9,179 research outputs found

    Flavor Violating Transitions of Charged Leptons from a Seesaw Mechanism of Dimension Seven

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    A mechanism has been suggested recently to generate the neutrino mass out of a dimension-seven operator. This is expected to relieve the tension between the occurrence of a tiny neutrino mass and the observability of other physics effects beyond it. Such a mechanism would inevitably entail lepton flavor violating effects. We study in this work the radiative and purely leptonic transitions of the light charged leptons. In so doing we make a systematic analysis of the flavor structure by providing a convenient parametrization of the mass matrices in terms of independent physical parameters and diagonalizing them explicitly. We illustrate our numerical results by sampling over two CP phases and one Yukawa coupling which are the essential parameters in addition to the heavy lepton mass. We find that with the stringent constraints coming from the muon decays and the muon-electron conversion in nuclei taken into account the decays of the tau lepton are severely suppressed in the majority of parameter space. There exist, however, small regions in which some tau decays can reach a level that is about 2 orders of magnitude below their current bounds.Comment: v1: 25 pages, 8 figures; v2: proofread version for PRD. Included muon-electron conversion in nuclei at the referee's suggestion and added relevant refs accordingly; main conclusion not changed but bounds on tau lepton decays becoming more stringent; linguistic and editing corrections also mad

    An Unsupervised Feature Learning Approach to Improve Automatic Incident Detection

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    Sophisticated automatic incident detection (AID) technology plays a key role in contemporary transportation systems. Though many papers were devoted to study incident classification algorithms, few study investigated how to enhance feature representation of incidents to improve AID performance. In this paper, we propose to use an unsupervised feature learning algorithm to generate higher level features to represent incidents. We used real incident data in the experiments and found that effective feature mapping function can be learnt from the data crosses the test sites. With the enhanced features, detection rate (DR), false alarm rate (FAR) and mean time to detect (MTTD) are significantly improved in all of the three representative cases. This approach also provides an alternative way to reduce the amount of labeled data, which is expensive to obtain, required in training better incident classifiers since the feature learning is unsupervised.Comment: The 15th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2012

    Geochemistry and petrogenesis of volcanic rocks from Daimao Seamount (South China Sea) and their tectonic implications

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    The South China Sea (SCS) experienced three episodes of seafloor spreading and left three fossil spreading centers presently located at 18°N, 17°N and 15.5°N. Spreading ceased at these three locations during magnetic anomaly 10, 8, and 5c, respectively. Daimao Seamount (16.6. Ma) was formed 10. my after the cessation of the 17°N spreading center. Volcaniclastic rocks and shallow-water carbonate facies near the summit of Daimao Seamount provide key information on the seamount's geologic history. New major and trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of basaltic breccia clasts in the volcaniclastics suggest that Daimao and other SCS seamounts have typical ocean island basalt-like composition and possess a 'Dupal' isotopic signature. Our new analyses, combined with available data, indicate that the basaltic foundation of Daimao Seamount was formed through subaqueous explosive volcanic eruptions at 16.6. Ma. The seamount subsided rapidly (>. 0.12. mm/y) at first, allowing the deposition of shallow-water, coral-bearing carbonates around its summit and, then, at a slower rate (<. 0.12. mm/y). We propose that the parental magmas of SCS seamount lavas originated from the Hainan mantle plume. In contrast, lavas from contemporaneous seamounts in other marginal basins in the western Pacific are subduction-related

    Patrones de distribución de individuos longevos de plantas relictas en los alrededores de la montana Fanjingshan en China: implicaciones para su conservación in situ

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    The mountain areas in south-central China are widely recognized as refugia of relict plants during the late Neogene and Quaternary periods. In this paper, we try to explore the distribution patterns of natural habitats and to exactly locate the refugia of relict species around Fanjingshan Mountain using dendrological data of long-lived individuals (≥ 100 years old). Six typical relict plants were found around the mountain, i.e. Cyclocarya paliurus, Ginkgo biloba, Liriodendron chinense, Pinus massoniana, Podocarpus macrophyllus, and Taxus chinensis. The long-lived individuals were divided into three classes according to their ages: Class-I (≥ 500 years), Class-II (300–499 years), and Class-III (100–299 years). Our results showed that the south-west region to the mountain was the main distribution area of Class-I trees of G. biloba and T. chinensis, most of which occurring in the same small village (Yangliu Village of Yinjiang County). The north-east region harboured all the six relict species. Floristic analyses also indicated these two regions were very similar in tree growth as measured by DBH (diameter at breast height of 1.3 m). Thus, these two areas would have provided long-term suitable habitats for relict species. The south-west region, especially the small village Yangliu, should be given highest priority for in situ conservation of relict species and other rare and endangered plants. Attention should also be paid to the north-east region for its very high species diversity of relict species.Las áreas montañosas de la región centro-sur de China están ampliamente reconocidas por su papel como refugio de plantas relictas durante la última etapa del Neógeno y el Cuaternario. En el presente trabajo se intentan explorar los patrones de distribución de los hábitats naturales y la localización exacta de los refugios para especies vegetales relictas en los alrededores de la montaña Fanjinshan, mediante el empleo de datos dendrológicos de individuos longevos (≥ 100 años). En el área de estudio se encontraron seis especies vegetales típicamente relictas: Cyclocarya paliurus, Ginkgo biloba, Liriodendron chinense, Pinus massoniana, Podocarpus macrophyllus y Taxus chinensis. Los individuos longevos se dividieron en tres categorías de acuerdo con su edad estimada: individuos de Clase I (≥ 500 años), de Clase II (300–499 años) y de Clase III (100–299 años). Nuestros resultados muestran que la región situada al suroeste de la montaña se corresponde con la principal área de distribución de los árboles de Clase I de G. biloba y T. chinensis, localizándose la mayor parte de éstos en los alrededores de una pequeña aldea (Yangliu, en el condado de Yinjiang). La región situada al noreste de Fanjinshan alberga, por su parte, las seis especies relictas, y los análisis florísticos muestran una elevada similaridad entre ambas regiones por lo que respecta al crecimiento arbóreo medido como DBH [diámetro a la altura del pecho (1,3 m)]. Por consiguiente, estas dos regiones habrían proporcionado hábitats adecuados para la supervivencia de especies relictas. La región suroeste, y en especial la aldea de Yangliu, deben recibir la máxima prioridad para la conservación in situ de especies relictas (y otras especies raras y amenazadas). La región noreste también debe priorizarse dada su elevada diversidad de especies relictas
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