10 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Mucosal Cutting Biopsy for the Histopathological Diagnosis of Gastric Submucosal Tumors

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    Background: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors occur frequently. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) is performed commonly for diagnosis. However, the success rate of histological diagnosis is insufficient when the submucosal tumor (SMT) is small. Recently, another technique, mucosal cutting biopsy (MCB) has been reported. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of MCB. Method: Between January 2012 and August 2018, MCB and EUS-FNA were performed 16 and 31 times for diagnosing gastric SMT. The diagnostic rate, the rate of successful immunohistochemistry, and the safety were reviewed. Difficult locations for EUS-FNA were also evaluated. Results: The mean SMT sizes measured on MCB and EUS-FNA were 21.2 and 36.2 mm. The diagnostic rates of MCB and EUS-FNA were almost the same (88 vs. 81%), but successful immunohistochemistry was significantly higher in the MCB group (93 vs. 59%, p = 0.03). In the subgroup of SMTs < 20 mm, the successful histological diagnosis rate from EUS-FNA was relatively low. There were no complications. Failures of EUS-FNA were more frequent in the middle third of the stomach. Conclusions: MCB was an effective procedure for diagnosing gastric SMT, especially in the case of small SMTs located at the middle third of the stomach

    Monoclonal antibody anti-AFB1: scale-up in vitro for biotools development </br>Anticorpo monoclonal antiAFB1: produção in vitro visando desenvolvimento de bioferramentas

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    Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a mycotoxin classified as group 1 (human carcinogen) by International Agency for Research on Cancer - IARC, causing hazardous contamination in a wide variety of food and feed, where the monitoring depends on precision and accuracy of analytical method. The culture of AFB1 specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) secreting hybridoma was performed for further development of immunochemical methods. The growth of hybridoma AF2 was carried out in RPMI medium + 15 % fetal bovine serum (FBS), as well as the same medium gradually amended with H-SFM medium (25, 50, 75 and 100 % H-SFM). The protein concentration in the culture supernatant ranged from 1.80 to 10.88 mg/mL. The culture amended with FBS-free synthetic H-SFM medium reached production of reagent with higher degree of purity and lower risk, in addition to lower protein content (2.29 mg/mL reached with 100 % H-SFM), which approaches the real content of pure mAb. The indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ic-ELISA) and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) showed anti-AFB1 activity and IgG corresponding bands, respectively, indicating feasible application of mAb produced in 100, 75 and 50 % H-SFM for further use in the development of AFB1 detecting biotools. This mAb production can be an initial step that can supply the self-sufficient immune-reagent in the rapid diagnosis at national condition, which is essential in the food quality and safety.Aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) é uma micotoxina classificada pela International Agency for Research on Cancer - IARC no Grupo 1 (carcinógeno ao humano), responsável pelo perigo de contaminação em ampla variedade de alimento e ração, cujo monitoramento depende de metodologia analítica precisa e exata. O trabalho visou cultivo do hibridoma secretor de anticorpo monoclonal (AcM) específico para AFB1 visando desenvolvimento de métodos imunoquímicos. Hibridoma AF2 foi cultivado em meio RPMI + 15 % de soro fetal bovino (SFB), assim como o mesmo meio com adição gradual de meio H-SFM (25, 50, 75 e 100 % H-SFM). A concentração proteica obtida no sobrenadante de cultura variou de 1,80 a 10,88 mg/mL. A introdução de meio sintético H-SFM isento de SFB permitiu obtenção de reagente com maior pureza e menor perigo, já que cultivos com maior proporção de H-SFM apresentou menor teor proteico (2,29 mg/mL em 100 % de H-SFM), sendo este provavelmente próximo ao teor real de AcM puro. O ensaio imunoenzimático competitivo indireto (ic-ELISA) e eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida com SDS (SDS-PAGE) demonstraram atividade antiAFB1 e bandas correspondentes ao IgG, respectivamente, indicando viabilidade da aplicação de AcM produzido em 100, 75 e 50 % H-SFM para o desenvolvimento de bioferramentas para detecção de AFB1. Esta produção de AcM abre perspectiva perante autossuficiência de reagentes essenciais no diagnóstico rápido em condição nacional, contribuindo na qualidade e segurança de alimentos

    Chemical composition and deoxynivalenol in wheat of Central- Southern Paraná: nitrogen fertilization in top dressing associated with Azospirillum brasilense

