9 research outputs found
Розглянуто сутність та суб’єкти соціальних інвестицій, напрямки соціально відповідального інвестування у світовій практиці, стан російського та українського ринків соціальних інвестицій. Зроблено висновок щодо проблем та перспектив розвитку політики соціальних інвестицій на підприємствах Україні. Essence and subjects of social investments, directions of the socially responsible investing in the world practice, and the state of russian and ukrainian social investments markets are reviewed. A conclusion about problems and prospects of social investments development at ukrainian enterprises is made
In-vitro-Vergleich von unfraktionierten und niedermolekularem Heparin mit Fondaparinux zur Prävention von Herzkatheterthrombosen
Obwohl in großen klinischen Studien nachgewiesen wurde, dass Fondaparinux mindestens so effektiv und sicher wie unfraktioniertes und niedermolekulares Heparin ist, zeigte sich in diesen Studien ein signifikanter Anstieg in der Entstehung von Herzkatheterthrombosen während einer perkutanen Koronarintervention im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe. Das Ziel dieser Promotionsarbeit war es, die in klinischen Studien gezeigte mangelnde Effektivität in einem in-vitro-Modell zu untersuchen. Hierzu untersuchten wir acht verschiedene Antikoagulationsregime bezüglich der Versuchslaufzeit, des entstehenden Thrombusgewichtes und der elektronenmikroskopisch nachgewiesenen Zellauflagerung. Der Einsatz von Fondaparinux, ebenso bei Kombination mit einem Eptifibatid, war in dieser in-vitro-Studie nicht ausreichend, um die Entstehung von Herzkatheterthrombosen zu verhindern. Die Kombination von Fondaparinux und UFH war dagegen genauso effektiv wie alle übrigen Behandlungsstrategien. Somit scheint Fondaparinux in der speziellen Situation der perkutanen Koronarintervention der Gabe der klassischen Antikoagulantien unterlegen.von Iris Katharina Reind
Neuromyelitis optica in Austria in 2011: to bridge the gap between neuroepidemiological research and practice in a study population of 8.4 million people.
BACKGROUND: In 2008 the Austrian Task Force for Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) started a nation-wide network for information exchange and multi-centre collaboration. Their aim was to detect all patients with NMO or NMO spectrum disorders (NMO-SD) in Austria and to analyse their disease courses and response to treatment. METHODS: (1) As of March 2008, 1957 serum samples (of 1557 patients) have been tested with an established cell based immunofluorescence aquaporin-4 antibody (AQP4-ab) assay with a high sensitivity and specificity (both >95%). All tests were performed in a single reference laboratory (Clinical Dept. of Neurology of the Innsbruck Medical University). (2) A nation-wide survey with several calls for participation (via email newsletters, articles in the official journal of the Austrian Society of Neurology, and workshops) was initiated in 2008. All collected data will be presented in a way that allows that every individual patient can be traced back in order to ensure transparency and to avoid any data distortion in future meta-analyses. The careful and detailed presentation allows the visualization and comparison of the different disease courses in real time span. Failure and response to treatment are made visible at one glance. Database closure was 31 December 2011. All co-operators were offered co-authorship. RESULTS: All 71 NMO- or NMO-SD patients with AQP4-ab positivity (age range 12.3 to 79.6 years) were analysed in detail. Sex ratio (m:f = 1:7) and the proportion of patients without oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid (86.6%) were in line with previously published results. All identified patients were Caucasians. CONCLUSIONS: A nationwide collaboration amongst Austrian neurologists with good network communications made it possible to establish a database of 71 AQP4-ab positive patients with NMO/NMO-SD. This database is presented in detail and provides the basis for further studies and international cooperation in order to investigate this rare disease
Descriptive epidemiological data, summary.
<div><p>OCB typing according to established criteria (type 1 - 5, Andersson et al., 1994; [12]). </p>
<p><b>1</b>, OCB - type 3; </p>
<p><b>2</b>, OCB - type 2 and 3; </p>
<p><b>3</b>, in 3 NMO patients OCB changed (from negative to positive (types 2 and 3)).</p></div
Mid- to long-term outcome of instrumented anterior cervical fusion for subaxial injuries
The management of patients with subaxial cervical injuries lacks consensus, particularly in regard to the decision which surgical approach or combination of approaches to use and which approach yields the best clinical outcome in the distinct injury. The trauma literature is replete with reports of surgical techniques, complications and gross outcome assessment in heterogeneous samples. However, data on functional and clinical outcome using validated outcome measures are scanty. Therefore, the authors performed a study on plated anterior cervical decompression and fusion for unstable subaxial injuries with focus on clinical outcome. For the purpose of a strongly homogenous subgroup of patients with subaxial injuries without spinal cord injuries, robust criteria were applied that were fulfilled by 28 patients out of an original series of 131 subaxial injuries. Twenty-six patients subjected to 1- and 2-level fusions without having spinal cord injury could be surveyed after a mean of 5.5 years (range 16–128 months). The cervical spine injury severity score averaged 9.6. Cross-sectional outcome assessment included validated outcome measures (Neck pain disability index, Cervical Spine Outcome Questionnaire, SF-36), the investigation of construct failure and successful surgical outcome were defined by strict criteria, the reconstruction and maintenance of local and total cervical lordosis, adjacent-segment degeneration and intervertebral motion, and the fusion-rate using an interobserver assessment. Self-rated clinical outcome was excellent or good in 81% of patients and moderate or poor in 19% that corresponded to the results of the validated outcome measures. Results of the NPDI averaged 12.4 ± 12.7% (0–40). With the SF-36 mean physical and mental component summary scores were 47.0 ± 9.8 (18.2–59.3) and 52.2 ± 12.4 (14.6–75.3), respectively. Using merely non-constrained plates, construct failure was observed in 31% of cases and loss of local lordosis, expressed as a mean injury angle of 14°, postoperative angle of −5.5° and follow-up angle of −1°, was significant. However, total cervical lordosis was within the limits of normalcy (−24.3° ± 13.3) and fusion-rate was 88.5%. The progression of adjacent-level degeneration was shown to be significantly influenced by a decreased plate-to-disc-distance. Adjacent-level intervertebral motion was not altered due to the adjacent fusion, but reduced in the presence of advanced adjacent-level degeneration. Patients were more likely to maintain a high satisfaction level if they succeeded to maintain segmental lordosis (<0°), had a solid fusion, an increased plate-to-disc distance, and if they were judged to have a successful surgical outcome that included the absence of construct failure and reconstruction of lordosis within ±1 SD of normalcy. Using validated outcome vehicles the interdependencies between radiographical, functional and clinical outcome parameters could be substantiated with statistically significant correlations. The use of validated outcome vehicles in a subgroup of patients with plated anterior cervical fusions for subaxial injuries is recommended. With future studies, it enables objective comparison of surgical techniques and related radiographical, functional and clinical outcome