567 research outputs found

    Graph theoretical analysis of complex networks in the brain

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    Since the discovery of small-world and scale-free networks the study of complex systems from a network perspective has taken an enormous flight. In recent years many important properties of complex networks have been delineated. In particular, significant progress has been made in understanding the relationship between the structural properties of networks and the nature of dynamics taking place on these networks. For instance, the 'synchronizability' of complex networks of coupled oscillators can be determined by graph spectral analysis. These developments in the theory of complex networks have inspired new applications in the field of neuroscience. Graph analysis has been used in the study of models of neural networks, anatomical connectivity, and functional connectivity based upon fMRI, EEG and MEG. These studies suggest that the human brain can be modelled as a complex network, and may have a small-world structure both at the level of anatomical as well as functional connectivity. This small-world structure is hypothesized to reflect an optimal situation associated with rapid synchronization and information transfer, minimal wiring costs, as well as a balance between local processing and global integration. The topological structure of functional networks is probably restrained by genetic and anatomical factors, but can be modified during tasks. There is also increasing evidence that various types of brain disease such as Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, brain tumours and epilepsy may be associated with deviations of the functional network topology from the optimal small-world pattern

    Expectations of barriers to psychosocial care:Views of parents and adolescents in the community

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    Parents with a child suffering from psychosocial problems frequently experience barriers to psychosocial care, which may hinder access. Expectations of barriers may have the same effect, but evidence is lacking. The aim of this study is to examine parents' and adolescents' expectations of barriers regarding psychosocial care for the child, along with associated child and family characteristics. We obtained data on an age-stratified random sample of school children/pupils aged 4-18 via questionnaires (N = 666; response rate 70.3 %). Expectations of barriers to psychosocial care were measured with the "Barriers to Treatment Participation Scale-Expectancies" questionnaire (BTPS-exp). Results showed that 64 % of the parents of children below age 12, 59 % of the parents of adolescents (age 12-18), and 84 % of the adolescents expected one or more barriers. Parents and adolescents expected barriers most frequently with respect to irrelevance of treatment. Mainly parents with low educational level and their adolescents expected barriers regarding treatment, and quite a few characteristics of parents of adolescents were associated with expecting multiple barriers regarding treatment demands and issues, for example, single parents, parents of lower educational level and of adolescent boys, and parents of adolescents with psychosocial problems. We conclude that adolescents especially, but also their parents and parents of younger children, expect major barriers to psychosocial care, which may greatly hinder appropriate care seeking. This evidence may support professionals and policymakers in their attempts to improve access to psychosocial care

    Localized energy for wave equations with degenerate trapping

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    Localized energy estimates have become a fundamental tool when studying wave equations in the presence of asymptotically at background geometry. Trapped rays necessitate a loss when compared to the estimate on Minkowski space. A loss of regularity is a common way to incorporate such. When trapping is sufficiently weak, a logarithmic loss of regularity suffices. Here, by studying a warped product manifold introduced by Christianson and Wunsch, we encounter the first explicit example of a situation where an estimate with an algebraic loss of regularity exists and this loss is sharp. Due to the global-in-time nature of the estimate for the wave equation, the situation is more complicated than for the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. An initial estimate with sub-optimal loss is first obtained, where extra care is required due to the low frequency contributions. An improved estimate is then established using energy functionals that are inspired by WKB analysis. Finally, it is shown that the loss cannot be improved by any power by saturating the estimate with a quasimode.Comment: 18 page

    The Lesioned Brain: Still a Small-World?