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    The impact of agricultural management practices on the quality of grain was evaluated in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. BRS Tangará) from the South Central region of Paraná State (Ponta Grossa) in the crop years of 2010 and 2011. The field trial was carried out in succession with soybean (2010) and corn (2011). The treatments included inoculation of seeds with Azospirillum brasilense and increasing levels of nitrogen application in top dressing (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg ha-1). The experimental design was in randomized block, factorial 2 x 5 (inoculation x N levels), with four replications. The parameters evaluated were water activity, moisture, protein, and grain contamination by deoxynivalenol (DON). The data were subjected to analysis of variance, comparison of means by Tukey’s test (p<0.05) and regression for nitrogen levels. The inoculation of seeds with A. brasilense increased the protein content in grain in 2010 (+1.6%; 16.9 g 100g-1) and 2011 (+1.7%, 15.7 g 100g-1), independently of the nitrogen level (p<0.01). Levels of nitrogen in 2010 presented a positive linear response with protein content, increasing by 14.2% using non-inoculated seeds (p<0.01, R2=0.955) and 14.4% for those inoculated with A. brasilense (p<0.01, R2=0.906). However, in 2011 a quadratic response was observed between nitrogen levels and protein content (p<0.01, R2=0.99), with stabilization or reduction in protein content using high levels of nitrogen (?120 kg ha-1). The contamination by DON was greater using high levels of nitrogen (3574 ?g kg-1, 120 kg ha-1; non-inoculated seeds) in 2011, with a quadratic response between nitrogen levels and contamination of grains (p<0.05, R2=0.772). Furthermore, 37.5% of the samples presented contamination by DON higher than the maximum tolerated limit established by Brazilian legislation (2000 ?g kg-1; whole-wheat grain). The data demonstrates that proper management of nitrogen enhances intrinsic effects arising from plant breeding

    A comparison between enzyme immunoassay and HPLC for ochratoxin A detection in green, roasted and instant coffee

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    An indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ic-ELISA) for ochratoxin A (OTA) detection in green, roasted and instant coffees was developed using anti-OTA monoclonal antibody. Immunological reagents prepared were OTA-BSA (4.76 mg/mL), anti-OTA.7 MAb (2x10³-fold dilution) and HRP-anti IgG (10³-fold dilution). The detection limit was 3.73 ng OTA/g and correlation coefficients (r) between this immunoassay and high performance liquid chromatography were 0.98 for green coffee, 0.98 for roasted and 0.86 for instant. OTA levels detected by ic-ELISA were higher than by HPLC, with ELISA/HPLC ratio of 0.66 - 1.46 (green coffee), 0.96 - 1.11 (roasted) and 0.93 - 1.82 (instant). ELISA recoveries for OTA added to coffee (5 - 70 ng/g) were 81.53 % for green coffee, 46.73 % for roasted and 64.35 % for instant, while recoveries by HPLC were 80.54 %, 45.91 % and 55.15 %, respectively. Matrices interferences were minimized by samples dilution before carrying out the ELISA assay. The results indicate that MAb-based ic-ELISA could be a simple, sensitive and specific screening tool for OTA detection, contributing to quality and safety of coffee products.ELISA competitivo indireto (ic-ELISA) baseado em anticorpos monoclonais foi desenvolvido para a detecção de ocratoxina A (OTA) em café verde, torrado e instantâneo. Os reagentes imunológicos necessários à reação consistiram de OTA-BSA (4,76 mg/mL), anti-OTA.7 MAb (diluído 2x10³) e anti IgG-HRP (diluído 10³), apresentando limite de detecção de 3,73 ng OTA/g. Os coeficientes de correlação (r) entre o imunoensaio e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) foram de 0,98 (café verde), 0,98 (torrado) e 0,86 (instantâneo). Ic-ELISA detectou valores superestimados de OTA em relação a CLAE, com valor ELISA/CLAE variando de 0,66 - 1,46 (café verde), 0,96 - 1,11 (torrado) e 0,93 - 1,82 (instantâneo). As recuperações médias de OTA adicionada em café (5 - 70 ng/g) foram de 81,53 % (café verde), 46,73 % (torrado) e 64,35 % (instantâneo) por ELISA, em relação a 80,54 %, 45,91 % e 55,15 % por CLAE, respectivamente. A interferência de matriz no imunoensaio foi minimizada pela diluição das amostras previamente à análise por ELISA. O ic-ELISA desenvolvido pode ser considerado uma técnica alternativa simples, sensível e específica para análise de OTA, contribuindo para a qualidade e segurança de produtos de café