18 research outputs found

    Body size data of Australian diving beetles

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    Excel file containing 1) body sizes of individuals of diving beetle species collected in the field, 2) body size ranges for additional beetle species, taken from Watts and Humphreys 200

    Schematic representation of the colonization models.

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    <p>(a and b): The outer box represents a calcrete aquifer, the ovals represent individual niches, which may get colonized with niche colonization probability <i>p</i>, C<sub>1</sub> and C<sub>2</sub> are colonization events. The numbers represent colonizing species that are randomly drawn out of a pool of <i>n</i> ancestral species. (c): Phylogenetic representation of the models; bold lineages evolve underground. Species 5 and 5a are sympatric sister species that evolved by repeated colonization; species 2a and 2b are sympatric sister species that diverged in the aquifer after the colonization of their ancestor species 2; species 3 and 6 independently colonized aquifers.</p

    <i>Koonunga tatiaraensis</i>, sp. nov., holotype male, 3.67 mm, SAMA C8422: A, pereopod 1; B, pereopod 2; C, pereopod 3; D, pereopod 4; E, pereopod 5; F, pereopod 6; G, pereopod 7.

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    <p><i>Koonunga tatiaraensis</i>, sp. nov., holotype male, 3.67 mm, SAMA C8422: A, pereopod 1; B, pereopod 2; C, pereopod 3; D, pereopod 4; E, pereopod 5; F, pereopod 6; G, pereopod 7.</p

    Data on sampling localities, DNA extractions, SAMA collection numbers and GenBank accession numbers.

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    <p>An asterix at a SAMA C-number indicates that the specimen is a DNA-voucher. Holotypes are incated in bold and underlined. Locality numbers refer to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0134673#pone.0134673.g001" target="_blank">Fig 1</a>.</p

    Estimates of divergence times from BEAST analyses using a mean uncorrelated lognormal clock rate prior of 0.0105/My.

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    <p>The node numbers refer to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0134673#pone.0134673.g002" target="_blank">Fig 2</a>.</p

    Map of the distribution of the <i>Koonunga</i> species treated in this paper.

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    <p>Locality numbers refer to data in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0134673#pone.0134673.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>. Open circle: <i>K</i>. <i>crenarum</i>; closed circles <i>K</i>. <i>hornei</i> sp. nov.; closed diamonds <i>K</i>. <i>tatiaraensis</i> sp. nov.; open diamonds <i>K</i>. <i>allambiensis</i> sp. nov..</p

    Overview of fixed amino acid substitutions relative to <i>K</i>. <i>crenarum</i>.

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    <p>Highlighted amino acids show species specific sites. Amino acid positions are relative to the first amino acid upstream of the forward primer, and relative to <i>K</i>. <i>crenarum</i> (a dash indicates same amino-acid as in <i>K</i>. <i>crenarum</i>).</p