14 research outputs found

    Secondary primary tumor mimicking osteoradionecrosis

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    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a malignant tumor rarely found in the head and neck, representing about 1% of all malignancies. The main treatment for NPC is radiation therapy, which is often given in combination with chemotherapy. However, such treatment may lead to long‐term complications, including second primary tumors (SPTs) and osteoradionecrosis (ORN). Both complications have similar radiological characteristics, which can lead to erroneous diagnoses. This paper describes a case of a second primary tumor in a patient after 20 years of radiotherapy in the area where a previous extraction was performed, mimicking an osteoradionecrosis process

    Immune microenvironment in papillary thyroid carcinoma and its relation with clinical-pathological prognostic factors and survival

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A incidência de câncer da glândula tireoide é a que mais vem crescendo nas últimas décadas. Dentro desse grupo de diferentes neoplasias, o carcinoma papilífero, um dos carcinomas bem diferenciados, representa a maioria e tem prognóstico favorável, com sobrevida acima dos 90% em 5 anos. Embora sejam utilizadas diversas classificações de risco baseadas em diferentes fatores prognósticos, ainda não se consegue predizer quais pacientes terão maior chance de recorrência, metástases linfonodais e desfecho desfavorável, que se beneficiariam de um tratamento mais agressivo. Já foi demonstrado em diversos tipos de neoplasias que diferenças no perfil do infiltrado imune tumoral têm relação com prognóstico e resposta ao tratamento. Neste estudo caracterizou-se o microambiente imune do carcinoma papilífero através de marcadores imuno-histoquímicos de células inflamatórias e relacionou-se este perfil de infiltração com fatores prognósticos clínico-patológicos e com sobrevida livre de recorrência. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos 151 casos selecionados com base em um banco de dados que incluiu todos os pacientes submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico para câncer de tireoide no A.C.Camargo Cancer Center entre 2008 e 2010. Casos com tireoidite significante foram excluídos. Estes tumores selecionados foram então submetidos a reação imuno-histoquímica com marcadores de células inflamatórias e foram analisados por dois patologistas experientes. As características clínicas e patológicas foram avaliadas, assim como as recorrências e sobrevida, relacionando-as com as leituras de células marcadas. As análises de sobrevida global e livre de doença foram realizadas pelo método de Kaplan-Meier, com comparação de curvas de sobrevida pelo teste de Logrank. RESULTADOS: Cento e cinquenta e um pacientes foram incluídos, sendo 130 (86,1%) mulheres e 21 (13.9%) homens. Multifocalidade foi encontrada em 41 (27.2%), extensão extratireoidiana em 43 (28.5%) e metástase linfonodal em 36 (23.8%) casos. Apenas dois pacientes apresentaram metástase a distância. O tempo de seguimento médio foi 65,1 meses e observou-se nove (6%) pacientes com recorrências de neoplasia. Os pacientes com tumores com metástase linfonodal e/ou extensão extratireoidiana apresentaram maior risco de recorrência. Dos marcadores analisados, uma maior densidade de CD8 (que marca linfócitos citotóxicos) na área peritumoral esteve associada a uma tendência a melhor sobrevida livre de recorrência: 97,1% versus 87,5% (p=0,057), além de significativos menores índices de multifocalidade tumoral e de metástase linfonodal. A maior infiltração de linfócitos T CD8+ no tumor também se relacionou com menor ocorrência de metástase linfonodal nesta amostra (18,4% versus 38,1%, p=0,011). Além disso, a densidade desta marcação, tanto no interior da lesão neoplásica como em área peritumoral foi significativamente maior nos casos de carcinomas papilíferos restritos à tireoide, ou seja, sem extensão extratireoidiana e sem metástases. Os demais marcadores analisados não apresentaram relação significativa e consistente com recorrência ou outros fatores prognósticos. CONCLUSÕES: Nas neoplasias malignas de tireoide, o microambiente imune parece ter uma relação com características patológicas de agressividade. Este estudo mostrou que em carcinoma papilífero de tireoide quando não associado à tireoidite significativa, a densidade do infiltrado tumoral e peritumoral por linfócitos T CD8+ está inversamente relacionada com chance de disseminação metastática linfonodal e, provavelmente, com recidiva da doença, sendo, portanto, um marcador de melhor prognóstico. Este dado sugere que estes linfócitos exercem efeito antitumoral no carcinoma papilífero de tireoide, corroborando a importância da resposta imune na evolução desta neoplasiaINTRODUCTION: Within the last few decades thyroid cancer has the fastest rising incidence rate among all malignancies. In this group of different neoplasms, the papillary carcinoma, one of the well-differentiated carcinomas, represents the great majority and has favorable prognosis, with overall survival rates above 90% in five years. Although several risk classifications based on different prognostic features have been used, they are not accurate to predict which patients will have higher chance of recurrence, lymphatic metastasis and worse outcome, benefiting from more aggressive treatment. It has been described in several kinds of malignancies that tumor related immune infiltration has relation with prognosis and response to treatment. In this study, we characterize the immune microenvironment in papillary thyroid carcinomas, using immunohistochemical markers to inflammatory cells, and relate it with clinical and pathological prognostic features and with recurrence free survival rates. METHODS: The 151 included cases were selected from a database that included all patients who underwent surgical treatment for thyroid cancer at A.C.Camargo Cancer Center between the years 2008 and 2010. Tumor with significant thyroiditis were excluded. The selected tumors were submitted to immunohistochemical reactions with markers of inflammatory cells and analysis in complete slides by two experienced pathologists. Clinical and pathological features were evaluated, as well as recurrence and survival, relating them with the reading of marked cells. Survival analysis were made using Kaplan-Meier method, comparing survival curves with the Logrank test. RESULTS: One hundred and fifty one patients were included, of which 130 (86.1%) were females and 21 (13.9%) males. Multifocal disease was found in 41 cases (27.2%), extrathyroidal extension in 43 (28.5%) and lymph node metastasis in 36 (23.8%). Only two patients had distant metastasis. The mean follow-up time was 65.1 months and we observed nine (6%) tumor recurrences. Tumors with lymph node metastasis and/or extrathyroidal extension showed significantly higher recurrence rates. Of the analyzed markers, the cases with a higher density of CD8 (which marks cytotoxic T lymphocytes) in peritumoral areas presented a trend to better recurrence-free survival: 97.1% versus 87.5% (p=0.057), in addition to lower rates of mutifocal tumors and lymph node metastasis. A higher infiltration rate of CD8+ T lymphocytes in the tumor also correlated with less risk of lymph node metastasis in this sample (18.4% versus 38.1%, p=0.011). Besides that, the density of this marking both in the tumor and in peritumoral areas, was significantly higher in the papillary carcinomas limited to the thyroid gland (without extrathyroidal extension or metastasis). The other markers analyzed did not presented significant or consistent relation with recurrence or other prognostic factors. CONCLUSIONS: In thyroid cancer, the immune microenvironment seems to relate with pathological features of aggressiveness. This study showed that in papillary thyroid carcinomas without significant thyroiditis, the density of tumoral and peritumoral infiltration by CD8+ T lymphocytes is inversely related with lymph node metastasis rate and probably with recurrence, being therefore a marker of better prognosis. These data suggest that these lymphocytes play an anti-tumoral role in papillary thyroid carcinoma, supporting the implication of immune response in the progression of this neoplas

