43 research outputs found

    Efikasnost kombinacija nespecifičnih i fungicida iz grupe strobilurina u suzbijanju čađave pegavosti jabuke

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    The efficacy of several fungicide mixtures in controlling Venturia inaequalis in apple was evaluated in field trials. The efficacies of Flint Plus (trifloxystrobin + captan) and Tercel (pyraclostrobin + dithianon) in comparison with standard fungicides Zato 50-WG (trifloxystrobin) and Stroby + Delan (kresoxim-methyl + dithianon) were tested in the localities Mihajlovac, Radmilovac and Landol in 2004 and 2005. Both tested fungicides exhibited high efficacy in controlling apple scab. There were significant differences in the efficacies of Flint Plus (91.3-98.5%) and Zato 50-WG (68.2% and 78.4%); and Tercel (88.7-93.5%) and Stroby + Delan (77.9% and 82.1%). Our experiments showed that the investigated fungicide mixtures are highly effective against V. inaqeulais, even under high disease pressure.Ispitivana je efikasnost nekoliko kombinacija fungicida u suzbijanju Venturia inaequalis na jabuci u poljskim uslovima. U 2005-oj i 2006-oj godini ispitivana je efikasnost Flint Plus (trifloksistrobin + kaptan) i Tercel (piraklostrobin + ditianon) u odnosu na standardne fungicide Zato 50-WG (trifloksistrobin) i Stroby + Delan (kresoksim-methil + ditianon) na lokalitetima Mihajlovac, Radmilovac i Landol. Oba ispitivana fungicida ispoljila su visoku efikasnost u suzbijanju čađave pagavosti jabuke. Između efikasnosti Flint Plus (91.3-98.5%) i Zato 50-WG (68.2% i 78.4%), i Tercel (88.7-93.5%) i kombinacije fungicida Stroby + Delan (77.9% i 82.1%) zabeležena je statistički značajna razlika. NaÅ”i ogledi su pokazali da su ispitivane kombinacije fungicida visoko efikasne protiv V. inaequalis čak i u uslovima jake zaraze

    Efikasnost mandipropamida za suzbijanje prouzrokovača plamenjače krompira u poljskim uslovima

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    The efficacy of mandipropamid (Revus 250 SC) in controlling Phytophthora infestans in potato was evaluated in field trials. The efficacies of Revus 250 SC in comparison with standard fungicides Quadris (azoxystrobin) were tested in several localities in Serbia (Kasarske Livade, Valjevska Kamenica and Opovo) in 2007 and 2008. Both of the tested fungicides exhibited high efficacy in controlling potato late blight. The differencies in the efficacy of Revus 250 SC (96.3- 99.2%) and Quadris (94.1-95.5%) were insignificant. Our experiments showed that the investigated fungicide was highly effective against P. infestans even under high disease pressure.Ispitivana je efikasnost mandipropamida (Revus 250 SC) za suzbijanje Phytophthora infestans u usevu krompira u poljskim uslovima. Efikasnost preparata Revus 250 SC ispitivana je na nekoliko lokaliteta u Srbiji (Kasarske Livade, Valjevska Kamenica i Opovo) tokom 2007. i 2008. godine. Kao standard poslužio je Quadris (azoksistrobin). Oba ispitivana fungicida su ispoljila visoku efikasnost u suzbijanju prouzrokovača plamenjače krompira. Između efikasnosti Revus 250 SC (96.3- 99.2%) i Quadris (94.1-95.5%) nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika. NaÅ”i ogledi su pokazali da je ispitivani fungicid visokoefikasan u suzbijanju P. Infestans, čak i u uslovima jake zaraze

    Uticaj tretmana micelije ('semena') Ŕampinjona (Agaricus bisporus L.) - bakterijom Bacillus subtilis QST713 na prinos i zaŔtitu od zelene plesni

