30,157 research outputs found

    The perfect spin injection in silicene FS/NS junction

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    We theoretically investigate the spin injection from a ferromagnetic silicene to a normal silicene (FS/NS), where the magnetization in the FS is assumed from the magnetic proximity effect. Based on a silicene lattice model, we demonstrated that the pure spin injection could be obtained by tuning the Fermi energy of two spin species, where one is in the spin orbit coupling gap and the other one is outside the gap. Moreover, the valley polarity of the spin species can be controlled by a perpendicular electric field in the FS region. Our findings may shed light on making silicene-based spin and valley devices in the spintronics and valleytronics field.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    High-Efficient Parallel CAVLC Encoders on Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures

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    This article presents two high-efficient parallel realizations of the context-based adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC) based on heterogeneous multicore processors. By optimizing the architecture of the CAVLC encoder, three kinds of dependences are eliminated or weaken, including the context-based data dependence, the memory accessing dependence and the control dependence. The CAVLC pipeline is divided into three stages: two scans, coding, and lag packing, and be implemented on two typical heterogeneous multicore architectures. One is a block-based SIMD parallel CAVLC encoder on multicore stream processor STORM. The other is a component-oriented SIMT parallel encoder on massively parallel architecture GPU. Both of them exploited rich data-level parallelism. Experiments results show that compared with the CPU version, more than 70 times of speedup can be obtained for STORM and over 50 times for GPU. The implementation of encoder on STORM can make a real-time processing for 1080p @30fps and GPU-based version can satisfy the requirements for 720p real-time encoding. The throughput of the presented CAVLC encoders is more than 10 times higher than that of published software encoders on DSP and multicore platforms

    Integer quantum Hall effect and topological phase transitions in silicene

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    We numerically investigate the effects of disorder on the quantum Hall effect (QHE) and the quantum phase transitions in silicene based on a lattice model. It is shown that for a clean sample, silicene exhibits an unconventional QHE near the band center, with plateaus developing at ν=0,±2,±6,,\nu=0,\pm2,\pm6,\ldots, and a conventional QHE near the band edges. In the presence of disorder, the Hall plateaus can be destroyed through the float-up of extended levels toward the band center, in which higher plateaus disappear first. However, the center ν=0\nu=0 Hall plateau is more sensitive to disorder and disappears at a relatively weak disorder strength. Moreover, the combination of an electric field and the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction (SOI) can lead to quantum phase transitions from a topological insulator to a band insulator at the charge neutrality point (CNP), accompanied by additional quantum Hall conductivity plateaus.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Possibility of Unconventional Pairing Due to Coulomb Interaction in Fe-Based Pnictide Superconductors: Perturbative Analysis of Multi-Band Hubbard Models

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    Possibility of unconventional pairing due to Coulomb interaction in iron-pnictide superconductors is studied by applying a perturbative approach to realistic 2- and 5-band Hubbard models. The linearized Eliashberg equation is solved by expanding the effective pairing interaction perturbatively up to third order in the on-site Coulomb integrals. The numerical results for the 5-band model suggest that the eigenvalues of the Eliashberg equation are sufficiently large to explain the actual high Tc for realistic values of Coulomb interaction and the most probable pairing state is spin-singlet s-wave without any nodes just on the Fermi surfaces, although the superconducting order parameter changes its sign between the small Fermi pockets. On the other hand the 2-band model is quite insufficient to explain the actual high Tc.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the Intl. Symposium on Fe-Oxypnictide Superconductors (Tokyo, 28-29th June 2008

    Origin of Tc Enhancement Induced by Doping Yttrium and Hydrogen into LaFeAsO-based Superconductors: 57Fe, 75As, 139La, and 1H-NMR Studies

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    We report our extensive 57Fe-, 75As-, 139La-, and 1H-NMR studies of La_{0.8}Y_{0.2}FeAsO_{1-y} (La_{0.8}Y_{0.2}1111) and LaFeAsO_{1-y}H_{x}(La1111H), where doping yttrium (Y) and hydrogen (H) into optimally doped LaFeAsO_{1-y} (La1111(OPT)) increases T_c=28 K to 34 and 32 K, respectively. In the superconducting (SC) state, the measurements of nuclear-spin lattice-relaxation rate 1/T_1 have revealed in terms of a multiple fully gapped s_\pm-wave model that the SC gap and T_c in La_{0.8}Y_{0.2}1111 become larger than those in La1111(OPT) without any change in doping level. In La1111H, the SC gap and T_c also increase slightly even though a decrease in carrier density and some disorders are significantly introduced. As a consequence, we suggest that the optimization of both the structural parameters and the carrier doping level to fill up the bands is crucial for increasing T_c among these La1111-based compounds through the optimization of the Fermi surface topology.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, Vol. 79, No. 1

    Spin Fluctuations and Unconventional Superconductivity in the Fe-based Oxypnictide Superconductor LaFeAsO_0.7 probed by 57Fe-NMR

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    We report 57^{57}Fe-NMR studies on the oxygen-deficient iron (Fe)-based oxypnictide superconductor LaFeAsO0.7_{0.7} (Tc=T_{c}= 28 K) enriched by 57^{57}Fe isotope. In the superconducting state, the spin component of 57^{57}Fe-Knight shift 57K^{57}K decreases almost to zero at low temperatures and the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 57(1/T1)^{57}(1/T_{1}) exhibits a T3T^{3}-like dependence without the coherence peak just below TcT_{c}, which give firm evidence of the unconventional superconducting state formed by spin-singlet Cooper pairing. All these events below TcT_c are consistently argued in terms of the extended s±_{\pm}-wave pairing with a sign reversal of the order parameter among Fermi surfaces. In the normal state, we found the remarkable decrease of 1/T1T1/T_1T upon cooling for both the Fe and As sites, which originates from the decrease of low-energy spectral weight of spin fluctuations over whole q{\bm q} space upon cooling below room temperature. Such behavior has never been observed for other strongly correlated superconductors where an antiferromagnetic interaction plays a vital role in mediating the Cooper pairing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures,Accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., vol.78, No.1 (2009