1,014 research outputs found


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    Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the total phenolic and total flavonoids contents and evaluate the antioxidant potential of different solvent extracts of Rumex vesiarius L.Methods: The antioxidant potential of the hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extract by using FRAP, LPO and Peroxidase assays and free radical scavenging by using DPPH and ABTS were determined. These activities were determined by using standard protocols with some modifications. Aluminium chloride colorimetric method was used to estimate TFC (total flavonoid content) and TPC (total phenolic content) was measured by Folin-ciocalteu method.Results: Among the test extracts methanol extract exhibited strong antioxidant activity than that of hexane and ethyl acetate. Free radicals, DPPH and ABTS were significantly inhibited by methanol extract of leaf and fruit (IC50 174.91±17.96 μg/ml and 526.791±91.85 mM min-1g-1DW), whereas methanolic extract of leaves showed good antioxidant potential using FRAP (306±14.8 mM min-1g-1DW) and LPO (30.57±5.65 MDA g-1DW) methods, while Peroxidase was were strongly inhibited by ethyl acetate extract of flower (0.624±0.013 mM min-1g-1DW). The maximum total phenolic and total flavonoids content was observed in leaves (0.53±0.31 mg GAE/gm DW and 2.15±0.72 mg QE/gm DW).Conclusion: The present investigation suggested that methanol extracts of Rumex vesicarius has significant antioxidant activity. These results clearly indicate that R. vesicarius is effective against free radical mediated diseases. These crude extracts can further purify and may be considered as a new source for antioxidant pharmaceutical compounds.Â

    Effect of religious belief on informal reasoning about biotechnology issues

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    The advances of modern biotechnology provide teachers with a number of opportunities to explore socioscientific issues, and in doing so to enhance students' reasoning skills. Although some attempt has been made to understand cultural differences in students' informal reasoning across international and regional boundaries, there is limited research about the differences that exist between students who identify with a Christian worldview and those students who do not. To investigate the role that students' religious beliefs played in their informal reasoning about biotechnology issues regarding genetically modified food, genetic screening, therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning, the written responses of 101 students identified as accepting a Christian worldview was compared with 21 students who did not identify with a Christian worldview. Using a qualitative approach, the students' responses to these issues were analysed to identify the modes of informal reasoning incorporated in the justification of their views about the technology. It was shown that students with a higher degree of religious belief demonstrated less use of rational reasoning and a greater reliance on intuitive reasoning in their responses to socioscientific issues when compared with their less-religious peers. The findings highlight the need for initiatives that will develop students' rational and emotive reasoning and encourage them to acknowledge the presuppositions of their belief system and how these influence their attitudes towards controversial issues in science

    Role of social media during Kerala floods 2018

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    For almost 19 years social media has been used in crisis management. During the time of natural disasters like flood, earthquake or cyclone, when all the other modes of communications are found incapable, these social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube etc. are found to be the most efficient and beneficial. The present study discusses the role of social media during the Kerala Flood 2018. Results show that During the flood; Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram are found to be used by majority of the respondents. Most of the respondents spend more than 3 hours on Whatsapp followed by Instagram and Facebook during the flood. For the information regarding the location status of friends and family, majority of respondents used Facebook followed by Whatsapp and Instagram. During the flood, majority of the respondents used the hashtag #Keralafloods, followed by #Keralafloodrelief, #cmdrf and #Keralaflood