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    A biofungicide based on Bacillus subtilis QST713 was tested for impact on yield and efficacy against a Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum T77 strain from Serbia by coating mushroom grain spawn and comparing the results with the chemical fungicide prochloraz manganese in a mushroom growing room. The tested B. subtilis QST713 strain did not inhibit mycelial growth of Agaricus bisporus in plots free of the pathogen, showing an impact on yield of 91.95%, which was not significantly different from an untreated control. As for the efficacy of the fungicides used against T. aggressivum f. europaeum T77, there were no significant differences between a prochloraz manganese casing treatment, and B. subtilis QST713 coating on mushroom grain spawn, as the efficacy was 70.37 and 53.09%, respectively. These results implied that the biofungicide based on B. subtilis could serve as a harmless alternative to synthetic fungicides in mushroom production, especially during serious compost green muold outbreaks caused by T. aggressivum. Furthermore, the biofungicide should be applied alone because an antagonistic reaction was detected between the fungicide prochloraz and B. subtilis QST713.Biofungicid na bazi Bacillus subtilis QST713 je odabran za testiranje uticaja na prinos i efikasnosti u suzbijanju Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum T77 iz Srbije, kada je primenjeno za tretiranje micelije ('semena') Å”ampinjona u poređenju sa fungicidom prohloraz manganom u oglednom gajiliÅ”tu. Testirani soj B. subtilis QST713 nije inhibirao rast micelije Agaricus bisporus, u tretmanima bez prisustva patogena, sa uticajem na prinos 91.95% i nije se statistički značajno razlikovao od neinokulisane kontrole. U pogledu efikasnosti fungicida u suzbijanju T. aggressivum f. europaeum T77, nije bilo statistički značajne razlike među tretmanima sa fungicidom prohloraz manganom primenjenim na pokrivku i tretmanom B. subtilis QST713 primejenim na miceliju ('seme') Å”ampinjona, sa odgovorajućim vrednostima 70.37 i 53.09%. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da se biofungicid na bazi B. subtilis može primenjivati kao alternativa sintetičkom fungicidu u proizvodnji Å”ampinjona, posebno kod značajne pojave zelene plesni u kompostu za gajenje Å”ampinjona koju izaziva T. aggressivum. Takođe, preporuka je da se biofungicid primenjuje samostalno jer je uočena antagonistička reakcija između prohloraz mangana i B. subtilis QST713

    Uticaj treatiranja pokrivke biofungicidom na bazi Bacillus subtilis Ch-13 na suzbijanje zelene plesni i prinos Ŕampinjona

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    The impact of a biofungicide based on Bacillus subtilis Ch-13 on mushroom yield and efficacy in suppression of Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum T77 from Serbia was estimated in comparision with a similar microbial fungicide, Bacillus velezensis QST713, and the chemical fungicide prochloraz manganese. The biofungicide B. velezensis QST713 is registered for treatments of mushrooms and other crops in many countries but it is not currently available on the Serbian market. The tested B. subtilis Ch-13 fungicide enhanced mushroom yield 12%, compared with an uninoculated control, and notably more than B. velezensis QST713 applied at its higher test concentrations. Regarding the efficacy of the biofungicides in control of the compost pathogen T. aggressivum f. europaeum, B. subtilis Ch-13 applied in concentration of 3 Ɨ 108 CFU per m2 showed higher efficacy than the higher concentrations (5 Ɨ 109 and 1 Ɨ 1010 CFU per m2) of B. velezensis QST713. The biofungicide based on B. subtilis Ch-13 should be further investigated regarding its different modes of application to ensure better efficacy in disease control as it showed beneficial features in both promoting A. bisporus production and suppressing the growth of the aggressive compost pathogen T. aggressivum, the causal agent of devastating green mould disease.Biofungicid na bazi Bacillus subtilis Ch-13 odabran je za procenu uticaja na prinos Å”ampinjona i efikasnost u suzbijanju Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum T77 iz Srbije u poređenju sa sličnim mikrobioloÅ”kim fungicidom na bazi Bacillus velezensis QST713 i fungicidom prohloraz manganom. Biofungicid B. velezensis QST713 je registrovan u Å”ampinjonima i drugim usevima u mnogim državama, ali nije dostupan na tržiÅ”tu Sribje. Testirani B. subtilis Ch-13 je povećao prinos Å”ampinjona 12% u poređenju sa neinokulisanom kontrolom i u značajno većoj meri od B. velezensis QST713 primenjenog u većim koncentracijama. U određivanju efikasnosti biofungicida u suzbijanju kompostnog patogena T. aggressivum f. europaeum, B. subtilis Ch-13 primenjen u koncentraciji 3 Ɨ 108 CFU po m2, ispoljio je veću efikasnost od B. velezensis QST713 primenjenog u većim koncentracijama (5 Ɨ 109 i 1 Ɨ 1010 CFU po m2). Biofungicid na bazi B. subtilis Ch-13 bi trebalo dalje testirati i proučiti različite načine njegove primene da bi se uspostavila veća efikasnost u suzbijanju patogena jer je pokazao značajne osobine u pospeÅ”ivanju prinosa A. bisporus i zaÅ”titi od agresivnog patogena iz komposta T. aggressivum, prouzrokovača zelene plesni Å”ampinjona

