17 research outputs found

    Assessment of Water Resources under Climate Change in Western Hindukush Region: A Case Study of the Upper Kabul River Basin

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    This study aims to estimate the surface runoff and examine the impact of climate change on water resources in the Upper Kabul River Basin (UKRB). A hydrological model was developed using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) from 2009 to 2019. The monthly calibration was conducted on streamflow in six stations for the period from 2010 to 2016, and the results were validated from 2017 to 2018 based on available observed data. The hydrological sensitivity parameters were further prioritized using SWAT-CUP. The uncertainty of the model was analyzed by the 95% Prediction Uncertainty (95PPU). Future projections were analyzed for the 2040s (2030–2049) and 2090s (2080–2099) compared to the baseline period (1986–2005) under two representation concentration pathways (RCP4.5, RCP8.5). Four Regional Climate Models (RCMs) were bias-corrected using the linear scaling bias correction method. The modeling results exhibited a very reasonable fit between the estimated and observed runoff in different stations, with NS values ranging from 0.54 to 0.91 in the calibration period. The future mean annual surface runoff exhibited an increase in the 2040s and 2090s compared to the baseline under both RCPs of 4.5 and 8.5 due to an increase in annual precipitation. The annual precipitation is projected to increase by 5% in the 2040s, 1% in the 2090s under RCP4.5, and by 9% in the 2040s and 2% in the 2090s under RCP8.5. The future temperature is also projected to increase and consequently lead to earlier snowmelt, resulting in a shift in the seasonal runoff peak to earlier months in the UKRB. However, the shifts in the timing of runoff could lead to significant impacts on water availability and exacerbate the water stress in this region, decreasing in summer runoff and increasing in the winter and spring runoffs. The future annual evapotranspiration is projected to increase under both scenarios; however, decreases in annual snowfall, snowmelt, sublimation, and groundwater recharge are predicted in the UKRB

    Implications of hydraulic anisotropy in periglacial cover beds for flood simulation in low mountain ranges (Ore Mountains, Germany)

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    The simulation of floods with conceptual rainfall-runoff models is a frequently used method for various applications in flood risk management. In mountain areas, the identification of the optimum model parameters during the calibration is often difficult because of the complexity and variability of catchment properties and hydrological processes. Central European mountain ranges are typically covered by Pleistocene periglacial slope deposits. The hydraulic conductivity of the cover beds shows a high degree of anisotropy, so it is important to understand the role of this effect in flood models of mesoscale mountain watersheds. Based on previous field work, the study analyses the sensitivity of the NASIM modeling system to a variation of vertical and lateral hydraulic conductivity for the Upper FlĂśha watershed (Ore Mountains, Germany). Depending on the objective function (Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient, peak discharge), two diametric parameter sets were identified both resulting in a high goodness-of-fit for total discharge of the flood events, but only one reflects the hydrological process knowledge. In a second step, the knowledge of the spatial distribution of the cover beds is used to investigate the potential for a simplification of the model parameterisation. The soil types commonly used for the spatial discretisation of rainfall-runoff models were aggregated to one main class (periglacial cover beds only). With such a simplified model, the total flood discharge and the runoff components were simulated with the same goodness of fit as with the original model. In general, the results point out that the anisotropy in the unsaturated zone, which is intensified by periglacial cover beds, is an important element of flood models. First, a parameter set corresponding to the hydraulic anisotropy in the cover beds is essential for the optimum reproduction of the flood dynamics. Second, a discretisation of soil types is not necessarily required for flood modeling in Central European mountain areas

    Hydrodynamic simulation of the effects of stable in-channel large wood on the flood hydrographs of a low mountain range creek, Ore Mountains, Germany

