93 research outputs found

    Landbouwpraktijk en waterkwaliteit op landbouwbedrijven aangemeld voor de derogatie. Beschrijving van de meetnetopzet voor de periode 2006-2009 en de inhoud van de rapportages vanaf 2008

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    Translation of RIVM report 680717001. Alleen digitaal verschenenHet RIVM en het LEI hebben in 2006 in Nederland een monitoringnetwerk opgezet dat de gevolgen meet als landbouwbedrijven mogen afwijken (derogatie) van de Europese gebruiksnorm voor dierlijke mest. Het meetnet volgt driehonderd landbouwbedrijven die zich hebben aangemeld voor derogatie. Het legt de gevolgen vast voor de landbouwpraktijk en de waterkwaliteit. In dit rapport is de opzet van het monitoringnetwerk beschreven, evenals de wijze waarop vanaf 2008 over de resultaten zal worden gerapporteerd. Het rapport geeft onder andere aan wanneer welke cijfers beschikbaar zijn, en welke rekenmethoden gebruikt zullen worden om onder andere de bemesting en gewasopbrengst te berekenen. De Europese Nitraatrichtlijn verplicht lidstaten het stikstofgebruik via dierlijke mest te beperken tot maximaal 170 kg per hectare. Een lidstaat kan de Europese Commissie vragen hiervan onder voorwaarden af te wijken. Nederland heeft in december 2005 toestemming gekregen om vanaf 2006 tot en met 2009 onder voorwaarden af te mogen wijken van de gestelde norm. Dit betekent dat landbouwbedrijven 250 kilo stikstof per hectare mogen toedienen via dierlijke mest afkomstig van graasdieren (vooral koeien). Een van die voorwaarden is dat minimaal 70 procent van het totale areaal grasland is. Daarnaast is de Nederlandse overheid verplicht een monitoringnetwerk in te richten en de Commissie over de resultaten daarvan te rapporteren. De driehonderd deelnemers die worden gevolgd, zijn een steekproef van de circa 27.000 Nederlandse landbouwbedrijven die zich hebben aangemeld voor derogatie. Het netwerk is een onderdeel van het Landelijk Meetnet effecten Mestbeleid (LMM).In 2006 RIVM and LEI set up a monitoring network that measures the consequences of the option for farmers to deviate from the European use-standard for animal manure (derogation). The monitoring network follows three hundred farms benefiting from individual derogations and records the consequences for agricultural practice and water quality. This report describes the design and set-up of the monitoring network, as well as the content and layout of the annual reports from 2008 onwards containing results of the monitoring network. The report indicates, for example, what data will be available at a certain point in time, and what methods will be used to calculate such factors as fertilisation and yield. The Nitrates Directive obliges Member States to limit the use of animal manure to a maximum of 170 kg of nitrogen per hectare. A Member State may request the European Commission to deviate from this obligation under certain conditions. In December 2005, the European Commission granted the Netherlands the right to derogate from the obligation from 2006 till 2009 inclusive, implying that farmers could use up to 250 kg of nitrogen via manure of grazing livestock (particularly cows). One of the conditions is that 70% or more of the acreage available for manure application is grass. The Netherlands authorities are also obliged to set up a monitoring network and to report the results of this network to the European Commission. The 300 farms participating in the monitoring represent a sample taken from the approximately 27,000 Netherlands farms benefiting from individual derogations. The network is part of the National Programme for Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Minerals Policy (LMM).VROM-BWLLNV-D

    Evaluation by quantitative 99m-technetium MIBI SPECT and echocardiography of myocardial perfusion and wall motion abnormalities in patients with dobutamine-induced ST-segment elevation

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    ST-segment elevation during exercise testing has been attributed to myocardial ischemia and wall motion abnormalities (WMA). However, the functional significance of ST-segment elevation during dobutamine stress testing (DST) has not been evaluated in patients referred for diagnostic evaluation of myocardial ischemia. DST (up to 40 μg/kg/min) with simultaneous echocardiography and technetium-99m sestamibi single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) was performed in 229 consecutive patients with suspected myocardial ischemia who were unable to perform an adequate exercise test; 127 (55%) had a previous acute myocardial infarction (AMI). ST elevation was defined as ≥ 1 mm new or additional J point elevations with a horizontal or upsloping ST segment lasting 80 ms. Reversible perfusion defects on SPECT and new or worsening WMA during stress on echocardiography were considered diagnostic of ischemia. ST elevation occurred in 40 patients (17%) during the test; 34 of them (85%) had previous AMI. All patients with ST-segment elevation had abnormal scintigrams (fixed or reversible defects, or both) and abnormal wall motion (fixed or transient defects, or both) at peak s

    Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy with [111In-DTPA-d-Phe1]- and [123I-Tyr3]-octreotide: the Rotterdam experience with more than 1000 patients

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    Various tumours, classically specified as either neuroendocrine or non-neuroendocrine, contain high numbers of somatostatin receptors, which enable in vivo localization of the primary tumour and its metastases by scintigraphy with the radiolabelled somatostatin analogue octreotide. In addition granulomas and autoimmune processes can be visualized because of local accumulation of somatostatin receptor-positive activated mononuclear leucocytes. In many instances a positive scintigram predicts a favourable response to treatment with octreotide. It is tempting to speculate that octreotide labelled with an appropriate radionuclide might be used in cancer therapy. The successful application of radiolabelled octreotide in scintigraphy indicates the possible usefulness of other radiolabelled peptides, either native peptides or derivatives of these, in, for example, nuclear oncology. The small size of these peptides, e.g. bombesin and substance P, is of the utmost importance for a relatively fast blood clearance, thus leading to low background radioactivity. In this way peptides are powerful alternatives to (fragments of) monoclonal antibodies, the application of which to scintigraphic localization of specific cell surface antigen-bearing tumours is plagued by slow blood clearance and, hence, high background levels

    Veel vezels en eiwitarm : Levert een structuurrijk rantsoen voldoende voedingsstoffen voor de hoogproductieve koe?

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    Met als doel de stikstofverliezen naar het milieu tot een minimum te beperken werden melkkoeien met structuurrijke en eiwitarme rantsoenen gevoerd, waarvoor onder proef- en praktijkomstandigheden de voeropname en de melkproductie zijn onderzoch

    Stikstofverliezen beperken : structuurrijk en eiwitarm voeren zorgt voor mest met minder stikstof

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    Kun je via aanpassingen in het rantsoen de samenstelling van drijfmest veranderen, zodat er minder stikstof verloren gaat in de bedrijfskringloop. In zijn promotieonderzoek inventariseerde Joan Reijs de mogelijke variatie in drijfmestsamenstelling als gevolg van rantsoenverschille

    Integrated approaches to evaluate nutritional strategies for dairy cows

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    This chapter discusses the possibility of applying more integrated approaches when evaluating nutritional strategies for dairy cows, simultaneously in detail and from several aspects. The different levels of aggregation that may be covered by models are shown. Primarily, the chapter handles the integration of details at the sub-cow level to the cow level and explains several physiological aspects and consequences of nutrition strategies for dairy cows. However, a nutritional strategy that appears more successful at the cow level does not necessarily need to be more successful at the level of the whole farming system, including forage production, import of concentrates and production and application of manure. For this reason, a limited attempt has been made at integration with other aspects of the whole farming system
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