21,755 research outputs found

    Microplankton species assemblages at the Scripps Pier from March to November 1983 during the 1982-1984 El Nino event

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    A semiweekly sampling program at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography pier was begun in 1983 during an El Nino event. Microplankton data for March to November 1983 show a temporal sequence of species assemblages of the 24 important taxa, with a residence time of 1 to 4 weeks. From March to early September, the assemblages consisted of typical neritic taxa. From mid-September to mid-November, the presence of oceanic warm-wave species was associated with positive temperature anomalies characteristic of the El Nino condition. During the period studied numerical abundances were low

    Near- to mid-infrared picosecond optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled RbTiOAsO4

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    We describe a Ti:sapphire-pumped picosecond optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled RbTiOAsO4 that is broadly tunable in the near to mid infrared. A 4.5-mm single-grating crystal at room temperature in combination with pump wavelength tuning provided access to a continuous-tuning range from 3.35 to 5 mu m, and a pump power threshold of 90 mW was measured. Average mid-infrared output powers in excess of 100 mW and total output powers of 400 mW in similar to 1-ps pulses were obtained at 33% extraction efficiency. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.</p

    Summer phytoplankton assemblages and their environmental correlates in the Southern California Bight

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    Weekly observations of chemical and physical variables, and of phytoplankton abundances, were made over a 21-week period at three stations in the Southern California Bight. Principal component analysis was employed to resolve four phytoplankton assemblages among the 25 taxa with the highest variances for their log transformed abundances. Two of these components were described by the abundance of taxa characteristic of upwelling assemblages—both dominated by diatoms. A third assemblage was dominated by the red tide dinoflagellate, Gonyaulax polyedra, along with some small diatoms and a coccolithophorid.Canonical correlation analysis of the four phytoplankton components against 13 environmental variables revealed distinct sets of temperature-salinity-nutrient conditions associated with periods of abundance of each assemblage. Two were interpretable, on physical grounds, as upwelling situations, and these were associated with periods of abundance of the phytoplankton assemblages that were identified, on floristic grounds, as upwelling assemblages. The red tide assemblage was associated with nonupwelling conditions.The pattern of correlations of 89 other taxa, besides the 25 employed in the principal component analysis, with the four principal components and the four environmental canonical variates were also consistent with this interpretation. Comparison with phytoplankton assemblages described in other studies reveals substantial consistency in broad outline, but many differences in detail, especially with respect to the presence and absence of species.The species assemblages defined by the principal components analysis exhibited episodes of abundance of a duration of 2–3 weeks at a given location. Current meter records, from nearby stations, but from another year, suggest that a persistence time of 2–3 weeks at a stationary site corresponds to a spatial patch scale of 20–40 km. These same current meter records show approximately 50% coherence in low-frequency currents at a separation of 25 km, indicating a possible common scale for spatial coherence of currents and spatial extent of phytoplankton blooms in this system.Implications of the analysis are discussed in terms of hypotheses concerning the structure and dynamics of plankton communities

    Neutral Hydrogen 21cm Absorption at Redshift 0.673 towards 1504+377

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    We detect the 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen in absorption at a redshift of 0.673 towards the 1 Jy radio source 1504+377. The 1504+377 radio source is located toward the center of what appears to be an inclined disk galaxy at z = 0.674. The 21 cm absorption line shows multiple velocity components over a velocity range of about 100 km sec−1^{-1}, with a total HI column density: N(HI) = 3.8×1019×(Tsf)3.8\times10^{19}\times({{T_s}\over{f}}) cm−2^{-2}. The velocity-integrated optical depth of this system is the largest yet seen for redshifted HI 21 cm absorption line systems (Carilli 1995). The 21 cm absorption line is coincident in redshift with a previously detected broad molecular absorption line system (Wiklind and Combes 1996). We do not detect HI 21 cm absorption associated with the narrow molecular absorption line system at z = 0.67150, nor do we detect absorption at these redshifts by the 18 cm lines of OH, nor by the 2 cm transition of H2_2CO. There is no evidence for a bright optical AGN in 1504+377, suggesting significant obscuration through the disk -- a hypothesis supported by the strong absorption observed. The 1504+377 system resembles the ``red quasar'' PKS 1413+135, which has been modeled as a optically obscured AGN with a very young radio jet in the center of a gas rich disk galaxy (Perlman et al. 1996). The presence of very bright radio jets at the centers of these two disk galaxies presents a challenge to unification schemes for extragalactic radio sources and to models for the formation of radio loud AGN.Comment: 17 pages, postscrip

    Violation of multi-particle Bell inequalities for low and high flux parametric amplification using both vacuum and entangled input states

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    We show how polarisation measurements on the output fields generated by parametric down conversion will reveal a violation of multi-particle Bell inequalities, in the regime of both low and high output intensity. In this case each spatially separated system, upon which a measurement is performed, is comprised of more than one particle. In view of the formal analogy with spin systems, the proposal provides an opportunity to test the predictions of quantum mechanics for spatially separated higher spin states. Here the quantum behaviour possible even where measurements are performed on systems of large quantum (particle) number may be demonstrated. Our proposal applies to both vacuum-state signal and idler inputs, and also to the quantum-injected parametric amplifier as studied by De Martini et al. The effect of detector inefficiencies is included.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Solving simultaneously Dirac and Ricatti equations

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    We analyse the behaviour of the Dirac equation in d=1+1d=1+1 with Lorentz scalar potential. As the system is known to provide a physical realization of supersymmetric quantum mechanics, we take advantage of the factorization method in order to enlarge the restricted class of solvable problems. To be precise, it suffices to integrate a Ricatti equation to construct one-parameter families of solvable potentials. To illustrate the procedure in a simple but relevant context, we resort to a model which has proved useful in showing the phenomenon of fermion number fractionalization

    A charged particle in a magnetic field - Jarzynski Equality

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    We describe some solvable models which illustrate the Jarzynski theorem and related fluctuation theorems. We consider a charged particle in the presence of magnetic field in a two dimensional harmonic well. In the first case the centre of the harmonic potential is translated with a uniform velocity, while in the other case the particle is subjected to an ac force. We show that Jarzynski identity complements Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem on the absence of diamagnetism in equilibrium classical system.Comment: 5 pages, minor corrections made and journal reference adde

    Position-momentum local realism violation of the Hardy type

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    We show that it is, in principle, possible to perform local realism violating experiments of the Hardy type in which only position and momentum measurements are made on two particles emanating from a common source. In the optical domain, homodyne detection of the in-phase and out-of-phase amplitude components of an electromagnetic field is analogous to position and momentum measurement. Hence, local realism violations of the Hardy type are possible in optical systems employing only homodyne detection.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, to be published in Physical Review
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