23 research outputs found


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    The original body size data matri

    Sequences data matrix and trees

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    The original molecular data, and the results from ML, BI and BEAST analyses

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Coevolution of female and male genital components to avoid genital size mismatches in sexually dimorphic spiders

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    Simplified phylogeny of nephilid spiders highlighting the investigated species representing genus-level clades. Phylogeny depicts the consensus Bayesian tree [40]. (PDF 10 kb


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    原著和名: [記載なし]科名: カヤツリグサ科 = Cyperaceae採集地: 北海道 帯広市 川西 札内川畔 (北海道 十勝 帯広市 川西 札内川畔)採集日: 1988/5/23採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH005718国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-95571

    Meta-analysis as a preliminary test of the IDM: the richness of various clades of recently studied terrestrial and freshwater plants and animals in the western Indian Ocean, based on a review of nearly 100 recent studies [14].

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    <p>Regression results show polynomial fit (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.85, P<0.0001). For those taxa where dispersal event estimates are possible, diversity is largely explained by the number of estimated transoceanic dispersal events per lineage. Estimates of dispersal events are not available for excellent dispersers in the region. Nevertheless, clearly the best dispersers are both widespread and species poor (Fig. 3), implying that the relationship seen here breaks down at extreme dispersal abilities. Red dots show exceptionally diverse poor dispersers that all represent radiations on Madagascar either vicariant, or as a result of a single dispersal event. This highlights the extreme rarity of such events and thus how poor dispersal ability can severely restrict diversification among islands, but may promote it within the few islands–likely large and old–they by chance do colonize.</p

    Species richness (on y) as a function of estimated dispersal ability.

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    <p>Rough categorical estimates of dispersal abilities were made from Appendix S1 based on frequency of transoceanic dispersal events ranging from very poor (zero estimated transoceanic dispersal events) to excellent (regular transoceanic dispersal). Clades that contain intermediate to good dispersers, that have undergone several transoceanic dispersal events, but do probably not maintain gene flow among islands, tend to be most species rich. Excellent dispersers are species poor, while poor dispersers range from species poor to moderately species rich, with the latter reflecting mostly within-island diversification in Madagascar. However, the exact number of such events or, for example, the minimum number of transoceanic dispersal events necessary to maintain gene flow and prevent speciation, is unknown but might be addressed through detailed genetic studies and/or simulations.</p

    A graphical representation of the IDM.

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    <p>In co-distributed lineages of similar ages, dispersal ability (Fig. 1: x axis) positively, though not necessarily linearly as presented in this simple model, correlates with the number of isolated patches/landmasses a lineage will come to occupy (Fig. 1: y axis). On the other hand, dispersal ability will negatively, again not necessarily linearly, correlate with genetic divergence among populations (Fig. 1: z axis), as good dispersers maintain higher rates of gene flow <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0086780#pone.0086780-Heaney1" target="_blank">[13]</a>. The inevitable consequence of these two factors is the prediction that intermediate dispersers will be the most diverse: the poorest dispersers will not be able to colonize isolated landmasses, severely limiting opportunities for diversification, while excellent dispersers will repeatedly colonize many landmasses and maintain gene flow among them. Intermediate dispersers, however, have the opportunity to colonize new landmasses, but do so rarely enough so that colonization restricts gene flow among populations, leading to genetic divergence and eventually speciation <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0086780#pone.0086780-Garb1" target="_blank">[12]</a>. A skew towards high diversity of relatively poorer dispersers is expected on large, old, Wallacean (fragment) islands, while small, young, Darwinian (de novo) islands will be home mostly to relatively good dispersers.</p

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of The evolution of genital complexity and mating rates in sexually size dimorphic spiders

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    Nephilid spider and outgroup data for all variables used in phylogenetic comparative analyses. Mating rates are inferred based on experimental and morphological evidence. Separate (Excel) file. (XLSX 16 kb