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    Large wood (LW) can alter the hydromorphological and hydraulic characteristics of rivers and streams and may act positively on a river's ecology by i.e. leading to increased habitat availability. On the contrary, floating as well as stable LW is a potential threat for anthropogenic goods and infrastructure during flood events. Concerning the contradiction of potential risks and positive ecological impacts, addressing the physical effects of stable large wood is highly important. Hydrodynamic models offer the possibility of investigating the hydraulic effects of anchored large wood. However, the work and time involved varies between approaches that incorporate large wood in hydrodynamic models. In this study, a two-dimensional hydraulic model is set up for a mountain creek to simulate the hydraulic effects of stable LW and to compare multiple methods of accounting for LW-induced roughness. LW is implemented by changing in-channel roughness coefficients and by adding topographic elements to the model; this is carried out in order to determine which method most accurately simulates observed hydrographs and to provide guidance for future hydrodynamic modelling of stable large wood with two-dimensional models. The study area comprises a 282 m long reach of the Ullersdorfer Teichbächel, a creek in the Ore Mountains (south-eastern Germany). Discharge time series from field experiments allow for a validation of the model outputs with field observations with and without stable LW. We iterate in-channel roughness coefficients to best fit the mean simulated and observed flood hydrographs with and without LW at the downstream reach outlet. As an alternative approach for modelling LW-induced effects, we use simplified discrete topographic elements representing individual LW elements in the channel. In general, the simulations reveal a high goodness of fit between the observed flood hydrographs and the model results without and with stable in-channel LW. The best fit of the simulation and mean observed hydrograph with in-channel LW can be obtained when increasing in-channel roughness coefficients throughout the reach instead of an increase at LW positions only. The best fit in terms of the hydrograph's general shape can be achieved by integrating discrete elements into the calculation mesh. The results illustrate that the mean observed hydrograph can be satisfactorily modelled using an adjustment of roughness coefficients. In conclusion, a time-consuming and work-intensive mesh manipulation is suitable for analysing the more detailed effects of stable LW on a small spatio-temporal scale where high precision is required. In contrast, the reach-wise adjustment of in-channel roughness coefficients seems to provide similarly accurate results on the reach scale and, thus, could be helpful for practical applications of model-based impact assessments of stable LW on flood hydrographs of small streams and rivers

    Water and sediment pollution of intensively used surface waters during a drought period — a case study in Central Northern Namibia

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    Semiarid regions are often affected by water scarcity and poor water quality. Seasonal changes in precipitation and drought events increase the pressure of use on water bodies and their pollution. In Central Northern Namibia, a high seasonal intra- and inter-annual variability of precipitation caused a 5-year lasting drought period. In the semiarid region, ephemeral channels and water pans represent the main water source, besides the institutionalized water supply. No systematic analysis of its quality has been conducted so far. The states of the surface waters at the end of the dry season in 2017 and the end of the rainy seasons in 2018 and 2019 were characterized by the analysis of physical–chemical parameters, focusing on usability. The first results show coarse contamination of the waters, which results in high turbidity values. Salt concentrations, such as Ca2+ and Na+, greatly increased due to evaporation. Al is present in high concentrations in solid and liquid phases, which indicates direct anthropogenic pollution. Spatial differences are evident in the study area and based on the precipitation gradient, land use, and population density. The waters cannot be used as drinking water without prior treatment

    Microplastics in Namibian river sediments – a first evaluation

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    The African continent is rarely the focus of microplastics research, although the ubiquity of microplastics in the environment is undisputed and still increasing. Due to the high production and use of plastic products and the partial lack of recycling systems in many parts of the African continent, it can be assumed that microplastic particles are already present in limnic and terrestrial ecosystems. Few studies, mainly from South Africa and the Northern African region, show a contamination with microplastics, especially in marine environments. This study aims to explore the presence and composition of microplastics in fluvial sediments of the major catchments in Namibia with a regional focus on the Iishana system in Northern Namibia, as one of the most densely populated areas in the country. In March 2019 and March 2021, at the end of the rainy seasons, sediments from the Iishana system and of the largest river catchments were sampled. Extraction was performed by density separation using the Microplastic Sediment Separator (MPSS) with the separation solution sodium chloride (density of 1.20 g/cm3). The particle size was determined by filtration and fractionation, and the polymer type by measurement with ATR-FTIR spectroscopy (minimum particle size 0.3 mm). Microplastics were found in the sediments of each river system, most of the particles in the Iishana system (average of 13.2 particles/kg dry weight). The perennial, the ephemeral rivers, and the Iishana system are similar concerning polymer type and particle size. Polyethylene and polypropylene were the dominant polymer types. Most of the particles were found in the size fractions 0.3 – 0.5 mm and 0.5 – 1.0 mm. The particles were found mainly as fragments and films, the majority transparent and brown

