71 research outputs found

    Etoposide Induces ATM-Dependent Mitochondrial Biogenesis through AMPK Activation

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    DNA damage such as double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) has been reported to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis. However, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. The major player in response to DSBs is ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated). Upon sensing DSBs, ATM is activated through autophosphorylation and phosphorylates a number of substrates for DNA repair, cell cycle regulation and apoptosis. ATM has been reported to phosphorylate the alpha subunit of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which senses AMP/ATP ratio in cells, and can be activated by upstream kinases. Here we provide evidence for a novel role of ATM in mitochondrial biogenesis through AMPK activation in response to etoposide-induced DNA damage.Three pairs of human ATM+ and ATM- cells were employed. Cells treated with etoposide exhibited an ATM-dependent increase in mitochondrial mass as measured by 10-N-Nonyl-Acridine Orange and MitoTracker Green FM staining, as well as an increase in mitochondrial DNA content. In addition, the expression of several known mitochondrial biogenesis regulators such as the major mitochondrial transcription factor NRF-1, PGC-1alpha and TFAM was also elevated in response to etoposide treatment as monitored by RT-PCR. Three pieces of evidence suggest that etoposide-induced mitochondrial biogenesis is due to ATM-dependent activation of AMPK. First, etoposide induced ATM-dependent phosphorylation of AMPK alpha subunit at Thr172, indicative of AMPK activation. Second, inhibition of AMPK blocked etoposide-induced mitochondrial biogenesis. Third, activation of AMPK by AICAR (an AMP analogue) stimulated mitochondrial biogenesis in an ATM-dependent manner, suggesting that ATM may be an upstream kinase of AMPK in the mitochondrial biogenesis pathway.These results suggest that activation of ATM by etoposide can lead to mitochondrial biogenesis through AMPK activation. We propose that ATM-dependent mitochondrial biogenesis may play a role in DNA damage response and ROS regulation, and that defect in ATM-dependent mitochondrial biogenesis could contribute to the manifestations of A-T disease

    Loss of p53 Ser18 and Atm Results in Embryonic Lethality without Cooperation in Tumorigenesis

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    Phosphorylation at murine Serine 18 (human Serine 15) is a critical regulatory process for the tumor suppressor function of p53. p53Ser18 residue is a substrate for ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ATM-related (ATR) protein kinases. Studies of mice with a germ-line mutation that replaces Ser18 with Ala (p53S18A mice) have demonstrated that loss of phosphorylation of p53Ser18 leads to the development of tumors, including lymphomas, fibrosarcomas, leukemia and leiomyosarcomas. The predominant lymphoma is B-cell lymphoma, which is in contrast to the lymphomas observed in Atm−/− animals. This observation and the fact that multiple kinases phosphorylate p53Ser18 suggest Atm-independent tumor suppressive functions of p53Ser18. Therefore, in order to examine p53Ser18 function in relationship to ATM, we analyzed the lifespan and tumorigenesis of mice with combined mutations in p53Ser18 and Atm. Surprisingly, we observed no cooperation in survival and tumorigenesis in compound p53S18A and Atm−/− animals. However, we observed embryonic lethality in the compound mutant animals. In addition, the homozygous p53Ser18 mutant allele impacted the weight of Atm−/− animals. These studies examine the genetic interaction of p53Ser18 and Atm in vivo. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate a role of p53Ser18 in regulating embryonic survival and motor coordination

