19 research outputs found

    Symbioses bactériennes chez les Céphalopodes (caractérisation et rÎles physiologiques)

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    Les populations bactĂ©riennes associĂ©es Ă  Sepia officinalis etNnautilus macromphalus ont Ă©tĂ© localisĂ©es et caractĂ©risĂ©es phylogĂ©nĂ©tiquement par des mĂ©thodes de biologie molĂ©culaire. Chez N. Macromphalus, les techniques molĂ©culaires ont confirmĂ© la prĂ©sence de symbiotes bactĂ©riens dans les appendices pĂ©ricardiques, et les cavitĂ©s cƓlomiques. De plus, une nouvelle association a pu ĂȘtre signalĂ©e dans les appendices rĂ©naux. En ce qui concerne S. Officinalis, diverses souches bactĂ©riennes ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ă©vidence dans les glandes nidamentaires accessoires, les sacs rĂ©naux et les sac coquilliers. Le sĂ©quençage du gĂšne 16s RADN bactĂ©rien a permis de dĂ©terminer que 5 taxa bactĂ©riens composent la population symbiotique des glandes nidamentaires accessoires (Agrobacterium, Roseobacter, Rhodobium-Xanthobacter, Sporichthya et Clostridium). Seul le groupe Roseobacter a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©cĂ©demment dĂ©crit dans les glandes nidamentaires accessoires d'un autre cĂ©phalopode (Loligo), les autres souches bactĂ©riennes Ă©tant probablement spĂ©cifiques Ă  S. Officinalis. La technique d'hybridation in situ a permis de localiser les divers groupes bactĂ©riens dans des tissus et de confirmer leur rĂ©partition Ă  l'intĂ©rieur de tubules. Dans les sacs rĂ©naux et le sac coquiller vivent trois taxa appartenant Ă  la famille des PseudomonacĂ©es. Cette famille est caractĂ©risĂ©e par la capacitĂ© de recycler les produits azotĂ©s. Dans cette association, ces souches bactĂ©riennes jouent probablement un rĂŽle dans les rĂ©actions qui permettent de transformer l'ammonium en azote qui est, lui, accumulĂ© dans les chambres du sepion. Tous les groupes bactĂ©riens dĂ©crits dans les organes de S. Officinalis, Ă  l'exception des bactĂ©ries gram+, ont Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©es dans les embryons. Ce rĂ©sultat permet d'avancer que la transmission de ces associations symbiotiques est verticalePARIS-Museum Hist.Naturelle (751052304) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Occurrence of a specific dual symbiosis in the excretory organ of geographically distant Nautiloids populations

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    Nautilus is one of the most intriguing of all sea creatures, sharing morphological similarities with the extinct forms of coiled cephalopods that evolved since the Cambrian (542-488 mya). Further, bacterial symbioses found in their excretory organ are of particular interest as they provide a great opportunity to investigate the influence of host-microbe interactions upon the origin and evolution of an innovative nitrogen excretory system. To establish the potential of Nautilus excretory organ as a new symbiotic system, it is, however, necessary to assess the specificity of this symbiosis and whether it is consistent within the different species of present-day Nautiloids. By addressing the phylogeny and distribution of bacterial symbionts in three Nautilus populations separated by more than 6000 km (N. pompilius from Philippines and Vanuatu, and N. macromphalus from New Caledonia), this study confirms the specificity of this dual symbiosis involving the presence of betaproteobacteria and spirochaete symbionts on a very wide geographical area. Overall, this work sheds further light on Nautiloids excretory organ as an innovative system of interaction between bacteria and cephalopods

    Wolfgang Geiger (17 July 1921 - 3 July 2000)

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    Wolfgang Geiger died on the 3rd July 2000, at the age of 79. He was born on July 17th 1921 in Biel; his mother died at his birth. His childhood was spent with his father, a well-known artist, partly in Ligerz, on Lake Biel, and partly in Porto Ronco in Ticino, on Lago Maggiore. After high school in Biel, he began his University studies, first at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in ZĂŒrich, then in Basel, where he studied under Professor A. Portmann. During his PhD a grant from the Janggen-Pöhn foundation enabled him to work for some months at the Institut des PĂȘches maritimes du Maroc, in Casablanca, with Dr. J .Furnestin. In 1953 he completed his PhD on teleost fish brain. His career as a biologist began in Bern at the Eidgenossische Inspektion fĂŒr Fortwesen, Jagd und Fischerei. In 1962 he was appointed head assistant (chef des travaux) at the University of Geneva, in the comparative anatomy and physiology laboratory (Dr H. J. Huggel), where he discovered the joys and the limitations of teaching. He was highly regarded as a lecturer and taught in a relaxed atmosphere of mutual respect and trust, much appreciated by his students. Professor Geiger was also the main organiser of field trips to SĂšte, on the French Mediterranean coast, where he was in his element living on the water. He went out on the trawlers with the students and introduced them enthusiastically to the marvels of sea fauna. He was happy during those field trips and had the knack of communicating his happiness to the students

