27 research outputs found

    A high resolution global gravity field model combining CHAMP and GRACE satellite mission and surface data: EIGEN-CG01C

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    Rapid postseismic transients in subduction zones from continuous GPS

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    Continuous GPS time series from three of four recently measured, large subduction earthquakes document triggered rapid postseismic fault creep, representing an additional moment release upward of 25% over the weeks following their main shocks. Data from two M_w = 8.0 and M_w = 8.4 events constrain the postseismic centroids to lie down dip from the lower limit of coseismic faulting, and show that afterslip along the primary coseismic asperities is significantly less important than triggered deep creep. Time series for another M_w = 7.7 event show 30% postseismic energy release, but here we cannot differentiate between afterslip and triggered deeper creep. A fourth M_w = 8.1 event, which occurred in the broad Chilean seismogenic zone, shows no postseismic deformation, despite coseismic offsets in excess of 1 m. For the three events which are followed by postseismic deformation, stress transferred to the inferred centroids (at 34, 60, and 36 km depths) by their respective main shock asperities increased reverse shear stress by 0.5, 0.8, and 0.2 bar with a comparatively small decrease in normal stress (0.01 bar), constraining the Coulomb stress increase required to force slip along the metastable plate interface. Deep triggered slip of this nature is invisible without continuous geodesy but on the basis of these earthquakes would appear to constitute an important mode of strain release from beneath the seismogenic zones of convergent margins. These events, captured by some of the first permanent GPS networks, show that deep moment release is often modulated by seismogenic rupture updip and underscore the need for continuous geodesy to fully quantify the spectrum of moment release in great earthquakes

    ein innovativer Ansatz zur Bestimmung von Atmosphärenparametern ; Abschlussbericht ; HGF-Strategiefonds-Projekt GASP - FKZ 01SF9922 des AWI, DLR, GFZ und GKSS

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    Obwohl der Wasserdampf eines der wichtigsten Treibhausgase ist, Energie durch die Atmosphäre transportiert, und das Strahlungsbudget durch Wolkenbildung beeinflusst, ist seine sehr variable zeitliche und räumliche Verteilung bis heute unzureichend erfasst, insbesondere unter Wolken und während Niederschlagsereignissen, wo seine Kenntnis am wichtigsten wäre. Die GPS-Technik bietet sich als wetterunabhängiges Verfahren an, diese Lücke zu schließen. Im Rahmen des Projektes sollte in Deutschland eine Infrastruktur (Empfängernetz, Kommunikation, Auswertesoftware) zur Nutzung der bodengebundenen und satellitengestützten GPS-Technik aufgebaut werden. Insbesondere sollte eine operationelle, flächendeckende Erfassung des atmosphärischen Wasserdampfes in einem dichten, deutschlandweiten Netz von GPS-Bodenstationen demonstriert werden, und der Einfluss dieser neuen Messwerte auf die Wettervorhersage und die Klimaforschung untersucht werden. Im zweiten Projektschwerpunkt sollte die innovative GPS-Radiookkultationstechnik, als Fernerkundungsmethode zur globalen Sondierung der Atmosphäre/Ionosphäre mit vielfältigen Anwendungen in der Wettervorhersage, Klima-, Atmosphären- und Ionosphärenforschung in Deutschland etabliert werden. Hierzu gehört die Installierung einer entsprechenden operationellen Infrastruktur für die Datenanalyse zur Bereitstellung der atmosphärischen Information in Near-Real-Time (Polarempfangsstation, globales unterstützendes GPS-Bodennetz ...repor

    Satellite Gravimetry: A Review of Its Realization

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    Since Kepler, Newton and Huygens in the seventeenth century, geodesy has been concerned with determining the figure, orientation and gravitational field of the Earth. With the beginning of the space age in 1957, a new branch of geodesy was created, satellite geodesy. Only with satellites did geodesy become truly global. Oceans were no longer obstacles and the Earth as a whole could be observed and measured in consistent series of measurements. Of particular interest is the determination of the spatial structures and finally the temporal changes of the Earth's gravitational field. The knowledge of the gravitational field represents the natural bridge to the study of the physics of the Earth's interior, the circulation of our oceans and, more recently, the climate. Today, key findings on climate change are derived from the temporal changes in the gravitational field: on ice mass loss in Greenland and Antarctica, sea level rise and generally on changes in the global water cycle. This has only become possible with dedicated gravity satellite missions opening a method known as satellite gravimetry. In the first forty years of space age, satellite gravimetry was based on the analysis of the orbital motion of satellites. Due to the uneven distribution of observatories over the globe, the initially inaccurate measuring methods and the inadequacies of the evaluation models, the reconstruction of global models of the Earth's gravitational field was a great challenge. The transition from passive satellites for gravity field determination to satellites equipped with special sensor technology, which was initiated in the last decade of the twentieth century, brought decisive progress. In the chronological sequence of the launch of such new satellites, the history, mission objectives and measuring principles of the missions CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE flown since 2000 are outlined and essential scientific results of the individual missions are highlighted. The special features of the GRACE Follow-On Mission, which was launched in 2018, and the plans for a next generation of gravity field missions are also discussed.Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum - GFZ (4217

