53 research outputs found

    Risk Assessment Proposal In HydrauliC Presses With Fuzzy Logic

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety level of industrial machines, in particular hydraulic press. The dissertation used hydraulic presses as the object of study. The research instruments used were machine safety analyzes based on normative items pre-established in ABNT NBR: 12100, possible accidents that these machineries can cause. The results show that hydraulic presses cause many accidents, in some situations dying. Through Annex B of ABNT NBR 14153: 2013, there are 4 risk categories for machinery, the greater the degree of risk, the more unsafe the machine is. The appraiser\u27s experience is very important to analyze the machine and reach the level of risk level before and after the adjustment. Finally, it appears that the machine analyzed in this study was at risk level 3, after analysis and adaptations the same machine was at risk level 1, totally acceptable to maintain the operator\u27s safety level

    Grounding methodology in a 550 kv ac power transmission line in the Amazon - a case study

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    Atmospheric discharges are indispensable for the electrical sector due to their responsibility on the shutdown of the power lines, what may trigger a sequence of events that led the interconnected electrical system to collapse. The aim of this case study is to demonstrate the development of a viable methodology in order to reduce the resistance values of the grounding system of the power lines, reducing shutdown occurrences due to returning disruptive discharges, or backflashover, mitigating the damages caused to the electrical system and to society, in order to improve the quality of the electrical power distribution. Considering the factors of implementation costs, technical environmental viability, the encompassment of this solution for other structures lines, and the reduction of the implementation percentage, it was concluded that the most adequate solution to implement a more robust grounding system in the transmission power lines is the solution 03 tested on the tower 585, with a reduction of 66,98%

    Develop a fuzzy inference model to measure the quality of project management processes in a third sector institution

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    The contemporary business environment seeks continuous improvement to remain competitive in the market, as customers increasingly demand quality products or services. In this perspective, this paper presents a methodology aimed at evaluating the quality of processes in the project management sector in a Third Sector Organization, based on the Fuzzy mathematical model. For this, linguistic variables (input) were developed according to information obtained from company Y, which enabled the application of the Fuzzy Logic method, in order to determine the output variable, which in this case is quality. After determining the rules, it was possible to obtain results that show that the developed fuzzy model has the potential to help improve the quality of processes

    Artificial neural networks for predicting the generation of acetaldehyde in pet resin in the process of injection of plastic packages

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    The industrial production of preforms for the manufacture of PET bottles, during the plastic injection process, is essential to regulate the drying temperature of the PET resin, to control the generation of Acetaldehyde (ACH), which alters the flavor of carbonated or non-carbonated drinks, giving the drink a citrus flavor and putting in doubt the quality of packaged products. In this work, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) of the Backpropagation type (Cascadeforwardnet) is specified to support the decision-making process in controlling the ideal drying temperature of the PET resin, allowing specialists to make the necessary temperature regulation decisions  for the best performance by decreasing ACH levels. The materials and methods were applied according to the manufacturer\u27s characteristics on the moisture in the PET resin grain, which may contain between 50 ppm and 100 ppm of ACH. Data were collected for the method analysis, according to temperatures and residence times used in the blow injection process in the manufacture of the bottle preform, the generation of ACH from the PET bottle after solid post-condensation stage reached residual ACH levels below (3-4) ppm, according to the desired specification, reaching levels below 1 ppm. The results found through the Computational Intelligence (IC) techniques applied by the ANNs, where they allowed the prediction of the ACH levels generated in the plastic injection process of the bottle packaging preform, allowing an effective management of the parameters of production, assisting in strategic decision making regarding the use of temperature control during the drying process of PET resin

    Work Safety: Fuzzy Inference Model Specification for Evaluation of Heat Agent

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    This research proposes an inference model fuzzy to analyses hazardous environmental work conditions, specifically insalubrious work conditions relevant for heat risk to support the safety engineers for making decisions. The article presents a study that consists of a fuzzy inference model specification for the evaluation of heat agents. The structure of model fuzzy used are inputs temperature and metabolic rate, while the output is work environment condition that could be salubrious or insalubrious. Through, the inference method Mamdani and rules established according to Brazil legislation about heat, Occupational Hygiene Standard 06, the proposed model can determine the work conditions about the heat. The validation process is done in an industry from the Industrial Pole of Manaus, therefor all the process necessary for preparations to use the proposed model is described to obtain all the variables necessary in the field. As a result, the proposed model got the correct classification of work environment conditions with pertinent results according to current legislation and technical expertise.       &nbsp