    Acute Hypoglycemia Induces Retinal Cell Death in Mouse

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    BACKGROUND: Glucose is the most important metabolic substrate of the retina and maintenance of normoglycemia is an essential challenge for diabetic patients. Glycemic excursions could lead to cardiovascular disease, nephropathy, neuropathy and retinopathy. A vast body of literature exists on hyperglycemia namely in the field of diabetic retinopathy, but very little is known about the deleterious effect of hypoglycemia. Therefore, we decided to study the role of acute hypoglycemia in mouse retina. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To test effects of hypoglycemia, we performed a 5-hour hyperinsulinemic/hypoglycemic clamp; to exclude an effect of insulin, we made a hyperinsulinemic/euglycemic clamp as control. We then isolated retinas from each group at different time-points after the clamp to analyze cells apoptosis and genes regulation. In parallel, we used 661W photoreceptor cells to confirm in vivo results. We showed herein that hypoglycemia induced retinal cell death in mouse via caspase 3 activation. We then tested the mRNA expression of glutathione transferase omega 1 (Gsto1) and glutathione peroxidase 3 (Gpx3), two genes involved in glutathione (GSH) homeostasis. The expression of both genes was up-regulated by low glucose, leading to a decrease of reduced glutathione (GSH). In vitro experiments confirmed the low-glucose induction of 661W cell death via superoxide production and activation of caspase 3, which was concomitant with a decrease of GSH content. Moreover, decrease of GSH content by inhibition with buthionine sulphoximine (BSO) at high glucose induced apoptosis, while complementation with extracellular glutathione ethyl ester (GSHee) at low glucose restored GSH level and reduced apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We showed, for the first time, that acute insulin-induced hypoglycemia leads to caspase 3-dependant retinal cell death with a predominant role of GSH content

    Lympho-vascular invasion in BRCA related breast cancer compared to sporadic controls

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Germline mutations in the BRCA1 gene predispose to the development of breast cancer, exhibiting a specific histological phenotype. Identification of possible hallmarks of these tumors is important for selecting patients for genetic screening and provides inside in carcinogenetic pathways.</p> <p>Since BRCA1-associated breast cancers have pushing borders that prevent them from easily reaching vessels and are often of the medullary (like) type that is known to have a low rate of lympho-vascular invasion (LVI), we hypothesized that absence of LVI could characterize BRCA1 related breast cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A population of 68 BRCA1 related invasive breast cancers was evaluated for LVI by an experienced breast pathologist blinded to mutation status, and compared to a control group matched for age, grade and tumor type.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>LVI was present in 25.0% of BRCA1 related cases, compared to 20.6% of controls (P = 0.54, OR = 1.29, CI 0.58-2.78).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>LVI is frequent in BRCA1 germline mutation related breast cancers, but seems to occur as often in sporadic controls matched for age, grade and tumor type. Apparently, these hereditary cancers find their way to the blood and lymph vessels despite their well demarcation and often medullary differentiation.</p

    PKCδ Sensitizes Neuroblastoma Cells to L-Buthionine-Sulfoximine and Etoposide Inducing Reactive Oxygen Species Overproduction and DNA Damage

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    Neuroblastoma is a type of pediatric cancer. The sensitivity of neuroblastoma (NB) cancer cells to chemotherapy and radiation is inhibited by the presence of antioxidants, such as glutathione (GSH), which is crucial in counteracting the endogenous production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We have previously demonstrated that cells depleted of GSH undergo apoptosis via oxidative stress and Protein kinase C (PKC) δ activation. In the present study, we transfected PKCδ in NB cells resistant to oxidative death induced by L-buthionine-S,R-sulfoximine (BSO), a GSH-depleting agent. Cell responses, in terms of ROS production, apoptosis and DNA damage were evaluated. Moreover, PKCδ activation was monitored by analyzing the phosphorylation status of threonine 505 residue, carrying out PKC activity assay and investigating the subcellular localization of the kinase. The cell responses obtained in BSO-resistant cells were also compared with those obtained in BSO-sensitive cells subjected to the same experimental protocol. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that PKCδ induces DNA oxidation and ROS overproduction leading to apoptosis of BSO-resistant NB cells and potentiates the cytotoxic effects induced by BSO in sensitive cells. Moreover, PKCδ overexpression enhances the sensitivity of NB cells to etoposide, a well-characterised drug, commonly used in neuroblastoma therapy. Altogether our data provide evidence of a pro-oxidant role of PKCδ that might be exploited to design new therapeutic strategies aimed at selective killing of cancer cells and overcoming drug resistance. However, it becomes evident that a more detailed understanding of ROS-mediated signaling in cancer cells is necessary for the development of redox-modulated therapeutic approaches