    First champ mission results for gravity, magnetic and atmospheric studies

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    In the summer of 2000 the German geo-research satellite CHAMP was launched into orbit. Its innovative payload arrangement and the low intial orbit allow CHAMP to simultaneously collect and almost continuously analyse precise data relating to gravity and magnetic fields at low altitude. In addition to this CHAMP also measures the neutral atmosphere and ionosphere using GPS techniques. Eighteen months after the launch, CHAMP research groups from all over the world met at the Geo-Forschungs-Zentrum in Potsdam for an initial exchange of experiences and results. The main outcome of this user meeting is summarized in this volume. Apart from technical information about the mission, the book offers a comprehensive insight into the present status of CHAMP data exploitation for Earth system research and practical applications in geodesy, geophysics and meteorology

    Satellite Gravimetry: A Review of Its Realization

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    Since Kepler, Newton and Huygens in the seventeenth century, geodesy has been concerned with determining the figure, orientation and gravitational field of the Earth. With the beginning of the space age in 1957, a new branch of geodesy was created, satellite geodesy. Only with satellites did geodesy become truly global. Oceans were no longer obstacles and the Earth as a whole could be observed and measured in consistent series of measurements. Of particular interest is the determination of the spatial structures and finally the temporal changes of the Earth's gravitational field. The knowledge of the gravitational field represents the natural bridge to the study of the physics of the Earth's interior, the circulation of our oceans and, more recently, the climate. Today, key findings on climate change are derived from the temporal changes in the gravitational field: on ice mass loss in Greenland and Antarctica, sea level rise and generally on changes in the global water cycle. This has only become possible with dedicated gravity satellite missions opening a method known as satellite gravimetry. In the first forty years of space age, satellite gravimetry was based on the analysis of the orbital motion of satellites. Due to the uneven distribution of observatories over the globe, the initially inaccurate measuring methods and the inadequacies of the evaluation models, the reconstruction of global models of the Earth's gravitational field was a great challenge. The transition from passive satellites for gravity field determination to satellites equipped with special sensor technology, which was initiated in the last decade of the twentieth century, brought decisive progress. In the chronological sequence of the launch of such new satellites, the history, mission objectives and measuring principles of the missions CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE flown since 2000 are outlined and essential scientific results of the individual missions are highlighted. The special features of the GRACE Follow-On Mission, which was launched in 2018, and the plans for a next generation of gravity field missions are also discussed

    Observation of the Earth system from space

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    In the recent years, space-based observation methods have led to a subst- tially improved understanding of Earth system. Geodesy and geophysics are contributing to this development by measuring the temporal and spatial va- ations of the Earth's shape, gravity ?eld, and magnetic ?eld, as well as at- sphere density. In the frame of the GermanR&D programmeGEOTECHNO- LOGIEN,researchprojectshavebeen launchedin2002relatedto the satellite missions CHAMP, GRACE and ESA's planned mission GOCE, to comp- mentary terrestrial and airborne sensor systems and to consistent and stable high-precision global reference systems for satellite and other techniques. In the initial 3-year phase of the research programme (2002-2004), new gravity ?eld models have been computed from CHAMP and GRACE data which outperform previous models in accuracy by up to two orders of m- nitude for the long and medium wavelengths. A special highlight is the - termination of seasonal gravity variations caused by changes in continental water masses. For GOCE, to be launched in 2006, new gravity ?eld analysis methods are under development and integrated into the ESA processing s- tem. 200,000 GPS radio occultation pro?les, observed by CHAMP, have been processed on an operational basis. They represent new and excellent inf- mation on atmospheric refractivity, temperature and water vapor. These new developments require geodetic space techniques (such as VLBI, SLR, LLR, GPS) to be combined and synchronized as if being one global instrument