6 research outputs found

    Exigências nutricionais e crescimento de plantas de mogno (Swietenia macrophylla King.) Nutritional requirements and growth of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King.) plants

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    A necessidade de desenvolver pesquisas referentes aos requerimentos nutricionais das espécies florestais, principalmente as essências florestais nativas da Amazônia, como o mogno, é inadiável, visto que as constantes explorações de espécies de alto valor econômico são cada vez maiores. Com o objetivo de avaliar o crescimento e o requerimento nutricional de mudas de mogno, foi realizado um experimento em casa de vegetação com 14 tratamentos. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualisados, com 5 repetições. As características de crescimento avaliadas foram: altura da parte aérea, diâmetro de colo, matéria seca da parte aérea, da raiz e total, relação raiz e parte aérea e conteúdo de nutrientes da matéria seca da parte aérea. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que: é necessária a correção conjunta da acidez e da fertilidade do solo para solos ácidos e de baixa fertilidade natural, mesmo que o teor de matéria orgânica seja considerado alto; dos nutrientes, P é o que mais limita o desenvolvimento da planta, bem como a absorção dos outros nutrientes; não há necessidade de adição de K para o desenvolvimento das plantas quando se realiza calagem; na ausência de calagem a adição de K deve ser recomendada e o requerimento nutricional do mogno em macronutrientes obedece à ordem decrescente de: P>S>K>N.<br>The need for developing research related principally to the nutritional requirements of essential native Amazonian forest species, such as mahogany, is urgent, since the exploration of highly valuable species is continually more frequent. With the objective of evaluating the growth and the nutritional requirement of mahogany plants, an experiment in a vegetation house with 14 treatments was undertaken. The experiment outline was of occasional blocks with 5 repetitions. The growth characteristics evaluated were: height of the aerial part, diameter of the bottom, dry material of the aerial part, root and total, relationship of root and aerial part, relationship and nutrient content of dry material of the aerial part. The results lead to the conclusion that: the conjoint correction of acidity and the fertility of the soil for acid soils and low natural fertility is necessary even if the content of the organic material is considered high; of the nutrients, P is the one which limits most the development of the plant, as well as the absorption of other nutrients; there is no need to add K for developing the plants when liming occurs.; addition of K is recommended when liming does not occur; and the nutritional requirement of mahogany in macronutrients obeys the decreasing order of P>S>K.N

    Crecimiento inicial de Palo de Rosa (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) en distintos ambientes de fertilidad Growth of initial Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) in different environnement of fertility

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    Los estudios de requerimientos nutricionales son de gran importancia para identificar aquellos más importantes en el desarrollo fisiológico y crecimiento de plántulas. Con el objetivo de evaluar las exigencias nutricionales y los efectos de la omisión de macronutrientes en el crecimiento de plántulas de Aniba rosaeodora; se realizó un experimento en el vivero del INPA-Amazonas-Brasil teniendo como substrato un suelo Podozolico Rojo de baja disponibilidad de nutrientes. Se utilizaron 8 tratamientos bajo la técnica del nutriente faltante: Control (Suelo con macronutrientes), Suelo natural, y la omisión de un macronutriente por vez (-N, -P, -K, -Ca, -Mg, -S). Se evaluaron las siguientes características: tasa de crecimiento relativo (TCR), Tasa de asimilación neta (TAN), peso de la materia seca de la parte aérea (MSPA) y de las raíces (MSR), contenido de nutrientes en las hojas, concluyendo que el N, Mg y Ca, demostraron ser limitantes al crecimiento en suelo con pequeña disponibilidad; Las plántulas de A. rosaeodora presentaron un bajo requerimiento nutricional para el P, K y S. La omisión de Ca y N perjudica TCR de la especie. Los elementos más importantes para la MSPA fueron el Ca y el Mg; actuando el Mg más en el área foliar; por otro lado la omisión de azufre favorece la absorción de macronutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg).<br>Studies of nutritional requirements are of great importance for identifying the most important nutrients in physiologic development and seedling growth. A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted at INPA to evaluate the mineral nutritional demands and the effects of macronutrient omission in the plant growth of Aniba rosaeodora Ducke. The following treatments were used: Complete (fertilization with N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B and Zn), Standard (nature soil), Complete without N, Complete without P, Complete without K, Complete without Ca, Complete without Mg, and Complete without S. An Ultisoil with low nutrient availability was used as a substratum. The following characteristics were evaluated, relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), plant height, diameter, dry matter production of the aerial part (DMPAP) and amount of nutrient in the dry matter of leaves. We concluded from the results that: low availability of N, Ca and Mg constraints the growth of the Aniba rosaeodora plants. Seedlings of A. rosaeodora required little P, K and S. The omission of Ca and N harmed the RGR of the species. The most important elements for DMPAP were Ca and Mg; the Mg acting more in the leaf area; on the other hand, the omission of sulfur favored the macronutrient absorption (N, P, K, Ca, Mg)