    Efikasnost biofungicida Polyversumā„¢ u suzbijanju Botrytis cinerea Pers. na plodovima maline

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    Efficacy of a biological fungicide product, Polyversumā„¢ (Pythium oligandrum Drechsler), in controlling grey mould of raspberries Botrytis cinerea Pers. was tested at sites around Valjevo, Požega and Å abac in 2004, 2005 and 2006. The experiments were conducted and data processed using EPPO methods. Efficacy was found to be significantly lower statistically in the experimental variants involving Polyversumā„¢ biofungicide (E = 18.0%-53.9%) than the standard botricide Ronilan- DF (E = 56.6%-90.3%). Our results show that the biological product Polyversumā„¢ achieved significant efficacy, although poorer than the standard fungicide Ronilan-DF. As it is a biological product almost entirely free of any toxicological and ecotoxicological limitations, it offers a significant advantage for widespread usage in plant protection.U toku 2004, 2005. i 2006. godine, na lokalitetima Valjeva, Požege i Å apca, ispitivana je efikasnost bioloÅ”kog preparata PolyversumTM (Pythium oligandrum Drechsler) u suzbijanju prouzrokovača sive truleži plodova maline Botrytis cinerea Pers. Eksperimenti su izvedeni i podaci obrađeni po metodama EPPO. Utvrđeno je da je u varijantama primene biofungicida PolyversumTM efikasnost (E = 18.0%- 53.9%) statistički značajno slabija od standardnog botriticida Ronilan- DF (E = 56.6%-90.3%). Ispoljena efikasnost bioloÅ”kog preparata Polyversum je značajna, iako slabija od standardnog fungicida Ronilan- DF. S obzirom da je reč o bioloÅ”kom preparatu koji gotovo da nema toksikoloÅ”kih i ekotoksikoloÅ”kih ograničenja, to mu daje značajnu prednost za Å”iru upotrebu u zaÅ”titi bilja

    Rubbery taproot disease (RTD) severe threat for sugar beet production in Central Europe

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    Rubbery taproot disease (RTD) appearance and symptoms have been described in Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia more than 60 years ago. At that time disease symptoms were associated with abiotic factors (drought). Latest researches about RTD reveal that Candidatus Phytoplasma solani is the causing agent of the disease and the presence of the disease also in Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia. After declining of the plants, roots are prone to rotting due to the activity of saprobes. Symptoms and the progress of the disease differ depending on climatic conditions. The first symptoms usually start appearing by the end of July and beginning of August. In wet years yellowing of the oldest leaves and relatively slow progress of the beet deterioration can be observed on the edges of sugar beet fields. In dry years, because of the drought, oldest leaves are being discarded very fast and the first visible symptom of the disease is a loss of turgor in young leaves during the hottest part of the day. If dry conditions continue, all leaves become necrotic, which leads to the complete decline of the plant. Taproots of diseased plants wilt, become rubbery, and stay without any rot symptoms until complete plant decline. A yield loss in the same beet field varies spatially and is usually aggregated toward the edges. Epidemiological studies of the disease are in progress

