17 research outputs found

    Enantioselective synthesis of polysubstituted prolines by Binap-silver-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions

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    The enantioselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of stabilized azomethine ylides, generated from iminoesters, with maleimides was efficiently achieved by intermediacy of an equimolar mixture of chiral (R)- or (S)-Binap and AgClO4. The high stability of the titled catalytic metal-complex to light exposure and its insolubility in toluene made possible its recovery and reutilization in other new process. In order to get a better understanding of the behavior of these chiral catalysts, we have carried out DFT1 calculations demonstrating the experimentally observed high enantio- and endo-selectivity through a very asynchronous transition state.This work has been supported by the DGES of the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC) (Consolider INGENIO 2010 CSD2007-00006, CTQ2007-62771/BQU, and CTQ2004-00808/BQU), Generalitat Valenciana (CTIOIB/2002/320, GRUPOS03/134 and GV05/144), and by the University of Alicante. M.G. Retamosa thanks the University of Alicante for a predoctoral fellowship