29 research outputs found

    Risk and protective factors for release in outpatients with schizophrenia

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    eposterWe aim to determine risk and protective factors influencing relapse incidence in outpatient with schizophrenia. A longitudinal, observational study was done with outpatients with schizophrenia (F20) or schizoaffective disorder (F25)(DMS-IV and ICD-10), without hospitalization during the previous 6 months. The patients were consecutively included into the study to received oral (O-A) or long-acting injectable (depot-A) antipsychotics. Clinical stage evolution, compliance, efficacy and safety assessments (including PANSS, CGI-SSI, hospitalization rates, and adverse events) were recorded before and after 6 and 12 months of treatment. Results: 60 outpatients (aged 34.5±8.9, male 73%), 75% schizophrenia and 25% schizoaffective disorder diagnosis, 68.3% fewer than 15 years of schizophrenia evolution, 76.7% fewer than 5 times previous hospitalizations were treated with O-A (41.7%) or depot-A (58.3%) antipsychotics for at least one year. Depot-A treated patients showed a significant higher compliance compared to O-A patients during the all following time, lower PANSS (total, positive and negative) scores and CGI-SSI score (p<0.01), and a delayed relapse incidence and re-hospitalization to more than 1 year in the 48% of patients (relapse % depot/% oral) after 6 months 22.9%/52.0%, and after 12 months 48.6%/4.0%. Conclusion: There were protective factors which delayed relapse incidence in schizophrenia: Use of sustained-release preparations, family support. There were risk factors for occurrence of relapse in schizophrenia: cocaine, heroin and alcohol consumption, absence of family support, greater severity of patients assessed through CGI-SI, male sex, age older than 25 years and long-term evolution of the disorder.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Algunas consideraciones sobre la influencia de los estudios previos en las calificaciones de Matemáticas para los alumnos de la Diplomatura de Empresariales

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    En este trabajo analizamos los resultados obtenidos por los alumnos de primer curso de la Diplomatura de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad de Sevilla, en la asignatura de Matemáticas, en el presente curso, teniendo en cuenta los estudios anteriores realizados. Intentamos determinar, a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el primer cuatrimestre, la influencia que tiene sobre éstos la formación matemática previa a la matriculación en este curso. La elección del primer cuatrimestre se ha realizado dada la novedad que suponen para el alumno los conceptos impartidos. Realizamos el análisis de las calificaciones obtenidas, observando la opción elegida en los estudios medios. Hemos tenido en cuenta la diversa procedencia de los alumnos, porque, en la actualidad subsisten los estudios de formación profesional, BUP y COU, junto con los nuevos bachilleratos y módulos profesionales, con distintas asignaturas de Matemáticas. Por tanto, nos parece el momento adecuado para poder observar la adaptación de los alumnos con diferente formación a la enseñanza que impartimos en la Diplomatura de Ciencias Empresariales

    Reflexiones sobre la adecuación de los conocimientos previos de los alumnos al temario de matemáticas de la Escuela de Empresariales

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es observar si existen lagunas de conocimientos, destrezas y/o procedimientos matemáticos en los alumnos de primer curso de la Diplomatura de Ciencias Empresariales. Si es así, este desconocimiento puede afectar, al menos en parte, su andadura en esta materia. Para evitar, en alguna medida, este handicap que tienen algunos alumnos, el primer paso será conocer a fondo la situación, es decir, analizar cuáles son las deficiencias matemáticas que pueden tener, atendiendo a los estudios que hayan cursado previamente; ya sea Bachillerato, estudios de BUP y COU, o bien módulos profesionales. De este modo, será posible orientarlos para que el estudio de las Matemáticas no resulte una carrera de obstáculos

    The antidepressant effect of hypericum perforatum extract Ze 117 is associated with reduced possibilities of drug interactions than hypericum perforatum extract LI 160.