    Prospective study on erythrocyte morphology and microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetes Mellitus is one of the common risk factors for end organdamage. Altered metabolic state due to persistent hyperglycemia may produce oxidative stress and membrane dysfunction of red cells which produce impact on haemorrheological factors to cause macrovascular and microvascular complications. Many studies have provenan association between haematological alterations in diabetic patients and vascular pathogenesis as well as haematocrit values and insulin resistance. The aim of our study is to estimate the prevalence of red cell morphology changes and their correlation with markersofmicrovascular complications like Diabetic nephropathy and Diabetic Retinopathy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a descriptional and prospective study conducted at Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical college Hospital, Salem during December2015 to June 2017. The sample size was 100 patients who were recruited from Diabetology Department and evaluated by taking a detailed history, Clinical examination and laboratory investigations. Peripheral smear study, urine spot PCR and Fundus changes were assessed in all patients. INCLUSION CRITERIA: 1. Type 2 DM patients, 2. Age 30 to 60 years, 3. Both sex. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: 1. Pregnancy and lactating women, 2. congenital haematological disorders, 3. KnownHypertensives, 4. Known Haematological malignancy, 5. History of Blood transfusionduring last 3 months, 6. Other systemic illness, 7. Patients on steroids, antiplatelets and haematinics. RESULTS: In our study 69 patients out of 100 showed morphological changes in RBCs in the form change in shape of RBCs like Target cells (codocytes), dacrocytes, schizocytes, and other shapes as well as in variations in size mostly in the form of microcytes and hypochromia. 58 patients showed evidence of Diabetic Retinopathy in the form of Dot blot haemorrhages, cotton wool spots, microaneurysms as well as hard exudates in some of the patients. The multivariate statistical analysis show an association between morphological changes of RBCs and presence of diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy. The changes were mostlyobserved in patients having diabetes of more than 5 years. CONCLUSION: The results show that there were significant morphological alterations in Red cells of diabetic patients who also showed a significant evidence of microalbuminuria and features of diabetic Retinopathy. The etiopathogenetic factor could be the conformational changes in RBCs which may affect the flow properties at capillary beds resulting in end organ damage. Hence our findings suggest the need for routinescreening of peripheral smear study in Type2 Diabetes Mellitus during clinical assessment of microvascular complications

    Rifampicin-induced renal toxicity during retreatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Rifampicin is a crucial component of treatment regimens for tuberculosis and has been in use since the early 1970’s. It is usually considered safe. Rarely life-threatening complications like acute renal failure or acute thrombocytopaenia may manifest during treatment with rifampicin. In our experience at the Tuberculosis Research Centre of treating more than 8000 pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis patients with rifampicin-containing regimens over the last 30 years, we are reporting 3 cases of probably rifampicininduced acute renal failure. Despite extreme therapeutic safety of this drug the clinician must be aware of this rare complication, which if detected early is completely reversible

    Synthesis of Carboxamide and Sulfonyl Carboxamide Linked Azoles Under Green Conditions

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    Direct coupling of heteroaldehydes with heteroaryl amines/sulfonylamines is performed under green conditions using PEG-400 in the presence of oxidant CCl3CN/H2O2. The presence of electron-withdrawing substituents on heteroaldehydes increased the yield. Further heteroaryl amines favor the reaction when compared with heteroaryl sulfonylamines. © 2020 Author(s).One of the authors G. Lakshmi Teja is indebted to the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi for sanction of UGC-BSR fellowship

    Genetic engineering of soybean trypsin inhibitor gene in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) for induced resistance to insect pests

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    By using various concentrations of auxins and cytokinins it was found that 3 mg/L BAP+lmg/L NAA is ideal for regeneration of the leaflet explants of groundnut.Transformation of the leaflet explants of groundnut with soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI) gene had been done through Agrobacteriwn.The leaflet explants of groundnut had also been transformed with SBTI gene through Biolistics.The putatively transformed leaflet explants were assayed histochemically for the presence of this gene in the transformants

    Gestational diabetes mellitus, Vitamin D status and fetomaternal outcome

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    Background: Diabetes is the most common medical complication of pregnancy. Vitamin D deficiency which was initially considered only to influence bone metabolism, is now known to exert a wide spectrum of extra-skeletal effects. Vitamin D deficiency is closely associated with gestational diabetes mellitus, it also leads to adverse maternal and child outcome. Objective of this study was to compare the vitamin D levels in healthy pregnant women and women with gestational diabetes mellitus and to observe the feto-maternal outcome.Methods: This prospective study was carried out on 160 pregnant women between the age group 20-40 years attending the Obstetrics and Gynaecology department of JNMC, AMU, Aligarh from October 2016 to October 2018. Women were divided into group A- normal pregnant women and group B- women with GDM. Estimation of vitamin D was done in both the groups.Results: Mean vitamin D levels were lower in women with GDM as compared to normal pregnant women.Conclusions: Women with vitamin D deficiency have an increased risk of developing GDM and adverse feto maternal outcome as compared to those who had normal level of vitamin