154 research outputs found

    Tatuaggio e piercing tra gli adolescenti: atteggiamenti e pratiche. Una indagine tra gli studenti di scuola secondaria superiore in Veneto

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    The present study analyzes the factors associated with the propension to the practices of piercing and tattoos among adolescents, thanks to a Survey conducted in the high schools of Veneto in 2007. Analyses showed the comparisons between sub-groups of interviewees characterized by gender, and by experience and interest in the two forms of body modification. Behaviours, attitudes and motivations connected with these practices are examined; questions, doubts and the knowledge about operator and the potential health consequences are investigated too; in addition, also the importance of physical appearance and the references values are considered. First, some descriptive analyses on various aspects of the phenomena are conducted; then, multinomial logistic regression models are applied, which allow us to identify what predicts the practices, the interest or the indifference for piercing and tattoos. Results showed gender differences in the approach of these body modification practices: as regards girls, these practices may be considered a mainstream activity, which involves younger cohorts: piercing and tattoo become a way to increase own body satisfaction. As regards boys, instead, the factors connected with the propension to these practices are a low cultural background and the importance given to physical appearance. Both for boys and girls, a significant aspect to define attitudes towards body art practices is the value system: values such as enjoyment, beauty and youth, are found to be strongly connected with high propension to these practices

    Le carriere universitarie tra successo formativo, abbandono, cambio di corso e ritardo. Un'analisi per coorte attraverso gli archivi dell'Ateneo di Padova [Technical Report Series, 1/2011]

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    In questo lavoro si intendono specificare e quantificare i fenomeni di drop-out (abbandono e cambio di Corso) e di ritardo nelle Laureee triennali di ordinamento ex D.M. 509/1999, a partire da dati amministrativi, adottando il punto di vista del Corso di laurea. L'obiettivo è classificare i vari Corsi di laurea sulla base delle performance dei loro iscritti, al fine di identificare delle strategie mirate di intervento di contrasto alla dispersione. Lo studio coinvolge le coorti di studenti immatricolati negli anni accademici 2001-2005 in ottantaquattro Corsi di laurea triennale dell’Ateneo di Padova. Le misure della dispersione sono ricavate attraverso Multiple-decrement life tables; a partire da esse si costruiscono graduatorie di performance dei Corsi

    Students' Evaluation of Teaching at a Large Italian University: Measurement Scale Validation

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    This paper aims to verify the measurement capacity of the tool for teaching assessment at the University of Padua (Italy). The study is part of a project of improvement of the academic educational innovation and the quality of academic teaching: an evaluative research approach allows, indeed, reflection on teaching practice useful to share problems and find common solutions. The focus of this work is on contents and characteristics of statistical validity and reliability of the instrument used at Padua University, in the online survey to measure students' opinion on didactic activities (first-cycle, second-cycle, and single-cycle degree courses)

    Evaluating quality of the didactics at university: The opportunities offered by latent class modeling

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    Purpose Students\u2019 evaluation of teaching quality plays a major role in higher education. Satisfaction is not directly observable, nevertheless it can be measured through multi-item measurement scales. These instruments are extremely useful and their importance requires accurate development and validation procedures. The aim of this paper is showing how latent class analysis can improve the procedures for developing and validating a multi-item measurement scale for measuring students\u2019 evaluation of teaching and, at the same time, provides a deeper insight in the phenomenon under investigation. Design/Methodology/Approach The traditional literature highlights specific protocols along with statistical instruments to be used for achieving this goal. However, these tools are suited for metric variables but they are adopted even when the nature of the observed variables is different, as it often occurs, since in many cases the items are ordinal. Latent class analysis takes explicitly into account the ordinal nature of the variables and also the fact that the object of interest is unobservable. Findings The data refer to the questionnaire to evaluate didactics to the students of the University of Padua. Within Latent class analysis allows an insight of scale properties, such as dimensionality, validity and reliability. Moreover, results provide a deeper view in the way students use the scale to report satisfaction suggesting to revise the instrument according to the suggestion by the National Agency for University Evaluation. Originality The paper gives an original contribution on two sides. On the side of methods, it introduces a more accurate methodology for evaluating scales to measure students' satisfaction. On the side of applications, it provides important suggestions to the university management to improve the process of quality of the didactics evaluation

    Students' evaluation of teaching at a large Italian university: validation of measurement scale

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    This paper aims at verifying the measurement capacity of a tool for teaching assessment at the University of Padova (Italy). The study is part of a project for improving academic educational innovations and the quality of academic teaching: an evaluative research approach thus allows reflection on useful teaching practices to share problems and find common solutions. This paper focuses on the contents and characteristics of statistical validity and the reliability of the tool used, in an online survey to measure students\u2019 opinions of teaching (first-cycle, second-cycle, and single-cycle degree courses)

    Changes in living arrangement of the elderly population: data from population register.

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    Working Paper n. 1, Dip.di Scienze Statistiche, Universit\ue0\ua0 degli Studi di Padov

    Le competenze per la scuola: i giovani laureati di fronte alla professione di insegnante

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    La ricerca intende rendere espliciti i livelli di preparazione dei giovani laureati che esercitano attività di insegnamento, valutandol’efficacia della formazione universitaria in rapporto alle competenze per la professione. Viene considerato un campione rappresentativodi 153 laureati dell’Università di Padova, invitati ad esprimere, tramite intervista CATI a un anno dal conseguimento della laurea, un giudizio in merito alle competenze possedute per il lavoro. I rispondenti sono ripartiti in tre cluster con riferimento al tipodi laurea conseguita e alle caratteristiche dell’attività svolta. Le risposte sono analizzate attraverso modelli ispirati alle dimensionidella pratica in riferimento ad indicatori specifici di competenza per la professione insegnante. I risultati, statisticamente trattati, indicano una valorizzazione generale delle competenze inerenti l’apprendimento degli allievi e la costruzione della professione, mentre la percezione delle competenze fuori d’aula si presenta in forma meno rilevante, con differenze significative tra i cluster cheinvitano a riconsiderare gli assetti dei curricoli formativi universitari

    Condizioni personali e familiari degli anziani in casa di riposo: due istituzioni venete.

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    Si studia il fenomeno dell'istituzionalizzazione della popolazione anziana a partire dagli archivi amministrativi prodotti dai servizi (schede di ammissione e documentazione sociale). Si ricostruiscono la famiglia di provenienza e le relazioni tra ricovero, condizione di autosufficienza o non autosufficienza e caratteristiche della rete familiare
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