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    Hypericum perforatum (HP) is the most extensively investigated medicinal herbs with antidepressant effect. Differences showed by HP extracts in their antidepressant effect and their clinical consequence of HP-drug interactions have been related with HP extract different composition, particularly regarding to their primary ingredients hyperforin and hypericin content. Experimental data and clinical trials have shown that low-hyperforin-content HP has a comparable antidepressant efficacy in the treatment of mild/moderate depression (1) (2). However, hyperforin is responsible for CYP3A4 induction via activation of a nuclear steroid/pregnane and xenobiotic receptor (SXR/PXR) and hypericin is a P-glycoprotein inducing compound (3), which are the main origin of HP-drug interactions. Changes in cytochrome P-450 (CYP-450) activity could modulate the effect of different drugs. Some of the reported interactions are based on findings from in vitro studies but the clinical importance of which remain to be demonstrated. Two different hypericum extracts, Ze 117 and LI 160, which are differently composed, Ze 117 (0.15-0.25% hypericin, 0.5% hyperforin) and LI 160 (0.3% hypericin, 4-6% hyperforin) were checked regarding their antidepressant-like activity vs. classical antidepressants with and without liver CYP 450 enzyme activity modulation by cimetidine. Experimental procedures followed the ECC Directives and were approved by local authorities. Male Wistar rats (n=6 per group, 6 months old, weight 314±25 g, Charles River-Spain) were injected (i.p. once a day) with Ze 117 (20 mg/kg, Zeller AG), LI 160 (20 mg/kg, Lichtwer Pharma AG), imipramine (IMI) (10.9 mg/kg, Novartis SL), fluoxetine (FLU) (5 mg/kg, Lilly and Dista) or saline (SAL), in presence and absence of cimetidine (CIM) (50 mg/kg, Rimsa) during 20 days. The forced swim test (4) was used for the evaluation of the antidepressant-like effect. The opend-field test was used for the evaluation of the motor activity. The total CYP 450 content of the liver was measure using spectrophotometry methods in liver microsomes. Results are expressed as mean±sem and were compared by Student t test and ANOVA test followed by Bonferroni post-test. The drugs antidepressant effect (reduction of the immobility time) ranking order was: i) without cimetidine’s CYP-450 inhibition: IMI 109±33s >Ze 117 163±21s =FLU165±29s >LI 160 201±234s >SAL 224±17s, pLI 160 144±13s >FLU 171±21s >Ze 117 188±10 >SAL 219±20s, pLI 160 >Ze 117 >SAL, p<0.05). LI 160 significantly reduced the liver CYP-450 total content with respect to SAL (-43.3%, p<0.05) while Ze 117 had lower effect (-25.9%, p<0.05). In conclusion, hypericum perforatum extract Ze 117 shows higher antidepressant effect and lower inhibitory effect of the total CYP 450 liver content than hypericum perforatum extract LI 160. Liver CYP 450 inhibition by cimetidine increased the antidepressant of LI 160 but did not modify the antidepressant effect of Ze 117. (1)Fiebich BL, Knörle R, Appel K et al. (2011) Fitoterapia 82(3):474-480. (2)Singer A, Schmidt M, Hauke W et al. (2011) Phytomedicine 18(8-9):739-742. (3)Mannel M. (2004) Drug Saf 27(11):773-797. (4)Castagné V, Moser P, Roux S et al. (2011) Curr Protoc Neurosci 55:8.10A.1-8.10A.14.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La resolución de problemas en la enseñanza de las matemáticas para la economía y la empresa

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    La resolución de problemas sigue jugando un papel fundamental para el desarrollo de la práctica docente en la enseñanza de las Matemáticas en la Universidad. En este trabajo, queremos poner de manifiesto que la resolución de problemas tiene una gran importancia a la hora de mostrar a los alumnos que cursan estudios de tipo económico-empresarial, que las Matemáticas son una herramienta necesaria para abordar multitud de situaciones reales de índole económica. Además, queremos incidir en la relevancia que tiene para resolver con éxito los problemas, el mostrar al alumno las distintas fases de la resolución de los mismos. Para ello proponemos algunos ejemplos, puntualizando en aquellos aspectos en los que se debe incidir para que el alumno pueda aprender a desarrollar las distintas estrategias a utilizar en el desarrollo de un problema

    Técnicas de escalados multidimensionales aplicadas al fracaso del alumno en la asignatura de matemáticas empresariales

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    El propósito de este trabajo es realizar un análisis de las características personales y de formación previa que pueden influir en el fracaso del alumno en la asignatura de Matemáticas Empresariales. Para la realización del mismo, y dado que disponemos de un número importante de variables, trataremos de sintetizar esta información mediante la construcción de un mapa que sintetice la información, utilizando la técnica de los Escalados Multidimensionales.In this paper, we try to measure the effect of some variables about personal data and previous learning of students, in the probability to pass the first level of mathematics for Administration and Business. The multidimensional scaling approach is used in this paper to reduce the dimensionality of the observations

    The Impact of Student-designed Clinical Simulations in OSCE scenarios on the assessment score of Medicine Degree's Anaesthesia students and Podiatry Degree's Pharmacology students.

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    Objective: Determine the impact of Student-Designed Clinical Simulations in OSCE scenarios on the learning and assessment score of Anaesthesia students from Medicine Degree and Pharmacology students from Podiatry Degree. Method: Five-year study in which a cohort of medicine and podiatry undergraduate students from a single institution was recruited for undergraduate students were trained using SC-ECOE that included: 1) Medical students: endotracheal intubation, assisted ventilation, peripherally inserted central catheter, and drug administration through various routes. 2) Podiatry students: locoregional anesthesia and cures with administration of topical drugs to the foot. Medicine and Podiatry students were involved in the design of clinical simulation scenarios for OSCE assessments. They collaborated with faculty members to develop realistic scenarios based on course objectives and clinical guidelines. These scenarios were then implemented in the OSCE assessments. Results: 633 students were included, 78% female, 21±2.6 years old. The average time spent by the students in completing the designed and training in SC-OSCE was 10.2±3.6 h in AnaesthesiaMedicine and 10.5±2.5 h in Pharmacology-Podiatry student. The percentage of students who were satisfied with this form of learning was 89.5%. The group of SC-OSCE designed by students showed a greater number of correct answers to the evaluation questions compared to students which no collaborate in the clinical simulation in OSCE scenario design, +16.8% correct answers (P < O.OS). Even more students in the experimental group showed improvements in clinical reasoning, decision-making, communication skills and team work. Conclusion: Incorporating student to the design of clinical simulations into OSCE scenarios positively impacts their assessment seores, promotes their active learning, and fosters the development of clinical and communication skills.Acknowledgements Funded by Grupo Permanente de Innovación Educativa (GpIE) PIE22-038- GpIE en Simulación y ECOEs (SimEco) convocatoria INNOVA22, University of Málaga. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex field infections in cattle using fecal volatile organic compound analysis through gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry combined with chemometrics

