10; 95%CI 1.79–5.38), among persons aged 65 years or more (OR = 2.39; 95%CI 1.45–3.95), with poor sleep quality (OR = 1.78; 95%CI 1.08–2.93), and with low grip strength (OR = 2.31; 95%CI 1.34–3.97). CONCLUSIONS Poor sleep quality and low muscle strength can be indicators of increased risk of falls and need assessments and interventions aimed at preventing them

    Influenza vaccination as a quality of life promoting strategy

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    Influenza has a great impact on elderly morbidity and mortality rates. Vaccination is the most effective measure to prevent these diseases complications. It is effective preventing hospital admission for influenza and pneumonia and all-cause mortality. Moreover, it is associated with reductions in the risk of hospitalization for cardiovascular disease. Although ageing has consequences that diminish vaccine effectiveness, the great benefits of vaccination occur in this population. Even though, there are some groups with characteristics associated with lower rates of vaccination. The leading reasons given worldwide for not vaccinating are: fear of adverse effects, lack of credibility in the vaccine and beliefs that it is unnecessary. However, the vaccine causes few adverse effects. Nevertheless non vaccinated elderly say they would have been vaccinated if a doctor had proposed this to them, the vaccine isn't part of medical routine. The whole health team should be more active to elucidate the real benefits of vaccination. Then, more elderly people would beneficiate from this and achieve a better quality of life.</p

    Anthropometric indicators as screening instrument for falls in the elderly

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    Anthropometric indicators enable professionals for predicting risk of falls in the elderly; however, there is a gap in literature on reference values. This study analyzes anthropometric indicators such as screening tests for falls in the elderly. Cross-sectional population-based systematic sampling was conducted through a household survey and body composition assessment. Anthropometric measurements were performed using portable electronic scale and stadiometer. Bioimpedance device was used to measure body mass index, body fat and lean body mass. Falls were evaluated in the 12 months preceding the interview as a dependent variable. Discriminatory analysis was performed for falls through the ROC curve, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values. Overall, 275 older adults participated in this study, whose prevalence of falls was 23.6%. The average body mass index was 27.8kg/cm2 and 52.1% of individuals were overweight. Among older men, height (ROC=0.68; 95%CI 0.54-0.78) and lean body mass (ROC=0.63, 95%CI 0.58- 0.76) were associated to the occurrence of falls. When considering cutoff of 52.2kg and 166cm, sensitivity was obtained in 75% and high negative predictive values (88.1% and 89.1% respectively). For women, lean body mass (ROC=0.61, 95%CI 0.30-0.49) and body mass (ROC=0.60, 95%CI 0.53-0.72) were relevant from the optimal cutoff point of 28.9% and 57.2kg/m2. Lean body mass was more sensitive (63.2%) and body mass little more specific (64.3%), both with high negative predictive values (82.0% and 83.0%). The indicators used were able to discriminate older adults who have suffered from falls

    O ensino de habilidades e atitudes: um relato de experiĂȘncias

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    Este artigo relata a experiĂȘncia do ensino de Habilidades e Atitudes, na graduação em Medicina da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) com a metodologia de ensino da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas, ancorada no modelo biopsicossocial. O ensino de Habilidades e Atitudes implica a formulação diagnĂłstica mutiaxial, descrição contextual e padronizada da condição clĂ­nica. Utiliza como instrumento a avaliação sistemĂĄtica de eixos e domĂ­nios altamente informativos e relevantes para o tratamento. Eixo I: transtornos clĂ­nicos (mentais e condiçÔes mĂ©dicas gerais); Eixo II: incapacidades nos cuidados pessoais, funcionamento ocupacional e com a famĂ­lia, e funcionamento social mais amplo; Eixo III: fatores contextuais (problemas interpessoais e outros psicossociais e ambientais); Eixo IV: qualidade de vida (refletindo primariamente as percepçÔes do prĂłprio paciente). A competĂȘncia clĂ­nica foi avaliada por meio da discussĂŁo de casos clĂ­nicos, portfĂłlios reflexivos e pelo Exame ClĂ­nico Estruturado por Objetivo (Osce), mĂ©todo que avalia as habilidades clĂ­nicas, as habilidades de atitudes e a comunicação dos estudantes de Medicina

    Frequency and factors associated with falls in adults aged 55 years or more

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    OBJETIVO Analisar a frequĂȘncia e fatores associados Ă  ocorrĂȘncia de quedas em adultos de 55 anos ou mais. MÉTODOS Estudo inserido em outro de base populacional com amostra representativa de pessoas com 40 anos ou mais da ĂĄrea urbana de municĂ­pio de mĂ©dio porte do ParanĂĄ em 2011. Foram obtidos dados demogrĂĄficos e socioeconĂŽmicos, caracterĂ­sticas referentes aos hĂĄbitos de vida, Ă s condiçÔes de saĂșde e Ă  capacidade funcional (n = 1.180). Em 2012, selecionaram-se todas as pessoas com idade igual ou superior a 55 anos (n = 501). Foram estimadas a força de preensĂŁo palmar e a ocorrĂȘncia de queda desde a Ășltima entrevista em 80,6% delas. Foram calculadas odds ratios (OR) brutas e ajustadas por regressĂŁo logĂ­stica segundo modelo hierarquizado. RESULTADOS A frequĂȘncia de queda foi de 24,3%. ApĂłs ajustes, observaram-se chances maiores de queda entre mulheres (OR = 3,10; IC95% 1,79–5,38), entre pessoas com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos (OR = 2,39; IC95% 1,45–3,95), com qualidade do sono ruim (OR = 1,78; IC95% 1,08–2,93) e com baixa força de preensĂŁo palmar (OR = 2,31; IC95% 1,34–3,97). CONCLUSÕES Qualidade ruim do sono e a baixa força muscular podem ser indicadores de maior risco de quedas e merecem avaliaçÔes e intervençÔes visando Ă  prevenção desse agravo.OBJECTIVE The objective of this study is to analyze the frequency and factors associated with falls in adults aged 55 years or more. METHODS This is a study inserted into another population-based study with representative sample of persons aged 40 years or more of the urban area in a medium-sized municipality of the State of ParanĂĄ, Brazil, in 2011. That study obtained demographic and socioeconomic data and characteristics related to life habits, health conditions, and functional capacity (n = 1,180). In 2012, we selected all persons aged 55 years or more (n = 501). We have estimated grip strength and the occurrence of a fall since the last interview in 80.6% of the adults. The crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) have been calculated by logistic regression according to a hierarchical model. RESULTS The rate of fall was 24.3%. After adjustments, we could observe higher chances of falls among women (OR = 3.10; 95%CI 1.79–5.38), among persons aged 65 years or more (OR = 2.39; 95%CI 1.45–3.95), with poor sleep quality (OR = 1.78; 95%CI 1.08–2.93), and with low grip strength (OR = 2.31; 95%CI 1.34–3.97). CONCLUSIONS Poor sleep quality and low muscle strength can be indicators of increased risk of falls and need assessments and interventions aimed at preventing them