123 research outputs found

    Knocking down gene expression for growth hormone-releasing hormone inhibits proliferation of human cancer cell lines

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    Splice Variant 1 (SV-1) of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) receptor, found in a wide range of human cancers and established human cancer cell lines, is a functional receptor with ligand-dependent and independent activity. In the present study, we demonstrated by western blots the presence of the SV1 of GHRH receptor and the production of GHRH in MDA-MB-468, MDA-MB-435S and T47D human breast cancer cell lines, LNCaP prostate cancer cell line as well as in NCI H838 non-small cell lung carcinoma. We have also shown that GHRH produced in the conditioned media of these cell lines is biologically active. We then inhibited the intrinsic production of GHRH in these cancer cell lines using si-RNA, specially designed for human GHRH. The knocking down of the GHRH gene expression suppressed the proliferation of T47D, MDA-MB-435S, MDA-MB-468 breast cancer, LNCaP prostate cancer and NCI H838 non-SCLC cell lines in vitro. However, the replacement of the knocked down GHRH expression by exogenous GHRH (1–29)NH2 re-established the proliferation of the silenced cancer cell lines. Furthermore, the proliferation rate of untransfected cancer cell lines could be stimulated by GHRH (1–29)NH2 and inhibited by GHRH antagonists MZ-5-156, MZ-4-71 and JMR-132. These results extend previous findings on the critical function of GHRH in tumorigenesis and support the role of GHRH as a tumour growth factor

    L\u27Application de L\u27Art Poetique de Claudel a Son Oeuvre Dramatique

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    A method for evaluation of activity of antagonistic analogs of growth hormone-releasing hormone in a superfusion system.

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    Antagonistic analogs of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) are being synthesized in our laboratory for various clinical applications, including treatment of certain endocrine disorders and insulin-like growth factor I-dependent tumors. To evaluate the endocrine effect of these GHRH antagonists, a sensitive dynamic in vitro system has been developed. The concentration causing 50% inhibition (IC50) of the standard GHRH antagonist human [N-Ac-Tyr1,D-Arg2]GHRH-(1-29)-NH2 is 4.5 x 10(-8) M in our dispersed pituitary cell superfusion system. This value is 11 times less than that measured in earlier static pituitary cell cultures. This reliable dynamic system is simple, fast, and inexpensive and not only makes it possible to obtain quantitative data on the inhibitory capacity of the antagonists but also provides information about the intrinsic GHRH activity of the analog. The dynamic interactions of the GHRH antagonist, the GHRH receptors, and GH release can also be evaluated by this superfusion system. The pulsatile GH release induced by 10(-9) M human GHRH-(1-29)-NH2 was inhibited by two modes of application, preincubation and simultaneous administration of the GHRH antagonist (10(-9) to 10(-6) M). The reduction in GHRH-stimulated GH response was more pronounced when the cells were preincubated with the antagonist prior to GHRH infusion than for simultaneous application. The inhibitory effect of the antagonist was dose-dependent, temporary, and of the competitive type. GH release induced by nonspecific stimulus (100 mM potassium chloride) was not influenced by the GHRH antagonist. This sensitive dynamic in vitro system appears to be a suitable method for screening the biological activity of various GHRH antagonists and eliminates the drawbacks of static pituitary cell culture

    Upplevelser av att leva med depression : En analys av patografier

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    Bakgrund: Idag räknas psykisk ohälsa som ett av de stora folkhälsoproblemen. Depression är en av de sjukdomar som räknas till psykisk ohälsa. Sjukdomen ökar runt om i världen och cirka 350 miljoner människor beräknas idag ha en depression. En persons upplevelser är unika och en depression kan därför hanteras på olika vis. Det är av stor vikt att sjuksköterskan har bred kunskap om olika personers upplevelser av sjukdomstillståndet för att kunna stödja och vägleda dem på bästa sätt. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva personers upplevelser av att leva med depression. Metod: Studien baserades på två patografier. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Graneheim och Lundman användes. Resultat: I resultatet framkom det sex kategorier; Att vara socialt isolerad, Att ha bristande självkänsla, Att förlora kontrollen, Att ha sömnsvårigheter, Att leva under behandling och Att finna strategier och stöd för att kämpa vidare i livet. Personerna upplevde sig ensamma och isolerade på grund av depressionerna. Ångest, oro och sömnbesvär var återkommande inslag i deras vardag.De upplevde att samtalsbehandling och medicinering lindrade deras besvär. Personerna fick kraft till att återhämta sig genom familj och vänner. Slutsats: Genom att sjuksköterskan tar del av en persons upplevelser av depression kan sjuksköterskan förstå och vägleda personen genom rätt behandling. För att personer med depression ska kunna känna tillit och förtroende till sjuksköterskan är det viktigt att visa dessa personer att det finns intresse och tid till att lyssna när de berättar om sina problem
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