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    Bovine tuberculosis is considered a re-emerging disease caused by different species from the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC), important not only for the livestock sector but also for public health due to its zoonotic character. Despite the numerous efforts that have been carried out to improve the performance of the current antemortem diagnostic procedures, nowadays, they still pose several drawbacks, such as moderate to low sensitivity, highlighting the necessity to develop alternative and innovative tools to complement control and surveillance frameworks. Volatilome analysis is considered an innovative approach which has been widely employed in animal science, including animal health field and diagnosis, due to the useful and interesting information provided by volatile metabolites. Therefore, this study assesses the potential of gas chromatography coupled to ion mobility spectrometry (GC-IMS) to discriminate cattle naturally infected (field infections) by MTC from non-infected animals. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced from feces were analyzed, employing the subsequent information through chemometrics. After the evaluation of variable importance for the projection of compounds, the final discriminant models achieved a robust performance in cross-validation, as well as high percentages of correct classification (>90%) and optimal data of sensitivity (91.66%) and specificity (99.99%) in external validation. The tentative identification of some VOCs revealed some coincidences with previous studies, although potential new compounds associated with the discrimination of infected and non-infected subjects were also addressed. These results provide strong evidence that a volatilome analysis of feces through GC-IMS coupled to chemometrics could become a valuable methodology to discriminate the infection by MTC in cattle. IMPORTANCE Bovine tuberculosis is endemic in many countries worldwide and poses important concerns for public health because of their zoonotic condition. However, current diagnostic techniques present several hurdles, such as low sensitivity and complexity, among others. In this regard, the development of new approaches to improve the diagnosis and control of this disease is considered crucial. Volatile organic compounds are small molecular mass metabolites which compose volatilome, whose analysis has been widely employed with success in different areas of animal science including animal health. The present study seeks to evaluate the combination of fecal volatilome analysis with chemometrics to detect field infections by bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex) in cattle. The good robust performance of discriminant models as well as the optimal data of sensitivity and specificity achieved highlight volatilome analysis as an innovative approach with huge potential.European Commission GOP2I-CO-16-001

    Dying when waiting for life. Maternal-fetal death in the maqbara of Petrer (XIV-XVI centuries) (Alicante, Spain)

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    Arqueológicamente son escasos los testimonios de fallecimientos durante la gestación. En la maqbara de Petrer se ha identificado un caso de muerte maternofetal, siendo compleja la determinación de las posibles causas de la muerte. Entre ellas pudieran estar las complicaciones del final de la gestación, proponiendo en este caso un parto distócico por macrosomía fetal en adolescente.Arqueològicament són escassos els testimoniatges de defuncions durant la gestació. En la maqbara de Petrer s’ha identificat un cas de mort maternofetal, sent complexa la determinació de les possibles causes de la mort. Entre elles pogueren estar les complicacions del final de la gestació, proposant en aquest cas un part distòcic per macrosomia fetal en adolescent.Archaeologically there are few testimonies of deaths during pregnancy. In the maqbara of Petrer a case of maternal fetal death has been identified, being complex the determination of the possible causes of death. Among them could be complications at the end of gestation, proposing in this case a dystocic delivery due to fetal macrosomia in an adolescent

    Paleopatología en la necrópolis mudéjar de El Raval (Crevillent, Alicante)

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    Presentamos el estudio osteoarqueológico de las inhumaciones procedentes de la necrópolis mudéjar del Raval (Crevillent, Alicante). Se han identificado un mínimo de 83 individuos de diferentes edades y de ambos sexos. Las patologías observadas son variadas, evidenciándose un alto número de patologías dentales (caries, pérdidas dentales, etc.). Se ha constatado la presencia de patología traumática, osteoarticular, signos infecciosos, etc. Igualmente, hemos señalado la existencia de malformaciones congénitas, y diversas variaciones epigenéticas.In this paper we present the paleopathological study of inhumations from a Mudejar necropolis in El Raval (Crevillent, Alicante). We have identified at least 83 individuals of different ages and both sexes. The recognized pathology is varied, showing a high number of dental diseases (tooth decay, tooth loss, etc.). It is evident the presence of trauma, osteoarthropathy, infectious signs, etc. We have also noticed the existence of congenital malformations, and several epigenetic variations