    Diversité bactérienne associée aux organes excréteurs des Nautiloides (caractérisation du systÚme symbiotique, implications évolutives et physiologiques)

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    Les appendices péricardiques des Nautiloides (origine cambrienne ~500 MA) cumulent les trois processus liés à la fonction d excrétion (filtration, réabsorption, sécrétion). Les bactéries symbiotiques abritées dans ces organes chez deux espÚces de Nautiloides : Nautilus macromphalus (Nouvelle-Calédonie) et Nautilus pompilius (Philippines et Vanuatu) ont été caractérisées par différentes approches (séquençage de l ARNr 16S, CARD-FISH, TEM). L analyse phylogénétique a permis de proposer l hypothÚse nouvelle d une double symbiose spécifique impliquant deux groupes bactériens (beta protéobactéries et spirochÚtes) présents chez tous les spécimens dans les trois zones géographiques étudiées. L hybridation de sondes spécifiques in situ a révélé une distribution des symbiotes en étroite liaison avec l ultrastructure fonctionnelle de l organe hÎte. De plus, l incubation isotopique du complexe symbiotique supporte l hypothÚse d une contribution des symbiotes dans le métabolisme azoté de l hÎte.PARIS-BIUSJ-ThÚses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Associations symbiotiques chez les céphalopodes (étude comparative de la diversité bactérienne dans les glandes nidamentaires accessoires du systÚme reproducteur)

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    PARIS-BIUSJ-ThĂšses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Cephalopods from the waters around Wallis and Futuna Islands in the central South Pacific

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    A small collection of cephalopods collected from the waters off the Wallis and Futuna Islands in the central South Pacific is reported. The collection comprises 17 specimens belonging to 13 taxa in six families. Three forms of Heteroteuthis are present, representing at least two species, including what appears to be a new species which is not named because of the limited material available. A record of Idioteuthis cordiformis represents a considerable range extension. The new species Sepia subplana sp. nov. represents the eastern-most record of any cuttlefish in the Pacific Ocean

    Phylogeny of decapod cephalopods based on partial 16S rDNA nucleotide sequences

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    Various systematic and phylogenetic relationships have been proposed for extent decapod Cephalopods, based mainly on morphology and on the rare paleontological remains. Nucleotide sequence data from the 3' end of 16S rDNA gene were used as an alternative approach to morphology; this gene portion having proved to be appropriate to test divergences in other groups of assumed equivalent age. The results from 27 Decapoda species allowed us to calculate phylogenetic trees by the neighbor joining and parsimony methods (Paup and Hennig86). The trees were submitted to bootstrapping. The order Sepioidea, including the sepiids, sepiolids and spirulids, is not supported by molecular evidence. Sepiolids are clearly excluded from the order, and the position of the Spirulidae needs further clarification. In oegopsids, the intrafamilial groupings obtained by the molecular approach is in agreement with morphological data. The unresolved phylogeny at the suprafamilial level might be the result of two different events: earlier divergence than the Cenozoic, or unequal evolutionary rates among taxa having appeared either by successive emergence or by fast radiation. The 3' end of 16S rDNA gene of cephalopods is a precious tool to analyze taxonomic relationships at the infrafamilial level. A gene with a lower evolutionary rate, is necessary to establish higher taxa phylogeny

    Catalogue of types of recent Cephalopoda in the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (France)

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    many collections of historical and scientific significance are gathered in the MusĂ©um national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN). The collection of cephalopods dates back to the end of the 17th century, to LAMARCK. It was considerably increased during the first half of the 19th century, an era of great explorations, when specimens from around the world were added to the collection. The publication of the monumental contrbution to teuthology by FÉRUSSAC & D'ORBIGNY (1834-1848), based largely on the collections of the MNHN, further enhanced their value. The scientific and historical imporance, the long history and the broad geographical coverage of the collection made it desirable to have a catalog of the type specimens deposited in the MNHN. This envolved an extensive search of the literature, an exhaustive analysis of the register of the Museum's cephalopod collection and a thorough examination of all specimens in the collection. Accordingly, the original material of 214 species were thought to be deposited in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. However, after extensive search, only 103 of them appeared to be still available, 103 could not be found, and there were 8 nomina nuda