    Analysis of Incentive Policies for the Use of Biomass as Energy Source

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    In the search for solutions on the efficient use of natural resources, much has been discussed about the importance of effective public policies, as a way to minimize problems with the scarcity of natural resources, and how to achieve the desired sustainability through the implementation and exploitation of natural resources. renewable energy sources generated by the expansion of energy supply, one of which being natural resources is Biomass. In this context, biomass emerges as a great potential to solve, or at least mitigate the effects of using petroleum-based energy sources, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG), the implementation of public incentive policies. The use of renewable sources has become a more than current theme in the various rounds of debates on the improvement of climatic conditions in Brazil and in the world. The objective of the research was to identify the incentive policies adopted by the Brazilian government that made possible the advances and contributions generated by the use of Biomass as a renewable energy source within the national territory. The adopted method considered the aspects of a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach based on a survey of the theoretical framework, which was used as material, books and original articles based on electronically available databases, to review the literature. available literature. The results of this study show that several benefits have been found through the use of renewable energy sources such as biomass, but this energy source is still not widespread in the country, where this is attributed to the scarcity of public incentive policy that in its great Most address the use of renewable energy as a whole, specifying the use of biomass without differentiation

    An analysis of the compliance aspects of NR 10: a case study in a substation of the Manaus Metropolitan Region - AM

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    The Regulated Standard (NR-10) is a standard that establishes minimum requirements and conditions with the stated objective of guiding the adoption of preventive systems control measures. The objective of this study is to analyze the compliance of NR 10 in a substation, analyzing as inherent activities to the enterprise according to the standards of standardization. A research was conducted based on a descriptive and observational study, and was implemented through an on-site study based on data collection and information gathering in a substation located in the southern region of Manaus - AM. It is responsible for the distribution of energy throughout the south and center-south of the city, feeding about 450,000 people with the availability of 188,890 kW of power. It was concluded that it is essential that the electricity supply companies are fully in compliance with the requirements and surveillance standards in the country, given that the conservation of workers who deal with direct work in high and low pressure spaces be observed with a much more accurate strategic look

    Piezoelectric Energy Characterization: Materials and Utilization

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    This article exposes a new form of alternative and clean power generation. Being its objective to characterize, the models and use of the existing materials that comes to be more useful to generate energy. Bibliographic research was used as a method for data collection, through the study of existing articles that open the piezoelectric system. From the evaluation of the existing data, it was observed that to quantify the energy generation of these materials, besides simulating in software the amount generated is made the prototype for accurate measurement of the generated energy values. However, this is a task that requires a lot of study, so that, finally, it can reach usable values ​​to supply the desired electrical systems. The results show that the amount of energy generated is different for each method used, which depends on the type of material and the harvesting procedures performed, among the most used materials is the "cantilever" being the best in relation to the generation of Therefore, it is evident that the present article seeks to demonstrate the existing modes of generation through the use of this piezoelectric effect. Thus, it is expected to draw attention to this type of electricity production

    PGRSS Application in a Public Hospital Unit of Manaus and its Sustainability Characteristics

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    Solid waste from health services, the so-called “hospital waste”, has high risks to society and the environment. Because of this, it was necessary to create legislation that would indicate a whole treatment, seeking impact resolution without losing the quality of care provided. Thus are in force the CONAMA Resolutions 358/05, RDC ANVISA 222/18 and Law 12.305 / 10 that deal with health service waste management (SSR) steps and their management, defining the conduct of SSR agents to prevent and properly treat waste with potential contamination. This requires that every institution implements these safe-conduct strategies in the handling, storage, transportation, treatment and final disposal of SSR. In this research, the steps proposed by the Health Care Waste Management Plan (PGRSS) were analyzed: (segregation, packaging, identification, internal transport, temporary storage, treatment, external storage, collection and external transportation and final disposal). in a public hospital unit, located in the city of Manaus, by observing and describing the practices performed in the unit, resulting in 8 stages out of 9, which were presented, obtained satisfactory conditions in compliance with the legislation. What needs improvement in order to meet conditions responsive to legislation is local segregation. Another issue observed was related to sustainable responsibility, which hospital unit has. When adopting sustainable practices, there should be interactions of activities and awareness of all entities, which is already observed in this specific hospital unit, with sustainable practices based on certification because it meets the importance of the relationship with the environment, seeking to obtain increasingly satisfactory results, not only to respond to the legislative condition

    PDCA Cycle Application in Management of Industrial Processes in a Manaus Industrial Pole Factory

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    This study aimed to study and monitor the implementation of the PDCA method. (Plan, Do, Check, Action) Through action research. It was found that achieving the best results required the use of Quality Tools (Ishikawa Diagram, 5W and 2H, Brainstorning, 5S) providing more accurate data for better decision making. The study had bibliographic research and data comparison, providing references to diagnose the root of the problem presented in the production process related to the aesthetic quality of the finished product (Lithium Ion battery for mobile). Using the 5S program to implement and guide employees in new work habits, ensuring product and process quality, avoiding waste and enabling continuous improvement
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