27 research outputs found

    Germline Predisposition and Copy Number Alteration in Pre-stage Lung Adenocarcinomas Presenting as Ground-Glass Nodules

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    Objective: Synchronous multiple ground-glass nodules (SM-GGNs) are a distinct entity of lung cancer which has been emerging increasingly in recent years in China. The oncogenesis molecular mechanisms of SM-GGNs remain elusive.Methods: We investigated single nucleotide variations (SNV), insertions and deletions (INDEL), somatic copy number variations (CNV), and germline mutations of 69 SM-GGN samples collected from 31 patients, using target sequencing (TRS) and whole exome sequencing (WES).Results: In the entire cohort, many known driver mutations were found, including EGFR (21.7%), BRAF (14.5%), and KRAS (6%). However, only one out of the 31 patients had the same somatic missense or truncated events within SM-GGNs, indicating the independent origins for almost all of these SM-GGNs. Many germline mutations with a low frequency in the Chinese population, and genes harboring both germline and somatic variations, were discovered in these pre-stage GGNs. These GGNs also bore large segments of copy number gains and/or losses. The CNV segment number tended to be positively correlated with the germline mutations (r = 0.57). The CNV sizes were correlated with the somatic mutations (r = 0.55). A moderate correlation (r = 0.54) was also shown between the somatic and germline mutations.Conclusion: Our data suggests that the precancerous unstable CNVs with potentially predisposing genetic backgrounds may foster the onset of driver mutations and the development of independent SM-GGNs during the local stimulation of mutagens

    Recent Advances in the Application of Metal–Organic Frameworks for Polymerization and Oligomerization Reactions

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    Polymers have become one of the major types of materials that are essential in our daily life. The controlled synthesis of value-added polymers with unique mechanical and chemical properties have attracted broad research interest. Metal–organic framework (MOF) is a class of porous material with immense structural diversity which offers unique advantages for catalyzing polymerization and oligomerization reactions including the uniformity of the catalytic active site, and the templating effect of the nano-sized channels. We summarized in this review the important recent progress in the field of MOF-catalyzed and MOF-templated polymerizations, to reveal the chemical principle and structural aspects of these systems and hope to inspire the future design of novel polymerization systems with improved activity and specificity

    Pole Feature Extraction of HF Radar Targets for the Large Complex Ship Based on SPSO and ARMA Model Algorithm

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    Radar target characteristics need to be accurately extracted to enhance the role of high-frequency (HF) radar target recognition technology in modern radar, sea and air monitoring, and other applications. The pole characteristics of radar targets have become a mainstream research focus because of their inherent advantages for target recognition. However, existing pole extraction methods for complex targets generally have problems in early- and late-time responses aliasing and target information loss. To avoid this problem, this study proposes a new method to extract radar target poles based on the special particle swarm optimization algorithm (SPSO) and an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. This method, which does not involve the distinction between early-and late-time responses, is used to estimate an approximation of the entire scattering echo of the target. Then the parameters of the model are precisely optimized with the help of a particle swarm optimization algorithm combined with opposition-based learning and inertia weight decreasing. Strategy. Owing to the characteristics of the azimuth consistency of the target poles, a sliding window is used to calibrate the positions of multi-azimuth poles in the complex plane. The method was demonstrated to be feasible with good performance when it was applied to extract the pole features of ships at different azimuths in the high-frequency band

    Pole Feature Extraction of HF Radar Targets for the Large Complex Ship Based on SPSO and ARMA Model Algorithm

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    Radar target characteristics need to be accurately extracted to enhance the role of high-frequency (HF) radar target recognition technology in modern radar, sea and air monitoring, and other applications. The pole characteristics of radar targets have become a mainstream research focus because of their inherent advantages for target recognition. However, existing pole extraction methods for complex targets generally have problems in early- and late-time responses aliasing and target information loss. To avoid this problem, this study proposes a new method to extract radar target poles based on the special particle swarm optimization algorithm (SPSO) and an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. This method, which does not involve the distinction between early-and late-time responses, is used to estimate an approximation of the entire scattering echo of the target. Then the parameters of the model are precisely optimized with the help of a particle swarm optimization algorithm combined with opposition-based learning and inertia weight decreasing. Strategy. Owing to the characteristics of the azimuth consistency of the target poles, a sliding window is used to calibrate the positions of multi-azimuth poles in the complex plane. The method was demonstrated to be feasible with good performance when it was applied to extract the pole features of ships at different azimuths in the high-frequency band

    Ocena opartej na modelu obciążeniowo-wytrzymałościowym ważności elementów systemu szeregowego z uwzględnieniem uszkodzeń wywołanych wspólną przyczyną

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    Series systems, whose structures are simple, are widely discovered in practical engineering, but the interdependency between the components is complex, such as common cause failure. With the consideration of the components’ strength, this paper focuses on ranking the importance measure of components considering the common cause failure based on the stress-strength interference (SSI) model. The weakest component can be identified by integrating the SSI model with the importance measure when the strength mean and variance of the component under the load stress is known. Firstly, the analytic methods are proposed to calculate the SSI-based importance of components in the series systems. Then, the monotonicity of SSI-based importance is analyzed by changing the strength mean or strength variance of one component. The results show that the SSI-based importance of components, whose parameters are changed, will reduce monotonically with the increase of strength mean or increase monotonically with the increase of strength variance. Finally, a component replacement method is developed based on the rules that both the importance of replaced component and the importance ranks should be unchanged after the replacement. SSI-based importance can help engineers to make maintenance decisions, and the component replacement method can increase the diversity of spare parts by finding the equivalent components.Systemy szeregowe, które są szeroko stosowane w praktyce inżynieryjnej, charakteryzują się prostą strukturą, jednak współzależności między ich elementami są złożone, czego przykładem są uszkodzenia wywołane wspólną przyczyną. Rozważając wytrzymałości składowych systemu, opracowano metodę szeregowania miar ważności składowych z uwzględnieniem uszkodzeń wywołanych wspólną przyczyną. Metoda ta pozwala zidentyfikować najsłabsze ogniwo systemu. Miarę istotności zintegrowano z modelem obciążeniowo-wytrzymałościowym (SSI), biorąc pod uwagę średnią i wariancję wytrzymałości elementu pod obciążeniem. W pierwszym kroku opracowano metody analityczne pozwalające na obliczanie opartej na SSI ważności elementów w systemach szeregowych. Następnie analizowano monotoniczność opartej na SSI ważności zmieniając średnią lub wariancję wytrzymałości jednego z elementów. Wyniki pokazują, że mierzona w oparciu o SSI ważność elementów, których parametry są zmieniane, maleje monotonicznie wraz ze wzrostem średniej wytrzymałości lub rośnie monotonicznie wraz ze wzrostem wariancji wytrzymałości. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań, opracowano metodę wymiany części, opartą na zasadzie polegającej na tym, że zarówno ważność zastąpionego elementu, jak i rangi ważności powinny pozostać niezmienione po wymianie. Możliwość określania ważności opartej na modelu SSI może pomóc inżynierom w podejmowaniu decyzji dotyczących konserwacji, zaś proponowana metoda wymiany elementów systemu pozwala zwiększyć różnorodność części zamiennych poprzez znalezienie równoważnych elementów