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    The intra-arterial amobarbital procedure (IAP or Wada test) is used to determine language lateralization and contralateral memory functioning in patients eligible for neurosurgery because of pharmaco-resistant epilepsy. During unilateral sedation, functioning of the contralateral hemisphere is assessed by means of neuropsychological tests. We use the IAP as a reversible model for the effect of lesions on brain network topology. Three artifact-free epochs (4096 samples) were selected from each electroencephalogram record before and after amobarbital injection. Functional connectivity was assessed by means of the synchronization likelihood. The resulting functional connectivity matrices were constructed for all six epochs per patient in four frequency bands, and weighted network analysis was performed. The clustering coefficient, average path length, small-world index, and edge weight correlation were calculated. Recordings of 33 patients were available. Network topology changed significantly after amobarbital injection: clustering decreased in all frequency bands, while path length decreased in the theta and lower alpha band, indicating a shift toward a more random network topology. Likewise, the edge weight correlation decreased after injection of amobarbital in the theta and beta bands. Network characteristics after injection of amobarbital were correlated with memory score: higher theta band small-world index and increased upper alpha path length were related to better memory score. The whole-brain network topology in patients eligible for epilepsy surgery becomes more random and less optimally organized after selective sedation of one hemisphere, as has been reported in studies with brain tumor patients. Furthermore, memory functioning after injection seems related to network topology, indicating that functional performance is related to topological network properties of the brain

    Long-Term Effects of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy on Local Neural Networks: A Graph Theoretical Analysis of Corticography Recordings

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    Purpose: Pharmaco-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is often treated with surgical intervention at some point. As epilepsy surgery is considered a last resort by most physicians, a long history of epileptic seizures prior to surgery is not uncommon. Little is known about the effects of ongoing TLE on neural functioning. A better understanding of these effects might influence the moment of surgical intervention. Functional connectivity (interaction between spatially distributed brain areas) and network structure (integration and segregation of information processing) are thought to be essential for optimal brain functioning. We report on the impact of TLE duration on temporal lobe functional connectivity and network characteristics. Methods: Functional connectivity of the temporal lobe at the time of surgery was assessed by means of interictal electrocorticography (ECoG) recordings of 27 TLE patients by using the phase lag index (PLI). Graphs (abstract network representations) were reconstructed from the PLI matrix and characterized by the clustering coefficient C (local clustering), the path length L (overall network interconnectedness), and the ‘‘small world index’ ’ S (network configuration). Results: Functional connectivity (average PLI), clustering coefficients, and the small world index were negatively correlated with TLE duration in the broad frequency band (0.5–48 Hz). Discussion: Temporal lobe functional connectivity is lower in patients with longer TLE history, and longer TLE duration i

    Cognitive functioning in glioblastoma patients during radiotherapy and temozolomide treatment: initial findings

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate cognitive functioning in newly-diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) patients during treatment with radiotherapy (RT) plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ). Cognitive assessment took place following surgery, but prior to the start of RT (baseline), after 6 weeks of RT and concomitant TMZ (1st follow-up), and after three cycles of adjuvant TMZ (2nd follow-up). Standardized cognitive summary measures and delta scores for six cognitive domains were calculated at the individual level. Cognitive functioning of progression-free GBM patients was compared to that of matched healthy controls. Analyses were performed on a group of 13 GBM patients that were progression-free during follow-up. The results showed that the majority of patients had deficits in multiple cognitive domains at baseline. Between baseline and 1st follow-up, four patients improved in one cognitive domain, four patients deteriorated in one domain, one patient improved in one domain and deteriorated in another, and four patients remained stable in all six domains. Between 1st and 2nd follow-up, the majority of patients (11) remained stable in all six cognitive domains, whereas one patient declined in one domain, and one patient showed a deterioration in two domains. Overall, between baseline and 2nd follow-up, three patients improved in one cognitive domain, two patients deteriorated in two domains, one patient improved in one domain and deteriorated in another, and seven patients remained stable in all six cognitive domains. In conclusion, preceding treatment, the majority of GBM patients show clear-cut deficits in cognitive functioning. In the course of the first 6 months of their disease, however, progression-free GBM patients undergoing radiotherapy plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide treatment do not deteriorate in cognitive functioning

    Improving Health Literacy Responsiveness:A Randomized Study on the Uptake of Brochures on Doctor-Patient Communication in Primary Health Care Waiting Rooms