    Reptalus quinquecostatus (Dufour, 1833) (Fulgoromorpha: Cixiidae) plant preferences in Serbia

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    Reptalus quinquecostatus (Dufour, 1833) is one of several species from the planthopper family Cixiidae that are known as vectors of plant pathogenic bacteria that can cause severe agroeconomic losses. Records of this species in Serbia by HorvĆ”th, Tanasijević and Janković refer to Oliarus quinquecostatus Dufour, 1883 [sic]. The species was described as inhabiting meadows and grasslands and reported as caught on Salix sp., Ulmus sp., Quercus sp., and Malva sylvestris. Modern-day molecular identification of species, i.e. sequencing of cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene, revealed the presence of R. quinquecostatus nymphs in the rhizosphere of Koeleria macrantha (Poaceae family) in eastern Serbia. This cixiid has been found in Serbia on various crops affected by ā€˜Candidatus Phytoplasma solaniā€™: corn, grapevine, potato, and most recently, sugar beet. The occurrence on sugar beet was first reported in 2020 in northern Serbia when its population was aggregated on a boundary strip with several weeds: Convolvulus arvensis, Chenopodium album, Amaranthus retroflexus, Ambrosia artemisiifolia etc. During the 2021ā€“2022 survey, the presence of R. quinquecostatus on sugar beet was confirmed on other localities in Serbia. Moreover, its populations were recorded on parsnip, tobacco and corn. Prunus spinosa and Crataegus sp. in microhabitats permeating arable land were also found preferable for R. quinquecostatus adults. Its several populations on different hosts were repeatedly sampled in Juneā€“July 2022. Populations on P. spinosa and Crataegus sp. were highly abundant and infected with ā€˜Ca. P. solaniā€™, whereas in the agroecosystems, R. quinquecostatus is present in mixed population with R. panzeri, displaying minor precedence in the emergence of adults. Data on R. quinquecostatus plant preferences in Serbia support the polyphagy that has been previously reported throughout Europe. Since the genus Reptalus Emeljanov, 1971 has recently undergone nomenclatural and taxonomic revision, the use of the valid species name and proper morphological species identification, which in some cases should be supplemented with molecular tools, are crucial in biodiversity and insect pest research

    Gumoza Å”ećerne repe ozbiljna pretnja proizvodnji Å”ećerne repe u centralnoj Evropi

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    Gumoza Å”ećerne repe prvi put je u Srbiji primećena u srednjem Banatu i severnoj Bačkoj 1960-ih (Marić i sar. 1970). Bolest je u to vreme već bila prisutna u susednim zemljama, Bugarskoj i Rumuniji, ali je povezivana sa abiotičkim faktorima. Nakon epidemije tokom kasnih 1960-ih, bolest je ostala prisutna tokom 1970-ih, kada je sporadično primećena u celom regionu, pokazujući veću prevalenciju u suÅ”nim sezonama. Tokom 2018. godine bolest je uÅ”la u novu epidemijsku fazu u Srbiji, s to sugeriÅ”e da je možda povezana sa trenutnim epidemijama u drugim evropskim regionima gajenja Å”ećerne repe. Stanje poznato u usevima Å”ećerne repe kao bolest sa niskim sadržajem Å”ećera (SBR), u Francuskoj se viÅ”e puta javljala od 1990-ih, dok je u Nemačkoj i Å vajcarskoj ova bolest primećena 2009. i 2017. godine. Procene nemačkih stručnjaka su da je 2020. godine viÅ”e od 20.000 hektara zahvaćeno ovom boleŔću. SBR je povezan sa prokariotskom bakterijom, Candidatus Arsenophonus phytopathogenicus, čiji je vektor Pentastiridius leporinus (Auchenorrhyncha: Cixiidae). Međutim, joÅ” jedna prokariotska bakterija, Candidatus Phytoplasma solani (stolbur fitoplazma) sporadično je bila prisutna u biljkama pogođenim SBR-om

