297 research outputs found

    Linked Cluster Expansions on non-trivial topologies

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    Linked cluster expansions provide a useful tool both for analytical and numerical investigations of lattice field theories. The expansion parameter is the interaction strength fields at neighboured lattice sites are coupled. They result into convergent series for free energies, correlation functions and susceptibilities. The expansions have been generalized to field theories at finite temperature and to a finite volume. Detailed information on critical behaviour can be extracted from the high order behaviour of the susceptibility series. We outline some of the steps by which the 20th order is achieved.Comment: 3 pages, Talk presented at LATTICE96(Theoretical Developments

    Chiral symmetry restoration of QCD and the Gross-Neveu model

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    Two flavour massless QCD has a second order chiral transition which has been argued to belong to the universality class of the 3d3d O(4) spin model. The arguments have been questioned recently, and the transition was claimed to be mean field behaved. We discuss this issue at the example of the 3d3d Gross-Neveu model. A solution is obtained by applying various well established analytical methods.Comment: LATTICE98(hightemp

    Finite Size Scaling Analysis with Linked Cluster Expansions

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    Linked cluster expansions are generalized from an infinite to a finite volume on a dd-dimensional hypercubic lattice. They are performed to 20th order in the expansion parameter to investigate the phase structure of scalar O(N)O(N) models for the cases of N=1N=1 and N=4N=4 in 3 dimensions. In particular we propose a new criterion to distinguish first from second order transitions via the volume dependence of response functions for couplings close to but not at the critical value. The criterion is applicable to Monte Carlo simulations as well. Here it is used to localize the tricritical line in a Φ4+Φ6\Phi^4 + \Phi^6 theory. We indicate further applications to the electroweak transition.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, Talk presented at LATTICE96(Theoretical Developments

    Dynamical linke cluster expansions: Algorithmic aspects and applications

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    Dynamical linked cluster expansions are linked cluster expansions with hopping parameter terms endowed with their own dynamics. They amount to a generalization of series expansions from 2-point to point-link-point interactions. We outline an associated multiple-line graph theory involving extended notions of connectivity and indicate an algorithmic implementation of graphs. Fields of applications are SU(N) gauge Higgs systems within variational estimates, spin glasses and partially annealed neural networks. We present results for the critical line in an SU(2) gauge Higgs model for the electroweak phase transition. The results agree well with corresponding high precision Monte Carlo results.Comment: LATTICE98(algorithms

    Linked cluster expansions beyond nearest neighbour interactions: convergence and graph classes

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    We generalize the technique of linked cluster expansions on hypercubic lattices to actions that couple fields at lattice sites which are not nearest neighbours. We show that in this case the graphical expansion can be arranged in such a way that the classes of graphs to be considered are identical to those of the pure nearest neighbour interaction. The only change then concerns the computation of lattice imbedding numbers. All the complications that arise can be reduced to a generalization of the notion of free random walks, including hopping beyond nearest neighbour. Explicit expressions for combinatorical numbers of the latter are given. We show that under some general conditions the linked cluster expansion series have a non-vanishing radius of convergence.Comment: 20 pages, latex2

    Lattice QED and Universality of the Axial Anomaly

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    We give a perturbative proof that U(1) lattice gauge theories generate the axial anomaly in the continuum limit under very general conditions on the lattice Dirac operator. These conditions are locality, gauge covariance and the absense of species doubling. They hold for Wilson fermions as well as for realizations of the Dirac operator that satisfy the Ginsparg-Wilson relation. The proof is based on the lattice power counting theorem. The results generalize to non-abelian gauge theories.Comment: LATTICE99(theoretical developments) 3 page

    Renormalization of lattice gauge theories with massless Ginsparg Wilson fermions

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    Using functional techniques, we prove, to all orders of perturbation theory, that lattice vector gauge theories with Ginsparg Wilson fermions are renormalizable. For two or more massless fermions, they satisfy a flavour mixing axial vector Ward identity. It involves a lattice specific part that is quadratic in the vertex functional and classically irrelevant. We show that it stays irrelevant under renormalization. This means that in the continuum limit the (standard) chiral symmetry becomes restored. In particular, the flavour mixing current does not require renormalization.Comment: 13 pages, Latex2

    Chiral symmetry restoration and axial vector renormalization for Wilson fermions

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    Lattice gauge theories with Wilson fermions break chiral symmetry. In the U(1) axial vector current this manifests itself in the anomaly. On the other hand it is generally expected that the axial vector flavour mixing current is non-anomalous. We give a short, but strict proof of this to all orders of perturbation theory, and show that chiral symmetry restauration implies a unique multiplicative renormalization constant for the current. This constant is determined entirely from an irrelevant operator in the Ward identity. The basic ingredients going into the proof are the lattice Ward identity, charge conjugation symmetry and the power counting theorem. We compute the renormalization constant to one loop order. It is largely independent of the particular lattice realization of the current.Comment: 11 pages, Latex2
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