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    要支援・要介護状態の高齢者が引越した場合、引越先が都市か都市近郊かによって本人の状況や引越後の慣れの感覚や生活満足感が異なるかを明らかにすることを目的として、都市A市と都市近郊B町において訪問面接調査を行った。引越5年以内の要支援・要介護高齢者を対象として、A市81人とB町31人を比較した結果、性別、年齢、介護保険の認定の程度、家族形態、引越の意思決定、引越準備期間に差はみられなかったが、B町のほうが居住年数が長く、引越後「慣れた」という者、生活満足感が高い者が有意に多かった。2地域別の、慣れの程度、生活満足感別の平均居住年数に差はみられなかった。都市部に引越した高齢者では、年数を経ても慣れない、満足でないという場合があり、身体的な介護だけではない精神面のケアの必要性が示唆された。The present study was conducted in order to clarify life satisfaction of elderly individuals requiring assistance or care who moved to city A or rural town B. Interviews were conducted on 81 elderly individuals in A city and 31 elderly individuals in B rural town, and the following results were obtained. Caracteristics of sex, mean age, family member, decision of relocation were not significant between A city and B town. Life satisfaction of individuals in B rural town were higher than in A city. These findings suggest that elderly individuals requiring assistance or care may be able to positively accept a move if they move to rural town. It is important that they move to the city communicate with their family about moving before moving

    認知症の人と家族が暮らしやすい地域をつくるための啓発活動に関する促進要因 : 認知症キャラバンメイト活動者の自由記載の分析

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    【目的】本研究の目的は,認知症理解の啓発と地域づくりのために登録された認知症キャラバンメイトの活動促進要因を明らかにすることである.【方法】自記式アンケートを北海道内の全1996人のキャラバンメイトに送付し,960件を回収した.そのうち,啓発のための講師経験があり,かつ自由記載のあった132人(専門職114人,非専門職18人)の記述を対象とし,質的帰納的に分析した.活動の推進に関する記載を抽出し,類似内容をカテゴリ化した.【結果】活動の推進要因として,活動目的の再確認,他の活動とリンクした啓発と地域づくり,キャラバンメイトの組織化,地域毎の活動マネジメント,行政とのパートナーシップ,キャラバンメイトとしての知識とスキルの向上,サポーターの活動に有用な講座,個人の活動継続の秘訣,多様な役割の選択の保障,が抽出された.【考察】活動促進要因の中でもキャラバンメイトの組織化は中核的要因であり,組織化により,学習,話し合い,行政との連携,個人の事情に合わせた活動が可能となると考えられた.[Purpose] The purpose of this research is to clarify effective methods of promoting Caravan-Mate-Volunteer project that was based on the national project called One-Million-Dementia-Caravan-Promotion. The registered volunteers participate in various activities provided by the project to enhance understanding of dementia and community development. [Methods] The questionnaire was sent to 1996 Caravan-Mate-Volunteers and 960 were collected. One hundred thirty two responses had experiences as the lecturer was extracted as data. This research utilized qualitative data analysis, to extract the text that seems to be necessary for promoting the project. Data was categorized according to the content. [Results] About 70 percent of the participants were women. The participants consist of both health professionals and volunteers. Data was analyzed into nine categories as follows ; Reconfirming the purpose of activity, Linking to other activity for community development, Organizing Caravan-Mate-Volunteer system, Management Caravan-mate-volunteer activities, Creating a partnership with administration, Developing knowledge and skills as Caravan-Mate-volunteers, Useful lectures, Listening from active volunteers, Securing diverse role for volunteers. [Discussion] Volunteers who experienced as lecturer were able to identify several concrete ideas for promotion. This research found Organizing Caravan-Mate-Volunteer system as a core category that can provide opportunities for learning and discussing management matter in order to enhance quality of their activity