    Robotic-assisted modified retroauricular cervical approach: initial experience in Latin America

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the thickness of the gastric wall at the time of intra gastric balloon (IGB) placement, at the time of its withdrawal and one month after withdrawal. Methods: fifteen morbidly obese patients underwent the introduction of IGB under general anesthesia. In all patients, there was infusion of 500ml of distilled water in the balloon for the test. Measurements of the thickness of the gastric wall were made in the antrum, body and proximal body, using a radial echoendoscope with a frequency of 12MHz and maximum zoom, and its own balloon inflated with 5ml of distilled water. Results: the presence of IGB led to increased wall thickness of the gastric body by expanding the muscle layer. These changes were apparently transient, since 30 days after the balloon withdrawal there was a tendency to return of the wall thickness values observed before the balloon insertion. Conclusion: the use of intragastric balloon for the treatment of obesity determines transient increase in the wall thickness of the gastric body caused by expanded muscle layer

    Risk Factors and Outcomes of Postoperative Neck Hematomas: An Analysis of 5,900 Thyroidectomies Performed at a Cancer Center

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    Introduction Postoperative neck hematoma (PNH) is an uncommon but potentially-lethal complication of thyroid surgery. Objective To identify the risk factors for postthyroidectomy hematoma requiring reoperation, the timing, the source of the bleeding, the related respiratory distress requiring tracheotomy, and the late outcomes. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the records of 5,900 consecutive patients submitted to surgery for thyroid diseases at a single institution. Results In total, PNH occurred in 62 (1.1%) patients. Most cases of bleeding occurred within the first 6 hours after thyroidectomy, but 12.5% of the hematomas were observed after 24 hours. Obvious bleeding points were detected in 58.1% of the patients during the reoperation, with inferior thyroid artery branches and superior thyroid vessels being the most frequent bleeding sources. Only two patients required urgent tracheostomy. There were no hematoma-related deaths. Permanent hypoparathyroidism and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury are more frequent following reoperation for PNH. The factors significantly associated with PNH were: older age, concurrent lymph node dissection, and chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. Gender, previous neck irradiation, presentation at diagnosis (symptomatic or incidental), substernal goiter, thyroidectomy for hyperthyroidism, prior thyroid surgery, malignant histology, the extent of the surgery (total versus non-total thyroidectomy), the use of energy-based vessel sealing devices, the use of the hemostatic agent Surgicel, and the placement of a surgical drain were not significantly associated with PNH. Conclusion Hematoma after thyroid surgery is an uncommon complication, but it is related to significant postoperative morbidity. A better understanding of the risk factors and of the time until hematoma formation can help target high-risk patients for preventive measures and closer postoperative observation