5,151 research outputs found

    Multi-color carrier-envelope-phase stabilization for high-repetition-rate multi-pulse coherent synthesis

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    Using a zero-offset carrier-envelope locking technique, we have synthesized an octave-spanning composite frequency comb exhibiting 132-attosecond timing jitter between the constituent pulses over a one-second observation window. In the frequency domain, this composite comb has a modal structure and coherence which are indistinguishable from those of a comb that might be produced by a hypothetical single mode locked oscillator of equivalent bandwidth. The associated phase stability enables the participating multi-color pulse sequences to be coherently combined, representing an example of multi-pulse synthesis using a femtosecond oscillator

    The Unusual Variability of the Large Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebula RPJ 053059-683542

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    We present images and light curves of the bipolar Planetary Nebula RPJ 053059-683542 that was discovered in the Reid-Parker AAO/UKST H-alpha survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The emission from this object appears entirely nebular, with the central star apparently obscured by a central band of absorption that bisects the nebula. The light curves, which were derived from images from the SuperMACHO project at CTIO, showed significant, spatially resolved variability over the period 2002 January through 2005 December. Remarkably, the emission from the two bright lobes of the nebula vary either independently, or similarly but with a phase lag of at least one year. The optical spectra show a low level of nebular excitation, and only modest N enrichment. Infrared photometry from the 2MASS and SAGE surveys indicates the presence of a significant quantity of dust. The available data imply that the central star has a close binary companion, and that the system has undergone some kind of outburst event that caused the nebular emission to first brighten and then fade. Further monitoring, high-resolution imaging, and detailed IR polarimetry and spectroscopy would uncover the nature of this nebula and the unseen ionizing source.Comment: Accepted for ApJ Letters; 6 page

    Confirmation of New Planetary Nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images of new planetary nebulae (PNe) that were discovered in the Reid-Parker AAO/UKST H-alpha survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud. These serendipitous observations from various HST programs yield independent confirmations of 6 PNe; one other detected nebula may also be a PN, and one appears to be a region of diffuse emission. The high resolution HST archival images enable us to determine the physical sizes, the nebular morphology, and related features of these new PNe in detail for the first time. In a few cases we were also able to identify the central star, which was impossible with the lower resolution, wide-field discovery data. The confirmation of faint, extended halos surrounding many PNe in the RP catalog must await the acquisition of new deep, high-resolution, narrow-band imagery.Comment: 6 figures. To appear in PASP, 2007 Januar

    Desiccation Risk Drives the Spatial Ecology of an Invasive Anuran (Rhinella marina) in the Australian Semi-Desert

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    Some invasive species flourish in places that impose challenges very different from those faced in their native geographic ranges. Cane toads (Rhinella marina) are native to tropical and subtropical habitats of South and Central America, but have colonised extremely arid regions over the course of their Australian invasion. We radio-tracked 44 adult cane toads at a semi-arid invasion front to investigate how this invasive anuran has managed to expand its geographic range into arid areas that lie outside of its native climatic niche. As predicted from their low physiological control over rates of evaporative water loss, toads selected diurnal shelter sites that were consistently cooler and damper (and thus, conferred lower water loss rates) than nearby random sites. Desiccation risk also had a profound influence on rates of daily movement. Under wet conditions, toads that were far from water moved further between shelter sites than did conspecifics that remained close to water, presumably in an attempt to reach permanent water sources. However, this relationship was reversed under dry conditions, such that only toads that were close to permanent water bodies made substantial daily movements. Toads that were far from water bodies also travelled along straighter paths than did conspecifics that generally remained close to water. Thus, behavioural flexibility—in particular, an ability to exploit spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the availability of moist conditions—has allowed this invasive anuran to successfully colonize arid habitats in Australia. This finding illustrates that risk assessment protocols need to recognise that under some circumstances an introduced species may be able to thrive in conditions far removed from any that it experiences in its native range

    Adam Smith and the theory of punishment

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    A distinctive theory of punishment plays a central role in Smith's moral and legal theory. According to this theory, we regard the punishment of a crime as deserved only to the extent that an impartial spectator would go along with the actual or supposed resentment of the victim. The first part of this paper argues that Smith's theory deserves serious consideration and relates it to other theories such as utilitarianism and more orthodox forms of retributivism. The second part considers the objection that, because Smith's theory implies that punishment is justified only when there is some person or persons who is the victim of the crime, it cannot explain the many cases where punishment is imposed purely for the public good. It is argued that Smith's theory could be extended to cover such cases. The third part defends Smith's theory against the objection that, because it relies on our natural feelings, it cannot provide an adequate moral justification of punishment

    Spectroscopy and Dynamics of the Predissociated, Quasi-linear S2 State of Chlorocarbene

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    In this work, we report on the spectroscopy and dynamics of the quasi-linear S2 state of chlorocarbene, CHCl, and its deuterated isotopologue using optical-optical double resonance (OODR) spectroscopy through selected rovibronic levels of the S1 state. This study, which represents the first observation of the S2 state in CHCl, builds upon our recent examination of the corresponding state in CHF, where pronounced mode specificity was observed in the dynamics, with predissociation rates larger for levels containing bending excitation. In the present work, a total of 14 S2 state vibrational levels with angular momentum ℓ = 1 were observed for CHCl, and 34 levels for CDCl. The range of ℓ in this case was restricted by the pronounced Renner-Teller effect in the low-lying S1 levels, which severely reduces the fluorescence lifetime for levels with Ka \u3e 0. Nonetheless, by exploiting different intermediate S1 levels, we observed progressions involving all three fundamental vibrations. For levels with long predissociation lifetimes, rotational constants were determined by measuring spectra through different intermediate J levels of the S1 state. Plots of the predissociation linewidth (lifetime) vs. energy for various S2 levels show an abrupt onset, which lies near the calculated threshold for elimination to form C(3P) + HCl on the triplet surface. Our experimental results are compared with a series of high level ab initio calculations, which included the use of a dynamically weighted full-valence CASSCF procedure, focusing maximum weight on the state of interest (the singlet and triplet states were computed separately). This was used as the reference for subsequent Davidson-corrected MRCI(+Q) calculations. These calculations reveal the presence of multiple conical intersections in the singlet manifold