42 research outputs found

    La manzanilla fina sevillana

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    Study of new procedures of elaboration of alkalitreated green table olives, not fermented, preserved by heat treatments

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    Two new procedures for the elaboration of alkali-treated green table olives, without fermentation, preserved by sterilization or pasteurization were studied. In each case, the aim was to obtain a product with good quality and guaranteed safety. In the sterilized product, it was demonstrated that by including a pitting step during elaboration, a product was obtained with both flavour and texture similar to those of «green ripe olives», but without the need to apply an excessive number of washes. Alkalizing agents added to the packing solution negatively affected the organoleptic olive properties. In case of the pasteurized product, a pitting step during elaboration was also demonstrated to be effective in improving olive flavour. Fruit texture was not significantly affected by this step. Both herbal extracts and monosodium glutamate added to the packing solution successfully masked the «cooked» flavour of olives associated with pasteurisation.En el presente trabajo se han estudiado dos nuevos procedimientos para la elaboración de aceitunas verdes tratadas con álcali no fermentadas, conservadas por esterilización o pasterización, con el objetivo de obtener, en cada caso, un producto de calidad adecuada y de total garantía en cuanto a seguridad. En el producto esterilizado, se demostró que la inclusión de una etapa de deshuesado durante la elaboración conseguía un sabor y textura similares a las aceitunas denominadas "green ripe olives", pero sin necesidad de aplicar un excesivo número de lavados. Sin embargo, la adición de agentes alcalinizantes afectó negativamente a las características organolépticas de este producto. En el caso del producto pasterizado, el deshuesado del fruto consiguió también una notable mejora del sabor sin afectar significativamente a la textura. La adición de extractos de hierbas aromáticas o de glutamato monosódico a la salmuera de envasado enmascaró el característico sabor a "cocinado" de las aceitunas pasterizadas.Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación AGL2003-03552 financiado por la CICYT-FEDER.Peer reviewe

    Proceso tradicional de aderezo de aceitunas verdes de mesa. Racionalización del cocido

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    In order for olives of the Manzanilla variety to be produced as Spanish-style, they require a previous storage period before their alkaline treatment with NaOH. This holding time prevents the breakage and shedding of the fruit epidermis, but at the same time, causes an increase in the number of olives with surface blemishes and, consequently, loss in product quality. The objectives of this work were to investigate, at industrial scale, different alternatives to the holding period; specifically, the use of low-concentration alkaline solutions before the real alkaline treatment, and the use of alkaline solutions at low temperatures for this alkaline treatment. Basic parameters of the fermentative processes carried out in every treatment were monitored, and commercial quality of the final product was ascertained. The results indicate that both modifications are alternatives to the traditional treatment, and the products obtained applying these modifications have the same or higher quality than those obtained by the traditional process.Las aceitunas Manzanillas, para su elaboración estilo español, precisan de un periodo previo de reposo de los frutos antes del cocido o tratamiento alcalino con NaOH. Este periodo de reposo evita la rotura y desprendimiento de epidermis de los frutos pero, al mismo tiempo, provoca un aumento en el número de aceitunas con manchas superficiales y, consecuentemente, pérdida de calidad del producto. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron investigar, a escala industrial, alternativas al reposo previo; concretamente, la utilización de soluciones alcalinas de baja concentración antes del cocido y realizar este último con soluciones a temperatura reducida. Se analizaron los parámetros fundamentales de los procesos fermentativos obtenidos en cada caso y se determinó la calidad comercial de los productos finales. Los resultados obtenidos indican que ambas modificaciones constituyen alternativas al tratamiento tradicional con las que se obtienen productos de igual o superior calidad

    Elaboración de aceitunas de mesa

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    Table olives are one of the main pickled products prepared throughout the world. Spain is the first producing and exporting country. In general, any processing method aims to remove the natural bitterness of this fruit, caused by the glucoside oleuropein. The most common types of preparation are: Spanish Style Green, Natural Black and Black (Ripe) Olives (darkened by oxidation). In this paper the three elaboration processes are summarized, reviewing the current situation of the different phases of the production process for each one.Las aceitunas de mesa son uno de los principales encurtidos que se preparan actualmente a nivel mundial. España es el primer país productor y exportador. El objetivo de cualquier proceso de elaboración es eliminar el amargor natural de los frutos debido a la presencia de la oeuropeína. Los tipos de preparaciones más importantes son: Verdes Estilo Español, Negras Naturales y Negras (ennegrecidas por oxidación). En el presente trabajo se resumen los tres procesos de elaboración, revisándose la situación actual del conocimiento en cada una de las fases de los distintos procesos productivo

    Immediate effects of dry needling on the autonomic nervous system and mechanical hyperalgesia: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Dry needling (DN) is often used for the treatment of muscle pain among physiotherapists. However, little is known about the mechanisms of action by which its effects are generated. The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to determine if the use of DN in healthy subjects activates the sympathetic nervous system, thus resulting in a decrease in pain caused by stress. Methods: Sixty-five healthy volunteer subjects were recruited from the University of Alcala, Madrid, Spain, with an age of 27.78 (SD = 8.41) years. The participants were randomly assigned to participate in a group with deep DN in the adductor pollicis muscle or a placebo needling group. The autonomic nervous system was evaluated, in addition to local and remote mechanical hyperalgesia. Results: In a comparison of the moment at which the needling intervention was carried out with the baseline, the heart rate of the dry needling group significantly increased by 20.60% (SE = 2.88), whereas that of the placebo group increased by 5.33% (SE = 2.32) (p = 0.001, d = 1.02). The pressure pain threshold showed significant differences between both groups, being significantly higher in the needling group (adductor muscle p = 0.001; d = 0.85; anterior tibialis muscle p = 0.022, d = 0.58). Conclusions: This work appears to indicate that dry needling produces an immediate activation in the sympathetic nervous system, improving local and distant mechanical hyperalgesia