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    Presenting attractive and useful health education materials in waiting rooms can help improve an organization's health literacy responsiveness. However, it is unclear to what extent patients may be interested in health education materials, such as brochures. We conducted a three-week field study in waiting rooms of three primary care centers in Groningen. Three versions of a brochure on doctor-patient communication were randomly distributed, 2250 in total. One version contained six short photo stories, another version was non-narrative but contained comparable photos, and the third version was a traditional brochure. Each day we counted how many brochures were taken. We also asked patients (N = 471) to participate in a brief interview. Patients who consented (N = 390) were asked if they had noticed the brochure. If yes (N = 135), they were asked why they had or had not browsed the brochure, and why they had or had not taken it. Interview responses were categorized by two authors. Only 2.9% of the brochures were taken; no significant association with brochure version was found. Analysis of the interview data showed that the version with the photo narrative was noticed significantly more often than the non-narrative version or the traditional version. These results suggest that designing attractive and comprehensible health materials is not enough. Healthcare organizations should also create effective strategies to reach their target population

    Are area-level and individual-level socioeconomic factors associated with self-rated health in adult urban citizens? Evidence from Slovak and Dutch cities

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    Background: Evidence shows that living in disadvantaged areas is associated with poor health. This may be due to the socioeconomic (SE) characteristics of both these residents and the areas where they live. Evidence regarding this on Central European (CE) countries is scarce. Our aim was to assess whether the prevalence of poor self-rated health (SRH) was higher in deprived urban areas, whether this can be explained by individual SE status (SES) and whether this differed between Slovakia and the Netherlands per age group. Methods: We examined the association of urban-level data and individual-level SE factors from different urban areas in different countries (Slovakia, the Netherlands) using comparable urban health indicators and area indicators. We also obtained unique data from the EU-FP7 EURO-URHIS 2 project. Results: Multilevel logistic regression showed that poor SRH was associated with area deprivation in both countries. Regarding age by country, poor SRH occurred more frequently in the more deprived areas for the younger age group (>= 64) in the Netherlands but for the older age group (>= 65 years) in Slovakia. Moreover, Slovak citizens reported poor SRH significantly more often than Dutch residents. Individual SES was significantly associated with poor SRH in both age groups and both countries for most area-level SE measures. Conclusion: Individual SES is associated with SRH more strongly than area deprivation. Therefore, it is important to account for relative deprivation at an individual level when considering health-enhancing activities. Moreover, the effect of urban-area deprivation seems to differ between CE and WE countries

    Health literacy among older adults is associated with their 10-years' cognitive functioning and decline - the Doetinchem Cohort Study.

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    Many older adults have low levels of health literacy which affects their ability to participate optimally in healthcare. It is unclear how cognitive decline contributes to health literacy. To study this, longitudinal data are needed. The aim of this study was therefore to assess the associations of cognitive functioning and 10-years' cognitive decline with health literacy in older adults

    Toward tailored care for families with multiple problems:A quasi-experimental study on effective elements of care

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    Several effective interventions have been developed for families with multiple problems (FMP), but knowledge is lacking as to which specific practice and program elements of these interventions deliver positive outcomes. The aim of this study is to assess the degree to which practice and program elements (contents of and structure in which care is provided) contribute to the effectiveness of interventions for FMP in general and for subgroups with child and/or parental psychiatric problems, intellectual disabilities, or substance use. We performed a quasi-experimental study on the effectiveness of practice and program elements provided in attested FMP interventions. Using self-report questionnaires, we measured primary (child's internalizing and externalizing problems) and secondary (parental stress and social contacts) outcomes at the beginning, end, and three months thereafter. By means of Latent Profile Analysis, we identified groups of families receiving similar combinations of practice elements ("profiles"), and we calculated propensity scores. Next, we assessed how practice element profiles and program elements affected improvement in outcomes, and whether these effects were moderated by subgroup characteristics. We found three practice element profiles (explorative/supportive, action-oriented, and their combination), which were equally effective. Regarding program elements, effects were enhanced by more frequent telephone contact between visits and more frequent intervision. Effectiveness of practice and program elements varied for specific FMP subgroups. Variations in the content of care for FMP do not affect its effectiveness, but variations in the structure of the care do. This finding can help to further improve effective interventions
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