509 research outputs found

    Love or Law?

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    Maybe you mixing up in love or investigating reasons of failing in love or leading transactional analysis course or studding about opposite gender, by the way I wish you to be happy. Personally I passed all those terms and I asked myself and others a lot of questions about Attraction and Repulsion and appearance of emotions. Finally, I indicated kindness is higher than love. Because love have an opposite named Hate. So deeply depends to hate. But Kindness is fathomless and opposite less as the Creator is. So it's higher and greater. In my opinion what in popular called Love is attraction of two opposite personality and some part of its reasons is oppositeness affect and its why it results failing

    Path to Lasting Peace

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    Maybe many a time you looked at clock and realized passing time as normal or according to Einstein or Heisenberg theory have a deeper view about time and place acting. I was thinking about this great acting as you and always foul I'm closed and prisoned by this acting and as I researched about fundamental science I found a different and deeper view about affections of this acting. If I guess true you are thinking about coherency of peace and place and time. Before answer, I want ask a question. What acting can affect in putting out a lasting peace? There are different theories that I believe discussing about them just waste your time. I think peace means creating a certain sphere for all creatures. Where of humankind is one of the most affective and destructive kind of creations. Lasting peace appears when everybody do what benefits itself even it's obverse even it's surroundings. Maybe you understood the answer, maybe still thinking. By the way I recommend you to read main paper, because it is simple abstracted and can't be more abstracted, because maybe lose some points

    Chemical composition and antifungal effects of three species of Satureja (S. hortensis, S. spicigera, and S. khuzistanica) essential oils on the main pathogens of strawberry fruit

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    Due to an increasing risk of chemical contamination upon the application of synthetic fungicides to preserve fresh fruits and vegetables, essential oils are gaining increasing attentions. In this research, besides chemical analysis of the essential oils of three Satureja species (S. hortensis, S. spicigera, and S. khuzistanica) by GC-MS, their fungicidal and/or fungistatic effects on postharvest pathogens of strawberry were investigated. Essential oils were extracted by means of hydro-distillation and afterwards GC/MS analysis was performed to identify their components. Carvacrol, γ-terpinene and p-cymene were detected as the repeating main constituents of the spices, while thymol and carvacrol methyl ether were found as major components only in S. spicigera oil. In vitro results showed that at the maximum concentration, the essential oils did not possess fungicidal effects on Aspergillus niger but they exhibited fungicidal activities against Penicillium digitatum, Botrytis cinerea and Rhizopus stolonifer. However, S. khuzistanica was the strongest oil in fungicidal activity. S. hortensis oil was more effective than S. spicigera against B. cinerea whereas S. spicigera oil showed stronger fungicidal activity against R. stolonifer. In conclusion, essential oils isolated from three savory species could be suitable for applications in the food industry to control molds and improve the safety of fruits and vegetables. © 2015 Elsevier B.V

    The Contribution of Word Webbing to Project-based Learning in Teaching Vocabulary: A Comparative Study in an EFL Context

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    This study was an attempt to investigate the effect of applying word web strategy with and without project based learning (PBL) on EFL learners’ vocabulary learning. Ninety female EFL learners from a high school in Tehran were the participants of this study. They were at intermediate level of language proficiency and in three intact classes of 30 members. The three classes were randomly assigned as one control and two experimental groups. The homogeneity of three intact groups in terms of general language proficiency and knowledge of vocabulary was determined by comparing their mean scores after performing on a PET and a pretest of vocabulary respectively. After that, the participants received 12- session treatment, including teaching vocabulary using word web (WW) strategy without PBL for one experimental group, and using WW with PBL for another while the control group received the usual instruction of the teacher for the same new words without WW and PBL. At the end of the treatment, the teacher- made vocabulary posttest was administered to the study groups. To test the hypotheses of the study with respect to the violation of the normality assumption, Kruskal-Wallis test was run on participants’ scores. The results showed that the participants in both experimental groups significantly outperformed the participants in the control group in terms of vocabulary learning. The results also showed that the students who received WW with PBL outperformed those who received it without PBL

    Sand production prediction using ratio of shear modulus to bulk compressibility (case study)

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    AbstractSand production is a serious problem widely existing in oil/gas production. The problems resulting from sand influx include abrasion of downhole tubular/casing, subsurface safety valve and surface equipment; casing/tubing buckling, failure of casing or liners from removal of surrounding formation, compaction and erosion; and loss of production caused by sand bridging in tubing and/or flow lines. There are several methods for predicting sand production. The methods include use of production data, well logs, laboratory testing, acoustic, intrusive sand monitoring devices, and analogy. The methodologies are reviewed and the data needed for predicting sand production are enumerated. The technique used in this paper involves the calculation of shear modulus, bulk compressibility, and the ratio of shear modulus to bulk compressibility. The shear modulus to bulk compressibility ratio has been related empirically to sand influx. This Mechanical Properties Log method works 81% of the time. This technique is supported with examples and case studies from regions around the world known for sand production. The authors collected the information of the “Kaki and Bushgan Oilfield in Iran”, set a sand production prediction to predict sand production potential. The technique has been successfully applied in reservoirs and results have been compared with testing data

