311 research outputs found

    Модернизация теплообменных аппаратов различной производительности на основе численного моделирования

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа 104 с., 49 рис., 10 табл., 20 источников, 3 прил. Ключевые слова: математическое моделирование, теплообменник, топливный газ, интенсификаторы теплообмена, принудительная конвекция, турбулентность, расчетная сетка, присоединительный вихрь, тепловой поток, геометрическая модель. Объектом исследования является теплообменный аппарат, применяемый для нагрева топливного газа перед подачей его на горелочные устройства. Цель работы - исследование интенсифицированного теплообмена при турбулентном течении теплоносителя в прямых круглых трубах с итенсификаторами теплообмена и анализ эффективности различных турбулизаторов.Final qualifying work 104 p., 49 fig., 10 tab., 20 sources, 3 application. Keywords: mathematical modeling, heat exchanger, fuel gas, to vary the heat transfer, forced convection, turbulence, computational grid, connecting a whirlwind, heat flow, the geometric model. The object of research is the heat exchanger that is used to heat the fuel gas before it is fed to the burners. Objective - research intensified heat exchange in turbulent flow of coolant in straight circular pipes with itensifikatorami heat exchange and analysis of the effectiveness of different turbulence. The study was carried out mathematical modeling of the object of study with the use of ANSYS package applications, analysis of the results and evaluation of the effectiveness of different types of turbulence

    Social and Economic Activity of the Elder Generation in Tomsk Region

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    Social and economic activity of the Russian elder generation has a contradictory nature. On the one hand, Russian pensioners often continue working beyond the existing comparatively low retirement age, on the other hand, in terms of involvement in volunteering, political activities, and even in care for children and grandchildren they lag significantly behind the average European level. Explaining it only by the lack of time does not seem plausible, since in many European countries, the employment rates, involvement in unpaid work and caring for other family members are all higher than in Russia. In our study we attempt to identify reasons for lower social and economic activity of older adults in Russia as compared with European countries. We use data of Tomsk regional survey (2015, N=400) for accessing older adults' social activity. Data analysis on Tomsk region suggests that employment (as an activity) and education (as a prerequisite) contribute to higher involvement in social interactions in later life

    Теория эффекта амальгамы аммония в методе АПН

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