229 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah terjadinya tindak pidana terhadap sumber daya air dan bagaimanakah pemberlakuan ketentuan pidana Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2019 tentang Sumber Daya Air yang dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Tindak pidana sumber daya air diantaranya seperti perbuatan dengan sengaja melakukan kegiatan yang mengakibatkan kerusakan sumber air dan prasarananya dan/atau pencemaran air dan melakukan kegiatan yang mengakibatkan terjadinya daya rusak air, mengganggu upaya pengawetan air, menggunakan sumber daya air yang menimbulkan kerusakan pada sumber air, lingkungan dan/atau prasarana sumber daya air di sekitarnya dan melakukan pendayagunaan sumber daya air di kawasan suaka alam dan kawasan pelestarian alam serta melakukan kegiatan pelaksanaan konstruksi prasarana sumber daya air dan nonkonstruksi pada sumber air tanpa memperoleh izin dari pemerintah pusat atau pemerintah daerah dan bentuk tindak pidana lainnya sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2019 tentang Sumber Daya Air. 2. Pemberlakuan ketentuan pidana dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2019 Tentang Sumber Daya Air, berupa pidana penjara dan pidana denda. Dalam hal tindak pidana sumber daya air terbukti secara sah menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dilakukan oleh badan usaha, pidana dikenakan terhadap badan usaha, pemberi perintah untuk melakukan tindak pidana, dan/ atau pimpinan badan usaha yang bersangkutan. Pidana yang dikenakan terhadap badan usaha berupa: pidana denda terhadap badan usaha sebesar dua kali pidana denda. Pidana penjara terhadap pemberi perintah untuk melakukan tindak pidana dan/ atau pimpinan badan usaha yang lamanya sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2019 tentang Sumber Daya Air.Kata kunci: air; sumber daya air

    Secondary Privatization in Slovenia: Evolution of Ownership Structure and Company Performance Following Mass Privatization

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    This volume contains the output of country research undertaken in Slovenia in 2000-2001 by a team directed by Andreja Bohm and Marko Simoneti under the international comparative project "Secondary Privatization: the Evolution of Ownership Structures of Privatized Enterprises". The project was supported by the European Union's Phare ACE* Programme 1997 (project P97-8201 R) and was coordinated by Barbara Blaszczyk from the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) in Warsaw, Poland. The Slovenian research was additionally co-financed by the research grant received by Central and Eastern European Privatization Network from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Slovenia (V5-9140-98). The support of the ACE Programme made it possible to organize the cooperation of an international group of scholars (from the Czech Republic, France, Poland, Slovenia and the U.K.). The entire project was devoted to the investigation of secondary ownership changes in enterprises privatized in special privatization schemes (i.e., mass privatization schemes and MEBOs**) in three Central European countries - the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia. Through a combination of different research methods, such as secondary analysis of previous research, analysis of legal and other regulatory instruments, original field research, statistical data base research and econometric analysis of individual enterprise data, the project aimed to investigate the scope, pace and trends in secondary ownership changes, the factors and barriers affecting them and the degree of ownership concentration resulting from them. In presenting a clear picture of secondary privatization trends in Slovenia, the authors of this volume tried to evaluate the effectiveness of various privatization schemes in terms of their open-endedness (i.e., the degree to which they foster flexibility in adjustments of ownership structures) and in terms of achieving good corporate governance. Additionally, they formulate and examine hypotheses concerning the relationships between changes in the economic performance of enterprises and post-privatization changes in their ownership structures. This report also includes a set of recommendations concerning necessary changes in the regulations and policies governing privatization and capital markets in Slovenia, designed to foster the development of privatized enterprises and to meet the requirements of the process of accession to the European Union. We hope that the results of this research will be of great interest for everyone interested in the little-researched question of what has happened to companies after privatization in transition countries.privatization, secondary transactions, corporate governance, transition economies, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland

    Merjenje kakovosti v onkologiji

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    Modeling electroporation of the non-treated and vacuum impregnated heterogeneous tissue of spinach leaves

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    Uniform electroporation of the heterogeneous structure of spinach leaf cross section is a technological challenge that is addressed in this investigation. Three dimensional models were created with cells arranged in specific tissue types, considering a leaf with its air fraction and a leaf where the air fraction was replaced by a solution of known properties using vacuum impregnation. The models were validated before electroporation, in the frequency domain, where alternating voltage and current signal at frequencies from 20 Hz to I MHz were used to measure conductivity of the tissue. They were also validated through measurements of current during electroporation when a single 250 mu s rectangular pulse with amplitudes ranging from 50 to 500 V was applied. Model validations show that both the frequency dependent conductivity and electroporation are well predicted. The importance of the wax layer and stomata in the model is thoroughly discussed. Industrial relevance: Our aim was to investigate electroporation of the spinach leaf by developing a model which would enable us to meet the technological challenge of achieving uniform electroporation in a highly heterogeneous structure in the context of a process aimed at improving freezing stability of plant foods. Pulsed electric field treatment may be used to introduce the cryoprotectant molecules into the cells, and hence improve the structure and properties of frozen food plants. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Guidance, Navigation and Control for Autonomous Close-Range-Rendezvous

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    This article presents the Guidance, Navigation and Control system (Gnc-system) developed by GSOCs On Orbit Servicing (OOS)-group. It is used for research on autonomous rendezvous, optical sensors and operational concepts with the European Proximity Operations Simulator 2.0 (EPOS) facility and inside an End-to-End simulation. Its modular design intends to make it capable of deployment in space on a novel on-board computer with less effort. Major design decisions as well as plans for future development are introduced

    10-Year Anniversary of the European Proximity Operations Simulator 2.0 - Looking Back at Test Campaigns, Rendezvous Research and Facility Improvements

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    Completed in 2009, the European Proximity Operations Simulator 2.0 (EPOS 2.0) succeeded EPOS 1.0 at the German Space Operations Center (GSOC). One of the many contributions the old EPOS 1.0 facility made to spaceflight rendezvous is the verification of the Jena-Optronik laser-based sensors used by the Automated Transfer Vehicle. While EPOS 2.0 builds upon its heritage, it is a completely new design aiming at considerably more complex rendezvous scenarios. During the last ten years, GSOC’s On-Orbit-Servicing and Autonomy group, who operates, maintains and evolves EPOS 2.0, has made numerous contributions to the field of uncooperative rendezvous, using EPOS as its primary tool. After general research in optical navigation in the early 2010s, the OOS group took a leading role in the DLR project On-Orbit-Servicing End-to-End Simulation in 2014. EPOS 2.0 served as the hardware in the loop simulator of the rendezvous phase and contributed substantially to the project’s remarkable success. Over the years, E2E has revealed demanding requirements, leading to numerous facility improvements and extensions. In addition to the OOS group’s research work, numerous and diverse open-loop test campaigns for industry and internal (DLR) customers have shaped the capabilities of EPOS 2.0 significantly