    Epidemiological role of novel and already known 'Ca. P. solani' cixiid vectors in rubbery taproot disease of sugar beet in Serbia

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    Rubbery taproot disease (RTD) of sugar beet was recently associated with the plant pathogenic bacterium ā€˜Candidatus Phytoplasma solaniā€™ (CaPsol) and reported throughout the Pannonian Plain with variations in severity. Tracing CaPsol epidemiological pathways was performed in the experimental sugar beet field in Rimski Å ančevi (Serbia) in 2020ā€“2021, where an RTD outbreak was recently recorded. A molecular epidemiology approach was applied to the study of three RTD occurrence scenarios: epidemic, non-epidemic and ā€˜absence of RTDā€™. As a result, Hyalesthes obsoletus ex Convolvulus arvensis was detected as a CaPsol vector to sugar beet, while two other cixiids were identified for the first time as vectors of the CaPsol-induced plant disease in crops: Reptalus quinquecostatus and R. cuspidatus. R. quinquecostatus was proposed culpable for the 2020 RTD epidemic outbreak in Rimski Å ančevi when dSTOLg CaPsol strain predominated in the RTD-affected sugar beet, whereas R. cuspidatus had a negligible role in RTD occurrence and displayed ambiguous involvement in CaPsol epidemiology on a wider scale. The temporal discrepancy of the offset of CaPsol dissemination and disease occurrence is the main obstacle in predicting CaPsol-induced diseases. Predicting disease occurrence and severity can only be achieved by gaining a better understanding of CaPsol epidemiological pathways and insect vectors involved in disease outbreaks.The Supplementary Material is available at [https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-28562-8]

    Gumoza Å”ećerne repe: dugo poznata, ali nedavno razjaÅ”njena bolest

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    Pojava bolesti gumoze Å”ećerne repe je primećena u Srbiji prvi put u Banatu i Bačkoj Å”ezdesetih godina proÅ”log veka. Koren obolelih biljaka ispoljava različit stepen gumoze uz uvenuće listova. Iako je koren zaraženih repa inicijalno bez truleži, nakon uvenuća ili vađenja biljke, podložan je napadu saprofita. Simptomi gumoze repe su zabeleženi takođe u Bugarskoj i Rumuniji i primarno su dovođeni u vezu sa suÅ”om. NaruÅ”ene fizičke karakteristike korena obolele Å”ećerne repe mogu dovesti do odbacivanja kompletnog prinosa od strane Å”ećerana. Nakon perioda epidemijske pojave, bolest je bila sporadično prisutna. U periodu 2018-2020 godine gumoza je zabeležena u svim područjima gajenja Å”ećerne repe u Srbiji, u epidemijskoj ili neepidemijskoj razmeri, ukazujući na periodičnu pojavu oboljenja Å”to je karakteristično za bolesti izazvane stolbur fitoplazmom (ā€˜Candidatus Phytoplasma solaniā€™). Epidemijska pojava gumoze repe je u ovom periodu zabeležena i u Slovačkoj, a sporadična u Mađarskoj i Hrvatskoj. Å ećerne repe sa simptomima gumoze sakupljene u navedenim zemljama su testirane na prisustvo stolbur fitoplazme primenom molekularnih metoda. Svi detektovani izolati fitoplazme su dalje genotipizirani na tri epidemioloÅ”ki informativna gena tuf, stamp i vmp1. Prisustvo fitopatogene bakterije ā€˜Ca. Arsenophonus phytopathogenicusā€™, uzrokovača bolesti repe ā€œbasses richessesā€ (SBR) u Francuskoj, Nemačkoj i Å vajcarskoj, takođe je testirano i nije utvrđeno u analiziranim uzorcima. Etiologija gumoze Å”ećerne repe je rasvetljena u Novom Sadu (Rimskim Å ančevima) gde je utvrđena asocijacija stolbur fitoplazme i tipičnih simptoma ove biljne bolesti