15 research outputs found

    Research of condition of flood banks using ground penetrating radar (GPR)

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    Measurement of Electromagnetic Field Component Emissions as a Precursor of Emerging Hazard in Coal Mines, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2019, nr 4

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    The article presents the results of research concerning electromagnetic (EM) field emitted by rocks during the process of their destruction. The paper describes a measuring stand designed for subjecting rock samples to axial crushing. During the destruction of rock samples, both components of the electromagnetic field emitted by the rock were recorded. The paper presents the results of research on hard coal samples, presenting the obtained time domain waveforms and frequency spectrum of the emitted EM field components. Further potential uses of tests concerned with EM emitted by rocks are determined. Applications registering EM field in mine environments may provide an early mine collapse warning

    Landslides' electromagnetic emission measurement

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    In this paper electromagnetic phenomena occurring during landslides activity are presented, and their measurement method analyzed in details. The authors propose an original system for measuring both continuous and pulsed electromagnetic emission of landslides. For such measurements boreholes must be drilled in the landslide. It is essential that the tubing constituting the borehole’s lining must be made of a material which does not attenuate electromagnetic field. The results of electromagnetic emission examinations of the Jaroszow landslide in south-western Poland, near Wroclaw are presented too in this paper

    Autonomous Instrumentation for Measuring Spontaneous Electromagnetic Emissions in Mining, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2020, nr 4

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    This article presents the design of an innovative receiver capable of identifying electric and magnetic components of electromagnetic fields. The receiver senses and records electromagnetic disturbances generated as mine tunnels collapse. It offers excellent operating specification and the ability to sense and log magnetic and electrical component strength values in real time. The paper analyzes the data obtained with the use of a system installed in a working mine and attempts to determine hazards resulting from increased rock stress levels that, cause spontaneous EM emission

    Estimation of flood bank modernization with using GPR radar

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    Using ground penetrating radar (GPR) to monitoring of floodbanks

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    Floodbanks are to protect nearest region of those rivers from high water level. Spring - sloppy roads or torrential rains cause very often that a level of water in those rivers increase and lead to flood. The flood most often is a result of bad technical conditions of floodbanks. It means that proper conditions of floodbanks have strategic meaning for protection of people lives and their properties. Last year some researches of structure of floodbanks with ground penetrating radar RAMAC GPR were done. The measurements were run in town Wroclaw on floodbanks among bridges Swojszycki and Jagellonski on the left side of bank. This article presents results of measurements of structure of banks with radar

    D.C. resisitivity and georadar methods applied to flood embankments investigations

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    Research with electromagnetic geophysical methods allows detection of inhomogeneities in near-surface structure of the ground. These methods allow non-inject and linear measurements structure of researched object and fast localizing dissimilarity in his structure. Research of flood embankments was carried by these methods. Flood embankments were chosen as one of most important elements of hydro - protection systems. The paper presents results of examination of flood embankments by means of two geophysical methods: GPR and D.C. resistivity

    Non-invasion detection inhomogeneities in structure of levees by radar GPR

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    Autonomous Instrumentation for Measuring Spontaneous Electromagnetic Emissions in Mining

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    This article presents the design of an innovative receiver capable of identifying electric and magnetic components of electromagnetic fields. The receiver senses and records electromagnetic disturbances generated as mine tunnels collapse. It offers excellent operating specification and the ability to sense and log magnetic and electrical component strength values in real time. The paper analyzes the data obtained with the use of a system installed in a working mine and attempts to determine hazards resulting from increased rock stress levels that, cause spontaneous EM emissions

    Activities of the radiointroscopy laboratory at the Electronics Department of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology

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    W artykule przedstawiono historię laboratorium radiointroskopii stworzonego przy Politechnice Wrocławskiej. Laboratorium w swojej ponad 50 letniej historii zajmowało się badaniami pól elektromagnetycznych emitowanych przez skały oraz grunt poddawanych mechanicznym naprężeniom. Laboratorium skupia się na budowie prototypowej aparatury badawczej i pomiarach polowych. Realizacja tematyki radiointroskopii zwieńczona jest wieloma publikacjami, 16 patentami, 4 doktoratami i 2 pracami habilitacyjnymi. Laboratorium kontynuuje swoje badania do dnia dzisiejszego, poszukując nowych dziedzin badawczych wykorzystania fal elektromagnetycznych w zastosowaniach nietelekomunikacyjnych.The paper presents the history of the radiointroscopy laboratory established at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. The laboratory in its over 50 years of history dealt with the study of electromagnetic fields emitted by rocks and soil subjected to mechanical stress. The laboratory focuses on building prototype research apparatus and field measurements. The implementation of the radiointroscopy subject matter is crowned with many publications, 16 patents, 4 doctorates and 2 habilitation theses. The laboratory continues its research to this day, seeking new research areas of application of electromagnetic waves in non-telecom applications