    Optimal Designing Grid-Connected PV Systems

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    Photovoltaic systems, direct conversion of solar energy to electrical energy, are produced in the form of DC power by photovoltaic arrays bathed in sunlight and converted into AC power through an inverter system, which is more convenient to use. There are two main paradigms for optimal designing of photovoltaic systems. First, the system can be designed such that the generated power and the loads, that is, the consumed power, match. A second way to design a photovoltaic system is to base the design on economics, as pinpointed in the following. Photovoltaic grid connected through shunt active filter by considering maximum power point tracking for these systems is known as the optimal design. This chapter is organized as follows: First, we discuss an overview of grid-connected photovoltaic systems. After that, we take a more detailed look on grid-connected photovoltaic system via active filter; in this section, we explain the modeling of photovoltaic panel and shunt active filter. In the next section, we learn different maximum power point tracking methods and also learn how to design DC link as a common bus of shunt active filter and photovoltaic system. Finally, MATLAB/Simulink simulations verify the performance of the proposed model performance

    Pengaruh Pemasaran Media Sosial dan Kesadaran Merek Terhadap Minat Pembelian Pada Bisnis (Studi Kasus Pada Konsumen @Palett.es)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of social media marketing and brand awareness on purchase intention in the @palett.es business. The research method used is a quantitative method with data collection through questionnaires. The population in this st udy are consumers @palett.es. The sampling technique in this research is non -probability sampling with purposive sampling method using the formula from Hair et.al. that takes at least 5 times the number of question items contained in the questionnaire. The sample obtained is 120 respondents (24x5). The data analysis used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis with the help of the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 program. The results show that: (1) social media marketing has a significant positive effect on purchase intention with a value of 21.3%; (2) brand awareness has a significant positive effect on purchase intention with a value of 31.4%; and (3) social media marketing and brand awareness simultaneously have a significant positive effect on purchase intention with a value of 52.7%, with the remaining 47.3% being the influence of other factors not included in this study

    The relation between the quality of life and restless legs syndrome in patients undergoing hemodialysisis dialysis centers in ChaharMahal and Bakhtiari, 2011

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    Aims: The chronic renal failure and the subsequent hemodialysis and its consequent problems such as restless legs syndrome affect the individual’s quality of life through the changes they cause in his life style and health status. The present study was conducted to investigate the association between the quality of life and restless legs syndrome in hemodialysis patients. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive –analytical study, 171patients who were undergoing to hemodialysis at hospitals of ChaharMahal and Bakhtiariprovenanceselected via census sampling. The subjectsdivided into two groups; one suffering from the restless legs syndrome and the other without syndrome. Data was collected using WHO-QOL BREF quality of life questionnaire andrestless legs syndromequestionnaire, then it was analyzed by the software SPSS 15 and independent statistical t-test. Findings: The findings revealed that 98(57.3%) out of 171 hemodialysispatients, who were studied, suffered from restless legs syndrome and 73(%42.7) subjects were without syndrome. The average age in the group suffering the syndrome was 59.27± 16.86 and in the group without syndrome was 55.20±17.95.However thedifferencebetween the average age in both groups was not statistically significant (p= 0.131).The average quality of life in the group suffering the syndrome was 32.82±8.53and in the group without the syndrome was 39± 14.57. This difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: regarding the result of the study, the average quality of life in hemodialysispatients is low. Patients suffering from restless legs syndrome also have lower quality of life. Therefore it is recommended that the quality of life of these patients be improved through taking appropriate measures and presenting requisite interferences

    Strengths and Weaknesses of Clinical Education from the Viewpoints of Nursing and Midwifery Students in Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran

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    Background and Objectives: The viewpoints of students as basic elements of education, can improve the process of education. Thus this study was designed to detect the Strengths and weaknesses of clinical education from the viewpoints of nursing and midwifery students. Methods: In this cross–sectional study, 150 senior nursing and midwifery students in Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences were asked about the strengths and weaknesses of clinical education using a questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of three sections including demographic characteristics, and the strengths and weaknesses of clinical education which was prepared based on five areas of the aims and educational programs, contact to students, educational environment, supervision and evaluation. Data analysis was done using t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficients and the value of p<0.05 was considered as significant. Results: The most important strengths points of clinical education included: considering the prerequisite of clinical education (79.7%), clarifying the students tasks (72.5%), on-time presence of trainers (88.7%) and trainees (84.2%), providing opportunities of patient care for students (68.5%), good relationship between educational supervisor and the students (56.5%), students' library use in hospital (62.5%) and taking practical exams at the end of each clinical education (58.5%). failing to ask students' views in planning the training program (84.9%), lack of congruence between the educational aims and personnel expectations (74.6%), stressful conditions for students (76.8%), lack of student support by personnel (85.5%), failing to use teaching aids (91.2%) and lack of supervising in clinical education (69%), were among the most important weaknesses of clinical education. Conclusion: with respect to educational aims and programs and educators, majority of students stated the strengths points more than the weaknesses, while in cases of communication with students, clinical environment, supervision and evaluation, the conditions were not much desirable and the weak points were more than the strong points