14 research outputs found

    Kinetics of hydrolysis of 1-benzoyl-1,2,4-triazole in aqueous solution as a function of temperature near the temperature of maximum density, and the isochoric controversy

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    At temperatures above and below the temperature of maximum density, TMD, for water at ambient pressure, pairs of temperatures exist at which the molar volumes of water are equal. First-order rate constants for the pH-independent hydrolysis of 1-benzoyl-1,2,4-triazole in aqueous solution at pairs of such isochoric temperatures show no unique features. Taken together with previously published kinetic data for the hydrolysis of a range of simple organic solutes in both water and D2O near their respective TMDs, we conclude that special significance in the context of rates of chemical reactions in aqueous solutions should not be attached to the isochoric condition

    Kinetics of hydrolysis of 1-benzoyl-1,2,4-triazole in aqueous solution as a function of temperature near the temperature of maximum density, and the isochoric controversy

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    At temperatures above and below the temperature of maximum density, TMD, for water at ambient pressure, pairs of temperatures exist at which the molar volumes of water are equal. First-order rate constants for the pH-independent hydrolysis of 1-benzoyl-1,2,4-triazole in aqueous solution at pairs of such isochoric temperatures show no unique features. Taken together with previously published kinetic data for the hydrolysis of a range of simple organic solutes in both water and D2O near their respective TMDs, we conclude that special significance in the context of rates of chemical reactions in aqueous solutions should not be attached to the isochoric condition.

    Consumo e digestibilidade de dietas formuladas com diferentes níveis de casca de café para vacas em lactação Intake and digestibility of lactating dairy cows fed diets containing coffee hulls

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    Avaliaram-se o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente da dieta, a produção e composição do leite e a economicidade de dietas formuladas com quatro níveis de casca de café na MS total (0, 5, 10, 15% da MS) em substituição ao milho no concentrado. Foram utilizadas 12 vacas da raça Holandesa, distribuídas em três quadrados latinos 4 x 4, de acordo com o período de lactação. As dietas (isoprotéicas, 15,5% de PB) foram constituídas de 60% de silagem de milho e 40% de concentrado, com base na MS. O consumo de EE não foi alterado, mas os de MS, MO, PB, carboidratos totais (CT) e carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF) e a concentração de NDT das dietas decresceram linearmente com adição de casca de café, elevando, também de forma linear, o consumo de FDN. As digestibilidades de MS, MO, PB, CT, FDN, CNF e a concentração de NDT das dietas reduziram linearmente com a adição de casca de café no concentrado. A produção de leite e as quantidades de gordura, proteína, sólidos totais, extrato seco desengordurado e suas concentrações no leite não foram alteradas pelos níveis de casca de café nas dietas. O saldo com alimentação por vaca e por litro de leite aumentou linearmente com o incremento de casca de café nas dietas. A substituição do milho do concentrado por casca de café pode ser feita em até 15% da MS total da dieta.<br>The objective of this trial was to investigate the effects of replacing corn by coffee hulls on intake, apparent digestibility, and milk production and composition of lactating dairy cows. Treatments contained one of the following four levels of coffee hulls: 0, 5, 10 or 15% of the total dietary DM. Twelve Holstein dairy cows were blocked by days in milk and randomly assigned to three replicated 4 x 4 Latin squares. Diets were isonitrogenous averaging 15.5% of CP and composed by 60% of corn silage and 40% of concentrate on DM basis. Replacing corn with coffee hulls did not affect the intake of EE. However, intakes of DM, OM, CP, TC, and NFC as well as dietary TDN all decreased linearly with the inclusion of coffee hulls in the diet. Apparent total tract digestibilities of DM, OM, CP, TC, NDF, and NFC also reduced linearly by increasing the proportion of dietary coffee hulls. Conversely, NDF intake increased linearly when coffee hulls replaced corn in the diet. No significant differences on milk yield as well as yields and contents of fat, protein, total solids, and solids nonfat were observed by including coffee hulls in the diet. Feeding balances (milk yield gross income - feeding costs) per cow and per liter of milk both increased linearly by partially replacing corn with coffee hulls. It can be concluded that coffee hulls can replace up to 15% of the corn in the diet with no detrimental effects on production

    Learning to obey: education, authority, and governance in the early eighteenth-century Portuguese Empire

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