    Ecotoxicological evaluation of surface waters in Northern Namibia

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    The increasing pressure on freshwater systems due to intensive anthropogenic use is a big challenge in central-northern Namibia and its catchment areas, the Kunene and the Kavango Rivers, and the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, that provide water for more than 1 million people. So far, there is no comprehensive knowledge about the ecological status and only few knowledge about the water quality. Therefore, it is crucial to learn about the state of the ecosystem and the ecological effects of pollutants to ensure the safe use of these resources. The surface waters of the three systems were sampled, and three bioassays were applied on three trophic levels: algae, daphnia, and zebrafish embryos. Additionally, in vitro assays were performed to analyze mutagenicity (Ames fluctuation), dioxin-like potential (micro-EROD), and estrogenicity (YES) by mechanism-specific effects. The results show that acute toxicity to fish embryos and daphnia has mainly been detected at all sites in the three catchment areas. The systems differ significantly from each other, with the sites in the Iishana system showing the highest acute toxicity. At the cellular level, only weak effects were identified, although these were stronger in the Iishana system than in the two perennial systems. Algae growth was not inhibited, and no cytotoxic effects could be detected in any of the samples. Mutagenic effects and an estrogenic potential were detected at three sites in the Iishana system. These findings are critical in water resource management as the effects can adversely impact the health of aquatic ecosystems and the organisms within them

    How can we model subsurface stormflow at the catchment scale if we cannot measure it?

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    Subsurface stormflow (SSF) can be a dominant run‐off generation process in humid mountainous catchments (e.g., Bachmair & Weiler, 2011; Blume & van Meerveld, 2015; Chifflard, Didszun, & Zepp, 2008). Generally, SSF develops in structured soils where bedrock or a less permeable soil layer is overlaid by a more permeable soil layer and vertically percolating water is deflected, at least partially, in a lateral downslope direction due to the slope inclination. SSF can also occur when groundwater levels rise into more permeable soil layers and water flows laterally through the more permeable layers to the stream (“transmissivity feedback mechanism”; Bishop, Grip, & O'Neill, 1990). The different existing terms for SSF in the hydrological literature such as shallow subsurface run‐off, interflow, lateral flow, or soil water flow reflects the different underlying process concepts developed in various experimental studies in different environments by using different experimental approaches at different spatial and temporal scales (Weiler, McDonnell, Tromp‐van Meerveld, & Uchida, 2005). Intersite comparisons and the extraction of general rules for SSF generation and its controlling factors are still lacking, which hampers the development of appropriate approaches for modelling SSF. But appropriate prediction of SSF is essential due to its clear influence on run‐off generation at the catchment scale (e.g., Chifflard et al., 2010; Zillgens, Merz, Kirnbauer, & Tilch, 2005), on the formation of floods (e.g., Markart et al., 2013, 2015) and on the transport of nutrients or pollutants from the hillslopes into surface water bodies (Zhao, Tang, Zhao, Wang, & Tang, 2013). However, a precise simulation of SSF in models requires an accurate process understanding including, knowledge about water pathways, residence times, magnitude of water fluxes, or the spatial origin of SSF within a given catchment because such factors determine the transport of subsurface water and solutes to the stream. But due to its occurrence in the subsurface and its spatial and temporal variability, determining and quantifying the processes generating SSF is a challenging task as they cannot be observed directly. Therefore, it is logical to ask whether we can really model SSF correctly if we cannot measure it well enough on the scale of interest (Figure 1). This commentary reflects critically on whether current experimental concepts and modelling approaches are sufficient to predict the contribution of SSF to the run‐off at the catchment scale. This applies in particular to the underlying processes, controlling factors, modelling approaches, research gaps, and innovative strategies to trace SSF across different scales

    Hydrodynamic modeling of ephemeral flow in the Iishana channel systems of the Cuvelai Basin—Northern Namibia

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    The transboundary region of the Iishana system in the western Cuvelai Basin, between southern Angola and northern Namibia, is frequently affected by floods at irregular intervals. As a result, the predominantly rural, subsistence farming population has experienced crop failures, human, and economic losses. To date, very little is known about the generation of floods, flood concentration, and stormwater drainage dynamics in this region. In this study, 2D-hydrodynamic modeling was applied to reconstruct one of the latest major flood events during the rainy season from November 2008 to March 2009 in order to study the runoff behavior and interconnectivity of the Iishana system. The model focused on the eastern part of the Iishana system, which was most affected by floods and flood damage due to the high population density in and around Oshakati, the regional capital. Two main streams were identified noteworthy because they merge and subsequently affect Oshakati. Regarding the simulated flood event water depths vary from 0.1 m to 14 m, with an average of 0.2 m, while water depths above 5 m were attributed to borrow pits. The inundation area ranged up to 1860 km2 and the amount of water left after the rainy season on March 25th, 2009, was determined between 0.116 and 0.547 km3, depending on the amount of evapotranspiration considered in the model. Thus, in the Angolan part of the Iishana system, significantly larger quantities of water are available for longer periods of time during the subsequent dry season, whereas the system in Namibia stores less water, resulting in a shorter water retention period

