51 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Balance of Forces and Condensation of BPS States

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    Until now all known static multi black hole solutions described BPS states with charges of the same sign. Such solutions could not be related to flat directions in the space of BPS states. The total number of such states could not spontaneously increase because of the charge conservation. We show that there exist static BPS configurations which remain in equilibrium even if they consist of states with opposite electric (or magnetic) charges from vector multiplets. This is possible because of the exact cancellation between the Coulomb and scalar forces. In particular, in the theories with N=4 or N=2 supersymmetry there exist stable massless multi center configurations with vanishing total charge. Since such configurations have vanishing energy and charge independently of their number, they can be associated with flat directions in the space of all possible BPS states. For N=2 case this provides a realization of the idea that BPS condensates could relate to each other different vacua of the string theory.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe

    Black Hole Superpartners and Fixed Scalars

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    Some bosonic solutions of supergravities admit Killing spinors of unbroken supersymmetry. The anti-Killing spinors of broken supersymmetry can be used to generate the superpartners of stringy black holes. This has a consequent feedback on the metric and the graviphoton. We have found however that the fixed scalars for the black hole superpartners remain the same as for the original black holes. Possible phenomenological implications of this result are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, Late

    Exact Supersymmetric Massive and Massless White Holes

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    We study special points in the moduli space of vacua at which supersymmetric electric solutions of the heterotic string theory become massless. We concentrate on configurations for which supersymmetric non-renormalization theorem is valid. Those are ten-dimensional supersymmetric string waves and generalized fundamental strings with SO(8) holonomy group. From these we find the four dimensional spherically symmetric configurations which saturate the BPS bound, in particular near the points of the vanishing ADM mass. The non-trivial massless supersymmetric states in this class exist only in the presence of non-Abelian vector fields.We also find a new class of supersymmetric massive solutions, closely related to the massless ones. A distinctive property of all these objects, either massless or massive, is the existence of gravitational repulsion. They reflect all particles with nonvanishing mass and/or angular momentum, and therefore they can be called white holes (repulsons), in contrast to black holes which tend to absorb particles of all kinds. If such objects can exist, we will have the first realization of the universal gravitational force which repels all particles with the strength proportional to their mass and therefore can be associated with antigravity.Comment: 18 pages, minor corrections, version to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Supertwistors as Quarks of SU(2,2|4)

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    The GS superstring on AdS_5 x S^5 has a nonlinearly realized, spontaneously broken SU(2,2|4) symmetry. Here we introduce a two-dimensional model in which the unbroken SU(2,2|4) symmetry is linearly realized. The basic variables are supertwistors, which transform in the fundamental representation of this supergroup. The quantization of this supertwistor model leads to the complete oscillator construction of the unitary irreducible representations of the centrally extended SU(2,2|4). They include the states of d=4 SYM theory, massless and KK states of AdS_5 supergravity, and the descendants on AdS_5 of the standard massive string states, which form intermediate and long supermultiplets. We present examples of such multiplets and discuss possible states of solitonic and (p,q) strings.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 1 EPS figur

    One-Loop Supergravity Corrections to the Black Hole Entropy and Residual Supersymmetry

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    We study the one-loop corrections to the effective on-shell action of N=2 supergravity in the background of the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. In the extreme case the contributions from graviton, gravitino and photon to the one-loop corrections to the entropy are shown to cancel. This gives the first explicit example of the supersymmetric non-renormalization theorem for the on-shell action (entropy) for BPS configurations which admit Killing spinors. We display the residual supersymmetry of the perturbations of a general supersymmetric theory in a bosonic BPS background.Comment: 13 Pages, LaTe

    Exact SU(2)*U(1) Stringy Black Holes

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    Extreme magnetic dilaton black holes are promoted to exact solutions of heterotic string theory with unbroken supersymmetry. With account taken of alpha' corrections this is accomplished by supplementing the known solutions with SU(2) Yang-Mills vectors and scalars in addition to the already existing Abelian U(1) vector field. The solution has a simple analytic form and includes multi-black-holes. The issue of exactness of other black-hole-type solutions, including extreme dilaton electrically charged black holes and Taub-NUT solutions is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, SU-ITP-94-27 and QMW-PH-94-34 (version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev., contains a discussion of (4.1) supersymmetry of the black hole sigma model

    Vacua of M-theory and string theory

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    We argue that supersymmetric higher-dimension operators in the effective actions of M-theory and IIB string theory do not affect the maximally supersymmetric vacua: adS4×S7adS_4\times S^7 and adS7×S4adS_7\times S^4 in M-theory and adS5×S5adS_5\times S^5 in IIB string theory. All these vacua are described in superspace by a fixed point with all components of supertorsion and supercurvature being supercovariantly constant. This follows from 32 unbroken supersymmetries and allows us to prove that such vacua are exact.Comment: 16 pages, late

    Counting fermionic zero modes on M5 with fluxes

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    We study the Dirac equation on an M5 brane wrapped on a divisor in a Calabi--Yau fourfold in the presence of background flux. We reduce the computation of the normal bundle U(1) anomaly to counting the solutions of a finite--dimensional linear system on cohomology. This system depends on the choice of flux. In an example, we find that the presence of flux changes the anomaly and allows instanton corrections to the superpotential which would otherwise be absent.Comment: 14 pages. v2: reference added, typos corrected, few change

    E{7(7)} Symmetry and Finiteness of N=8 Supergravity

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    We study N=8 supergravity deformed by the presence of the candidate counterterms. We show that even though they are invariant under undeformed E{7(7)}, all of the candidate counterterms violate the deformed E{7(7)} current conservation. The same conclusion follows from the uniqueness of the Lorentz and SU(8) covariant, E{7(7)} invariant unitarity constraint expressing the 56-dimensional E{7(7)} doublet via 28 independent vectors. Therefore E{7(7)} duality predicts the all-loop UV finiteness of perturbative N=8 supergravity.Comment: 18 page


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    The gravitini zero modes riding on top of the extreme Reissner-Nordstrom black-hole solution of N=2 supergravity are shown to be normalizable. The gravitini and dilatini zero modes of axion-dilaton extreme black-hole solutions of N=4 supergravity are also given and found to have finite norms. These norms are duality invariant. The finiteness and positivity of the norms in both cases are found to be correlated with the Witten-Israel-Nester construction; however, we have replaced the Witten condition by the pure-spin-3/2 constraint on the gravitini. We compare our calculation of the norms with the calculations which provide the moduli space metric for extreme black holes. The action of the N=2 hypermultiplet with an off-shell central charge describes the solitons of N=2 supergravity. This action, in the Majumdar-Papapetrou multi-black-hole background, is shown to be N=2 rigidly supersymmetric.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe
