249 research outputs found

    Critical Phenomena with Linked Cluster Expansions in a Finite Volume

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    Linked cluster expansions are generalized from an infinite to a finite volume. They are performed to 20th order in the expansion parameter to approach the critical region from the symmetric phase. A new criterion is proposed to distinguish 1st from 2nd order transitions within a finite size scaling analysis. The criterion applies also to other methods for investigating the phase structure such as Monte Carlo simulations. Our computational tools are illustrated at the example of scalar O(N) models with four and six-point couplings for N=1N=1 and N=4N=4 in three dimensions. It is shown how to localize the tricritical line in these models. We indicate some further applications of our methods to the electroweak transition as well as to models for superconductivity.Comment: 36 pages, latex2e, 7 eps figures included, uuencoded, gzipped and tarred tex file hdth9607.te

    The Asymptotic Expansion of Lattice Loop Integrals Around the Continuum Limit

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    We present a method of computing any one-loop integral in lattice perturbation theory by systematically expanding around its continuum limit. At any order in the expansion in the lattice spacing, the result can be written as a sum of continuum loop integrals in analytic regularization and a few genuine lattice integrals (``master integrals''). These lattice master integrals are independent of external momenta and masses and can be computed numerically. At the one-loop level, there are four master integrals in a theory with only bosonic fields, seven in HQET and sixteen in QED or QCD with Wilson fermions.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Interpolation Parameter and Expansion for the Three Dimensional Non-Trivial Scalar Infrared Fixed Point

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    We compute the non--trivial infrared ϕ34\phi^4_3--fixed point by means of an interpolation expansion in fixed dimension. The expansion is formulated for an infinitesimal momentum space renormalization group. We choose a coordinate representation for the fixed point interaction in derivative expansion, and compute its coordinates to high orders by means of computer algebra. We compute the series for the critical exponent ν\nu up to order twenty five of interpolation expansion in this representation, and evaluate it using \pade, Borel--\pade, Borel--conformal--\pade, and Dlog--\pade resummation. The resummation returns 0.6262(13)0.6262(13) as the value of ν\nu.Comment: 29 pages, Latex2e, 2 Postscript figure

    The three-loop beta function of SU(N) lattice gauge theories with Wilson fermions

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    We calculate the third coefficient of the lattice beta function associated with the Wilson formulation for both gauge fields and fermions. This allows us to evaluate the three-loop correction (linear in g02g_0^2) to the relation between the lattice Lambda-parameter and the bare coupling g0g_0, which is important in order to verify asymptotic scaling predictions. Our calculation also leads to the two-loop relation between the coupling renormalized in the MSbar scheme and g0g_0. The original version of this paper contained a numerical error in one of the diagrams, which has now been corrected. The calculations, as well as the layout of the paper have remained identical, but there are some important changes in the numerical results.Comment: One 14-page LaTeX file, one PostScript file containing 2 figures. Corrected a numerical error in one of the diagrams. The calculations, as well as the layout of the paper have remained unaffected, but there are some important changes in the numerical result

    Asymptotic Behavior of the Correlator for Polyakov Loops

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    The asymptotic behavior of the correlator for Polyakov loop operators separated by a large distance RR is determined for high temperature QCD. It is dominated by nonperturbative effects related to the exchange of magnetostatic gluons. To analyze the asymptotic behavior, the problem is formulated in terms of the effective field theory of QCD in 3 space dimensions. The Polyakov loop operator is expanded in terms of local gauge-invariant operators constructed out of the magnetostatic gauge field, with coefficients that can be calculated using resummed perturbation theory. The asymptotic behavior of the correlator is exp(MR)/R\exp(-MR)/R, where MM is the mass of the lowest-lying glueball in (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional QCD. This result implies that existing lattice calculations of the Polyakov loop correlator at the highest temperatures available do not probe the true asymptotic region in RR.Comment: 10 pages, NUHEP-TH-94-2

    Perturbative renormalization of lattice N=4 super Yang-Mills theory

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    We consider N=4 super Yang-Mills theory on a four-dimensional lattice. The lattice formulation under consideration retains one exact supersymmetry at non-zero lattice spacing. We show that this feature combined with gauge invariance and the large point group symmetry of the lattice theory ensures that the only counterterms that appear at any order in perturbation theory correspond to renormalizations of existing terms in the bare lattice action. In particular we find that no mass terms are generated at any finite order of perturbation theory. We calculate these renormalizations by examining the fermion and auxiliary boson self energies at one loop and find that they all exhibit a common logarithmic divergence which can be absorbed by a single wavefunction renormalization. This finding implies that at one loop only a fine tuning of the finite parts is required to regain full supersymmetry in the continuum limit.Comment: v2. Minor corrections, references adde

    Renormalized couplings and scaling correction amplitudes in the N-vector spin models on the sc and the bcc lattices

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    For the classical N-vector model, with arbitrary N, we have computed through order \beta^{17} the high temperature expansions of the second field derivative of the susceptibility \chi_4(N,\beta) on the simple cubic and on the body centered cubic lattices. (The N-vector model is also known as the O(N) symmetric classical spin Heisenberg model or, in quantum field theory, as the lattice O(N) nonlinear sigma model.) By analyzing the expansion of \chi_4(N,\beta) on the two lattices, and by carefully allowing for the corrections to scaling, we obtain updated estimates of the critical parameters and more accurate tests of the hyperscaling relation d\nu(N) +\gamma(N) -2\Delta_4(N)=0 for a range of values of the spin dimensionality N, including N=0 [the self-avoiding walk model], N=1 [the Ising spin 1/2 model], N=2 [the XY model], N=3 [the classical Heisenberg model]. Using the recently extended series for the susceptibility and for the second correlation moment, we also compute the dimensionless renormalized four point coupling constants and some universal ratios of scaling correction amplitudes in fair agreement with recent renormalization group estimates.Comment: 23 pages, latex, no figure

    Gauge Theories on a 2+2 Anisotropic Lattice

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    The implementation of gauge theories on a four-dimensional anisotropic lattice with two distinct lattice spacings is discussed, with special attention to the case where two axes are finely and two axes are coarsely discretized. Feynman rules for the Wilson gauge action are derived and the renormalizability of the theory and the recovery of the continuum limit are analyzed. The calculation of the gluon propagator and the restoration of Lorentz invariance in on-shell states is presented to one-loop order in lattice perturbation theory for SU(Nc)SU(N_c) on both 2+2 and 3+1 lattices.Comment: 27 pages, uses feynmf. Font compatibility adjuste

    Targeting host glycolysis as a strategy for antimalarial development

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    Glycolysis controls cellular energy, redox balance, and biosynthesis. Antiglycolytic therapies are under investigation for treatment of obesity, cancer, aging, autoimmunity, and microbial diseases. Interrupting glycolysis is highly valued as a therapeutic strategy, because glycolytic disruption is generally tolerated in mammals. Unfortunately, anemia is a known dose-limiting side effect of these inhibitors and presents a major caveat to development of antiglycolytic therapies. We developed specific inhibitors of enolase - a critical enzyme in glycolysis - and validated their metabolic and cellular effects on human erythrocytes. Enolase inhibition increases erythrocyte susceptibility to oxidative damage and induces rapid and premature erythrocyte senescence, rather than direct hemolysis. We apply our model of red cell toxicity to address questions regarding erythrocyte glycolytic disruption in the context o

    Mesonic correlation lengths in high-temperature QCD

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    We consider spatial correlation lengths \xi for various QCD light quark bilinears at temperatures above a few hundred MeV. Some of the correlation lengths (such as that related to baryon density) coincide with what has been measured earlier on from glueball-like states; others do not couple to glueballs, and have a well-known perturbative leading-order expression as well as a computable next-to-leading-order correction. We determine the latter following analogies with the NRQCD effective theory, used for the study of heavy quarkonia at zero temperature: we find (for the quenched case) \xi^{-1} = 2 \pi T + 0.1408 g^2 T, and compare with lattice results. One manifestation of U_A(1) symmetry non-restoration is also pointed out.Comment: 25 pages. v2: small clarifications; published versio