19,913 research outputs found

    Theory of control of spin/photon interface for quantum networks

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    A cavity coupling a charged nanodot and a fiber can act as a quantum interface, through which a stationary spin qubit and a flying photon qubit can be inter-converted via cavity-assisted Raman process. This Raman process can be controlled to generate or annihilate an arbitrarily shaped single-photon wavepacket by pulse-shaping the controlling laser field. This quantum interface forms the basis for many essential functions of a quantum network, including sending, receiving, transferring, swapping, and entangling qubits at distributed quantum nodes as well as a deterministic source and an efficient detector of a single photon wavepacket with arbitrarily specified shape and average photon number. Numerical study of noise effects on the operations shows high fidelity.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Improved superlensing in two-dimensional photonic crystals with a basis

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    We study propagation of light in square and hexagonal two-dimensional photonic crystals. We show, that slabs of these crystals focus light with subwavelength resolution. We propose a systematic way to increase this resolution, at an essentially fixed frequency, by employing a hierarchy of crystals of the same structure, and the same lattice constant, but with an increasingly complex basis.Comment: 16 Pages, 5 Figure

    Integer quantum Hall effect and topological phase transitions in silicene

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    We numerically investigate the effects of disorder on the quantum Hall effect (QHE) and the quantum phase transitions in silicene based on a lattice model. It is shown that for a clean sample, silicene exhibits an unconventional QHE near the band center, with plateaus developing at ν=0,±2,±6,,\nu=0,\pm2,\pm6,\ldots, and a conventional QHE near the band edges. In the presence of disorder, the Hall plateaus can be destroyed through the float-up of extended levels toward the band center, in which higher plateaus disappear first. However, the center ν=0\nu=0 Hall plateau is more sensitive to disorder and disappears at a relatively weak disorder strength. Moreover, the combination of an electric field and the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction (SOI) can lead to quantum phase transitions from a topological insulator to a band insulator at the charge neutrality point (CNP), accompanied by additional quantum Hall conductivity plateaus.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Electrohydrodynamic jet printing of PZT thick film micro-scale structures

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    This paper reports the use of a printing technique, called electrohydrodynamic jet printing, for producing PZT thick film micro-scale structures without additional material removing processes. The PZT powder was ball-milled and the effect of milling time on the particle size was examined. This ball-milling process can significantly reduce the PZT particle size and help to prepare stable composite slurry suitable for the E-Jet printing. The PZT micro-scale structures with different features were produced. The PZT lines with different widths and separations were fabricated through the control of the E-Jet printing parameters. The widths of the PZT lines were varied from 80 μm to 200 μm and the separations were changed from 5 μm to 200 μm. In addition, PZT walled structures were obtained by multi-layer E-Jet printing. The E-Jet printed PZT thick films exhibited a relative permittivity (ɛr) of ∼233 and a piezoelectric constant (d33, f) of ∼66 pC N−1

    Possibility of Unconventional Pairing Due to Coulomb Interaction in Fe-Based Pnictide Superconductors: Perturbative Analysis of Multi-Band Hubbard Models

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    Possibility of unconventional pairing due to Coulomb interaction in iron-pnictide superconductors is studied by applying a perturbative approach to realistic 2- and 5-band Hubbard models. The linearized Eliashberg equation is solved by expanding the effective pairing interaction perturbatively up to third order in the on-site Coulomb integrals. The numerical results for the 5-band model suggest that the eigenvalues of the Eliashberg equation are sufficiently large to explain the actual high Tc for realistic values of Coulomb interaction and the most probable pairing state is spin-singlet s-wave without any nodes just on the Fermi surfaces, although the superconducting order parameter changes its sign between the small Fermi pockets. On the other hand the 2-band model is quite insufficient to explain the actual high Tc.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the Intl. Symposium on Fe-Oxypnictide Superconductors (Tokyo, 28-29th June 2008

    High-Dimensional Stochastic Design Optimization by Adaptive-Sparse Polynomial Dimensional Decomposition

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    This paper presents a novel adaptive-sparse polynomial dimensional decomposition (PDD) method for stochastic design optimization of complex systems. The method entails an adaptive-sparse PDD approximation of a high-dimensional stochastic response for statistical moment and reliability analyses; a novel integration of the adaptive-sparse PDD approximation and score functions for estimating the first-order design sensitivities of the statistical moments and failure probability; and standard gradient-based optimization algorithms. New analytical formulae are presented for the design sensitivities that are simultaneously determined along with the moments or the failure probability. Numerical results stemming from mathematical functions indicate that the new method provides more computationally efficient design solutions than the existing methods. Finally, stochastic shape optimization of a jet engine bracket with 79 variables was performed, demonstrating the power of the new method to tackle practical engineering problems.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Sparse Grids and Applications--Stuttgart 2014, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 109, edited by J. Garcke and D. Pfl\"{u}ger, Springer International Publishing, 201

    Exploring multipartite quantum correlations with the square of quantum discord

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    We explore the quantum correlation distribution in multipartite quantum states based on the square of quantum discord (SQD). For tripartite quantum systems, we derive the necessary and sufficient condition for the SQD to satisfy the monogamy relation. Particularly, we prove that the SQD is monogamous for three-qubit pure states, based on which a genuine tripartite quantum correlation measure is introduced. In addition, we also address the quantum correlation distributions in four-qubit pure states. As an example, we investigate multipartite quantum correlations in the dynamical evolution of multipartite cavity-reservoir systems.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure