24 research outputs found

    CHS Priority Planning Tool

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    Spanning close to 250,000 km in length, the Canadian coastline is the longest in the world. Collecting and managing data that is required by the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) to produce navigational products for such a vast area can be challenging. Despite CHS products covering the full extent of Canadian waters, gaps in the data persist. To prioritize these gaps, CHS has developed a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tool, the CHS Priority Planning Tool (CPPT). The derived output of the CPPT helps prioritize the areas that pose the highest risk to navigation

    Accelerating the Usage of Earth and Oceans Observation Data in Hydrographic Applications

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    Accessing accurate, up-to-date data to support chart production in Canada’s vast and complex waterways can be challenging. In order to improve efficiency in charting these navigable waters, The Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) has developed new techniques that leverage Satellite Based Earth Observation (EO) data. The main applications developed by CHS include: Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB), intertidal zone mapping, extraction of accurate coastlines, change detection/rate of change of coastal features and virtual tidal gauges. The results obtained demonstrate that EO data is a reliable source of Hydrospatial information that can meet the CHS and International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) charting requirements.El acceso a datos precisos y actualizados para apoyar la producción de cartas delas vastas y complejas vías fluviales de Canadá puede ser un desafío. Para mejorar la eficacia al cartografiar estas aguas navegables, el Servicio Hidrográfico Canadiense (CHS) ha desarrollado nuevas técnicas que utilizan datos de la Observación de la Tierra (EO) por satélite. Las principales aplicaciones desarrolladas por el CHS incluyen: Batimetría satelital (SDB), cartografía de zonas inter-mareales, extracción de líneas de costa precisas, detección de cambios/nivel de cambios de características costeras y mareógrafos virtuales. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que los datos de OE son una fuente fidedigna de información hidroespacial que puede cumplir los costeras y mareógrafos virtuales. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que los datos de OE son una fuente fidedigna de información hidroespacial que puede cumplir los requisitos cartográficos del CHS y de la Organización Hidrográfica Internacional (OHI).Accéder à des données exactes et à jour en vue de soutenir la production de cartes dans les vastes et complexes voies navigables du Canada peut représenter un défi. Afin d’améliorer l’efficacité dans la cartographie de ces eaux navigables, le Service hydrographique canadien (SHC) a développé de nouvelles techniques qui exploitent les données d’observation de la Terre (EO) par satellite. Les principales applications développées par le SHC comprennent : la bathymétrie par satellite (SDB), la cartographie de la zone intertidale, l’extraction de lignes de côte précises, la détection des changements/le taux de changement des caractéristiques côtières et les marégraphes virtuels. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les données EO sont une source fiable d’informations hydrospatiales qui peuvent répondre aux exigences en matière de cartographie du SHC et de l’Organisation hydrographique internationale (OHI)

    Bathymetric Photogrammetry to Update CHS Charts: Comparing Conventional 3D Manual and Automatic Approaches

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    The Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) supports safe navigation within Canadian waters through approximately 1000 navigational charts as well as hundreds of publications. One of the greatest challenges faced by the CHS is removing gaps in bathymetric survey data, particularly in the Canadian Arctic where only 6% of navigational water is surveyed to modern standards. Therefore, the CHS has initiated a research project to explore remote sensing methods to improve Canadian navigational charts. The major components of this project explore satellite derived bathymetry (SDB), coastline change detection and coastline extraction. This paper focuses on the potential of two stereo satellite techniques for deriving SDB: (i) automatic digital elevation model (DEM) extraction using a semi-global matching method, and (ii) 3D manual delineation of depth contours using visual stereoscopic interpretation. Analysis focused on quantitative assessment which compared estimated depths from both automatic and 3D manual photogrammetric approaches against available in situ survey depths. The results indicate that the 3D manual approach provides an accuracy of <2 m up to a depth of 15 m. Comparable results were obtained from the automatic approach to a depth of 12 m. For almost all investigated depth ranges for both techniques, uncertainties were found to be within the required vertical accuracies for the International Hydrographic Organization category zone of confidence (CATZOC) level C classification for hydrographic surveys. This indicates that both techniques can be used to derive navigational quality bathymetric information within the investigated study site. While encouraging, neither technique was found to offer a single solution for the complete estimation of depth within the study area. As a result of these findings, the CHS envisions a hybrid approach where stereo- and reflectance-based bathymetry estimation techniques are implemented to provide the greatest understanding of depth possible from satellite imagery. Overall, stereo photogrammetry techniques will likely allow for new potential for supporting the improvement of CHS charts in areas where modern surveys have not yet been obtained

    Satellite-Derived Bathymetry for Improving Canadian Hydrographic Service Charts

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    Approximately 1000 Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) charts cover Canada’s oceans and navigable waters. Many charts use information collected with techniques that predate the more advanced technologies available to Hydrographic Offices (HOs) today. Furthermore, gaps in survey data, particularly in the Canadian Arctic where only 6% of waters are surveyed to modern standards, are also problematic. Through a Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Government Related Initiatives Program (GRIP) project, CHS is exploring remote sensing techniques to assist with the improvement of Canadian navigational charts. Projects exploring optical/Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) shoreline extraction and change detection, as well as optical Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), are currently underway. This paper focuses on SDB extracted from high-resolution optical imagery, highlighting current results as well as the challenges and opportunities CHS will encounter when implementing SDB within its operational chart production process. SDB is of particular interest to CHS due to its ability to supplement depths derived from traditional hydrographic surveys. This is of great importance in shallow and/or remote Canadian waters where achieving wide-area depth coverage through traditional surveys is costly, time-consuming and a safety risk to survey operators. With an accuracy of around 1 m, SDB could be used by CHS to fill gaps in survey data and to provide valuable information in dynamic areas

    Satellite-Derived Bathymetry for Improving Canadian Hydrographic Service Charts

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    Approximately 1000 Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) charts cover Canada’s oceans and navigable waters. Many charts use information collected with techniques that predate the more advanced technologies available to Hydrographic Offices (HOs) today. Furthermore, gaps in survey data, particularly in the Canadian Arctic where only 6% of waters are surveyed to modern standards, are also problematic. Through a Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Government Related Initiatives Program (GRIP) project, CHS is exploring remote sensing techniques to assist with the improvement of Canadian navigational charts. Projects exploring optical/Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) shoreline extraction and change detection, as well as optical Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB), are currently underway. This paper focuses on SDB extracted from high-resolution optical imagery, highlighting current results as well as the challenges and opportunities CHS will encounter when implementing SDB within its operational chart production process. SDB is of particular interest to CHS due to its ability to supplement depths derived from traditional hydrographic surveys. This is of great importance in shallow and/or remote Canadian waters where achieving wide-area depth coverage through traditional surveys is costly, time-consuming and a safety risk to survey operators. With an accuracy of around 1 m, SDB could be used by CHS to fill gaps in survey data and to provide valuable information in dynamic areas

    The impact of sensors for satellite derived bathymetry within the Canadian Arctic

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    Canada’s coastline presents challenges for charting. Within Arctic regions, in situ surveying presents risks to surveyors, is time consuming and costly. To better meet its mandate, the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) has been investigating the potential of remote sensing to complement traditional charting techniques. Much of this work has focused on evaluating the effectiveness of empirical satellite derived bathymetry (SDB) techniques within the Canadian context. With greater knowledge of applying SDB techniques within Canadian waters, CHS is now interested in understanding how characteristics of optical sensors can impact SDB results. For example, how does the availability of different optical bands improve or hinder SDB estimates? What is the impact of spatial resolution on SDB accuracy? Do commercial satellites offer advantages over freely available data? Through application of a multiple band modelling technique to WorldView-2, Pléiades, PlanetScope, SPOT, Sentinel-2, and Landsat-8 imagery obtained over Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, this paper provides insight into these questions via comparisons with in situ survey data. Result highlights in the context of these questions include the following: Similarities between sensors: Overall linear error at 90% (LE90) results for each sensor ranged from 0.88 to 1.91 m relative to in situ depths, indicating consistency in the accuracy of SDB estimates from the examined satellites. Most estimates achieved Category of Zone of Confidence level C accuracy, the suggested minimum survey accuracy level for incorporating SDB information into navigational charts. SDB coverage: Between sensors, differences in the area of the sea floor that could be measured by SDB were apparent, as were differences in the ability of each sensor to properly represent spatial bathymetry characteristics. Sensor importance: Though relationships between SDB accuracy and sensor resolution were found, significant advantages or disadvantages for particular sensors were not identified, suggesting that other factors may play a more important role for SDB image selection (e.g., sea floor visibility, sediments, waves). Findings from this work will help inform SBD planning activities for hydrographic offices and SDB researchers alike.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Intégration des considérations sociales en zone périphérique des aires protégées : le cas du parc national de Frontenac

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    Considérant que la région périphérique des aires protégées joue un rôle important pour l’intégrité écologique de ces dernières et qu’elle est souvent hors du contrôle des gestionnaires, cette étude vise le développement d’un cadre méthodologique permettant de mieux orienter la mise en place des projets de zones périphériques, tout en favorisant la mobilisation des populations locales. La méthode s’appuie sur trois concepts centraux et englobants : le capital social, le niveau de patrimonialisation et le type de relation avec la nature. Celle-ci a été conçue de sorte à pouvoir être appliquée dans plusieurs contextes et régions, mais elle a été testée en périphérie du parc national de Frontenac. Les résultats amènent les gestionnaires de l’environnement à mieux comprendre les enjeux citoyens et leur relation avec le territoire, ce qui leur permettra d’orienter plus aisément les activités de concertation et de sensibilisation entourant le développement de projets de conservation de la nature. Le cadre méthodologique vise une mobilisation accrue des citoyens en faveur des projets, améliorant à la fois les chances de réussite et la durabilité des actions proposées.The peripheral zone around protected areas is important for ensuring their ecological integrity, but is often outside the control of managers. The present study aimed to develop a methodological framework to better guide the implementation of conservation projects in such regions and enhance support for them from within the local community. The approach used is based on three central concepts: social capital, heritagization, and the nature of the relationship that residents have with their natural surroundings. The framework was developed to allow its implementation in different regions and under different contexts, and was tested in the zone bordering the parc national de Frontenac (Québec, Canada). The results provide environmental managers with a better understanding of local social issues and the relationship citizens have with their natural surroundings, making it easier to consult residents and orient awareness activities about proposed nature conservation projects. As the framework developed aims to increase citizen support for such projects, it should enhance the success and sustainability of the actions proposed

    Charting Dynamic Areas in the Mackenzie River with RADARSAT-2, Simulated RADARSAT Constellation Mission and Optical Remote Sensing Data

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    Mariners navigating within Canadian waters rely on Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) navigational charts to safely reach their destinations. To fulfil this need, CHS charts must accurately reflect the current state of Canadian coastal regions. While many coastal regions are stable, others are dynamic and require frequent updates. In order to ensure that important and potentially dangerous changes are reflected in CHS products, the organization, in partnership with the Canadian Space Agency, is exploring coastal change detection through satellite remote sensing (SRS). In this work, CHS examined a hybrid shoreline extraction approach which uses both Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical data. The approach was applied for a section of the Mackenzie River, one of Canada’s most dynamic river systems. The approach used RADARSAT-2 imagery as its primary information source, due to its high positioning accuracy (5 m horizontal accuracy) and ability to allow for low and high water line charting. Landsat represented the primary optical data source due to its long historical record of Earth observation data. Additional sensors, such as Sentinel-2 and WorldView, were also used where a higher resolution was required. The shoreline extraction process is based on an image segmentation approach that uses both the radar and optical data. Critical information was collected using the automated approach to support chart updates, resulting in reductions to the financial, human and time factors present within the ship-based hydrographic survey techniques traditionally used for chart improvements. The results demonstrate the potential benefit of wide area SRS change detection within dynamic waterways for navigational chart improvements. The work also demonstrates that the approach developed for RADARSAT-2 could be implemented with data from the forthcoming RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM), which is critical to ensure project continuity

    D Geometric Modelling Of Ikonos Geo Images

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    Digital elevation model (DEM) extracted from IKONOS along-track stereo images with photogrammetric method is evaluated. As few as 12 GCPs are enough for the stereo photogrammetric bundle adjustment, which also filters the errors of the input data. With an area-based image matching users may produce high resolution DEMs with LE68 errors of 1 m to 4 m depending on the land covers. The best results (1.1 m-2.6 m) are obtained in bare soils, lakes, residential areas and sparse forests. The surface elevation of some of the areas (residential/ forests) did not affect too much the errors because the 1-2-storey houses in residential areas are sparse or because the images were acquired when there is no leave in the deciduous forests. An error evaluation as a function of the slope azimuths shows that the DEM error in sun-facing slopes is 1-m smaller than the DEM error in slopes away from the sun. 5-10 m contour lines could thus be derived with the highest topographic standard