    Natural Pans as an Important Surface Water Resource in the Cuvelai Basin - Metrics for Storage Volume Calculations and Identification of Potential Augmentation Sites

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    Numerous ephemeral rivers and thousands of natural pans characterize the transboundary Iishana-System of the Cuvelai Basin between Namibia and Angola. After the rainy season, surface water stored in pans is often the only affordable water source for many people in rural areas. High inter- and intra-annual rainfall variations in this semiarid environment provoke years of extreme flood events and long periods of droughts. Thus, the issue of water availability is playing an increasingly important role in one of the most densely populated and fastest growing regions in southwestern Africa. Currently, there is no transnational approach to quantifying the potential storage and supply functions of the Iishana-System. To bridge these knowledge gaps and to increase the resilience of the local people’s livelihood, suitable pans for expansion as intermediate storage were identified and their metrics determined. Therefore, a modified Blue Spot Analysis was performed, based on the high-resolution TanDEM-X digital elevation model. Further, surface area–volume ratio calculations were accomplished for finding suitable augmentation sites in a first step. The potential water storage volume of more than 190,000 pans was calculated at 1.9 km3. Over 2200 pans were identified for potential expansion to facilitate increased water supply and flood protection in the future

    15-minute urban weather record of the station "FU Geo Campus Lankwitz "(Berlin)

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    The dataset contains urban weather data recorded at the hydro-meteorological monitoring station of the Institute of Geographical Sciences at Freie Universitaet Berlin (working group Applied Physical Geography). The station is located at 52°25'37" N, 13°21'29" E (WGS84) in an altitude of 45 m a.s.l. It consists of a 7.5 x 7.5 m wide fenced measuring field covered by short grass which is cut frequently (spring to fall) to ensure reference evaporation conditions. The field is equipped with a range of redundant devices that record weather information. In this summary we focus on a description of the devices from which data were included in the published dataset. A full list of all devices is available at https://www.geo.fu-berlin.de/en/geog/fachrichtungen/angeog/Messfeld-auf-dem-Campus/index.html. The dataset contains rainfall, air temperature, humidity, air pressure, solar radiation as well as wind speed and direction, each measured in intervals of 15 min. The time series starts in January 2017 and is updated annually. Rainfall is collected with a Davis VantagePro tipping bucket which is part of the ISS (Integrated Sensor Suite, DAV-6323EU, manufactured before 2007) and mounted 2 m above ground. The collector diameter is 16.3 cm resulting in a collecting area of 210 cm². The measuring resolution of the tipping bucket is 0.25 mm (0.01 inch). During winter the DAVIS rain gauge is heated using the DAV-7720EU heating system. The begin of the heating period in each year is determined by the air temperature and starts before the daily minimum drops below 0°C. In addition a stainless steel Hellmann gauge with standard diameter of 16 cm (area: 200 m²) is installed on the monitoring field 1 m above ground. Rain water is collected in a steel can, which is emptied manually every morning from Monday to Friday using a DIN58667 measuring glass. Between December and February accumulated snow and ice is thawed. Paired data from the Hellman and DAVIS collector to assess accuracy are not included in the data set but published separately (Reinhardt-Imjela et al. 2018). Temperature (°C), Wind speed and wind direction are measured 2 m above ground with the Vaisale WXT520 weather transmitter, humidity (%) and air pressure (hPa) also 2 m above ground with the DAVIS ISS. For solar radiation (W/m²) a Kipp & Zonen CMP3 Pyranometer is mounted also 2 m above ground. The data are provided as a tab-separated TXT file with column names in the first line. The first column contains the date and time (date format: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm). In the following columns all measured parameters are listed (units are included in the column name). Measuring errors or missing values are marked with “N/A”. Empty fields for the wind direction indicate intervals without measurable wind speed