    Comparison of Proliferation and Genomic Instability Responses to WRN Silencing in Hematopoietic HL60 and TK6 Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Werner syndrome (WS) results from defects in the RecQ helicase (WRN) and is characterized by premature aging and accelerated tumorigenesis. Contradictorily, WRN deficient human fibroblasts derived from WS patients show a characteristically slower cell proliferation rate, as do primary fibroblasts and human cancer cell lines with WRN depletion. Previous studies reported that WRN silencing in combination with deficiency in other genes led to significantly accelerated cellular proliferation and tumorigenesis. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of silencing WRN in p53 deficient HL60 and p53 wild-type TK6 hematopoietic cells, in order to further the understanding of WRN-associated tumorigenesis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that silencing WRN accelerated the proliferation of HL60 cells and decreased the cell growth rate of TK6 cells. Loss of WRN increased DNA damage in both cell types as measured by COMET assay, but elicited different responses in each cell line. In HL60 cells, but not in TK6 cells, the loss of WRN led to significant increases in levels of phosphorylated RB and numbers of cells progressing from G1 phase to S phase as shown by cell cycle analysis. Moreover, WRN depletion in HL60 cells led to the hyper-activation of homologous recombination repair via up-regulation of RAD51 and BLM protein levels. This resulted in DNA damage disrepair, apparent by the increased frequencies of both spontaneous and chemically induced structural chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Together, our data suggest that the effects of WRN silencing on cell proliferation and genomic instability are modulated probably by other genetic factors, including p53, which might play a role in the carcinogenesis induced by WRN deficiency

    Peroxiredoxin 3 Is a Redox-Dependent Target of Thiostrepton in Malignant Mesothelioma Cells

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    Thiostrepton (TS) is a thiazole antibiotic that inhibits expression of FOXM1, an oncogenic transcription factor required for cell cycle progression and resistance to oncogene-induced oxidative stress. The mechanism of action of TS is unclear and strategies that enhance TS activity will improve its therapeutic potential. Analysis of human tumor specimens showed FOXM1 is broadly expressed in malignant mesothelioma (MM), an intractable tumor associated with asbestos exposure. The mechanism of action of TS was investigated in a cell culture model of human MM. As for other tumor cell types, TS inhibited expression of FOXM1 in MM cells in a dose-dependent manner. Suppression of FOXM1 expression and coincidental activation of ERK1/2 by TS were abrogated by pre-incubation of cells with the antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), indicating its mechanism of action in MM cells is redox-dependent. Examination of the mitochondrial thioredoxin reductase 2 (TR2)-thioredoxin 2 (TRX2)-peroxiredoxin 3 (PRX3) antioxidant network revealed that TS modifies the electrophoretic mobility of PRX3. Incubation of recombinant human PRX3 with TS in vitro also resulted in PRX3 with altered electrophoretic mobility. The cellular and recombinant species of modified PRX3 were resistant to dithiothreitol and SDS and suppressed by NAC, indicating that TS covalently adducts cysteine residues in PRX3. Reduction of endogenous mitochondrial TRX2 levels by the cationic triphenylmethane gentian violet (GV) promoted modification of PRX3 by TS and significantly enhanced its cytotoxic activity. Our results indicate TS covalently adducts PRX3, thereby disabling a major mitochondrial antioxidant network that counters chronic mitochondrial oxidative stress. Redox-active compounds like GV that modify the TR2/TRX2 network may significantly enhance the efficacy of TS, thereby providing a combinatorial approach for exploiting redox-dependent perturbations in mitochondrial function as a therapeutic approach in mesothelioma

    Effect of N-Acetyl Cysteine on Oxidative DNA Damage and the Frequency of DNA Deletions in Atm-Deficient Mice

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    Ataxia telangiectasia (AT) is a hereditary human disorder resulting in a wide variety of clinical manifestations, including progressive neurodegeneration, immunodeficiency, and high incidence of lymphoid tumors. Cells from patients with AT show genetic instability, hypersensitivity to radiation, and a continuous state of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress and genetic instability, including DNA deletions, are involved in carcinogenesis. We examined the effect of dietary supplementation with the thiol-containing antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) on levels of oxidative DNA damage and the frequency of DNA deletions in Atm-deficient (AT-mutated) mice. We confirmed that Atm-deficient mice display an increased frequency of DNA deletions (Bishop et al., Cancer Res 2000;60:395). Furthermore, we found that Atm-deficient mice have significantly increased levels of 8-OH deoxyguanosine, an indication of oxidative DNA damage. Dietary supplementation with NAC significantly reduced 8-OH deoxyguanosine level and the frequ ency of DNA deletions in Atm-deficient mice. These levels were similar to the levels in wild-type mice. Our findings demonstrate that NAC counteracts genetic instability and suggest that genetic instability may be a consequence of oxidative stress in Atm-deficient mice