15 research outputs found

    Phytoremediation of toxic metals in soils and wetlands: concepts and applications (Book Chapter)

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    Over centuries, industrial, mining and military activities, agriculture, farming, and waste practices have contaminated soils and wetlands in many countries with high concentrations of toxic metals. In addition to their negative effects on ecosystems and other natural resources, toxic metals pose a great danger to human health. Unlike organic compounds, metals cannot be degraded, and clean-up usually requires their removal. Most of the conventional remedial methods have lost economic favor and public acceptance because they are expensive and cause degradation of soil fertility that subsequently results in adverse impacts on the ecosystem. Conventional methods of environmental remediation do not solve the problem; rather they merely transfer it to future generation. Obviously, there is an urgent need for alternative, cheap, and efficient methods to clean-up sites contaminated with toxic metals. Phytoremediation, a plant-based green technology, is cost effective, environmental friendly, aesthetically pleasing approach for the remediation of toxic metals. Due to its elegance and the extent of contaminated areas, phytoremediation approaches have already received significant scientific and commercial attention. Two approaches have been proposed for the phytoremediation of toxic metals from soils and wetlands: natural and induced phytoremediation. Natural phytoremediation refers to the use of hyper-accumulating plants and associated soil microbes, while the induced phytoremediation refers to the use chemicals, especially synthetic chelating ligands, for the increase of metal bioavailability and uptake in plants. Recently, genetically modified plants (GMPs) have been proposed to use in phytoremediation technology; however, this approach is being hindered by ideology-driven restrictive legislation over the use of GMPs. We will discuss the concepts and practical applications of phytoremediation technologies for the restoration of contaminated soils and wetlands. © Springer Japan 2016. All rights are reserved.[Book Chapter

    Case studies and evidence-based approaches to addressing urban soil lead contamination

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    Urban soils in many communities in the United States and internationally have been contaminated by lead (Pb) from past use of lead additives in gasoline, deterioration of exterior paint, emissions from Pb smelters and battery recycling and other industries. Exposure to Pb in soil and related dust is widespread in many inner city areas. Up to 20–40% of urban children in some neighborhoods have blood lead levels (BLLs) equal to or above 5 μg per decilitre, the reference level of health concern by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Given the widespread nature of Pb contamination in urban soils it has proven a challenge to reduce exposure. In order to prevent this exposure, an evidence-based approach is required to isolate or remediate the soils and prevent children and adult's ongoing exposure. To date, the majority of community soil Pb remediation efforts have been focused in mining towns or in discrete neighborhoods where Pb smelters have impacted communities. These efforts have usually entailed very expensive dig and dump soil Pb remediation techniques, funded by the point source polluters. Remediating widespread non-point source urban soil contamination using this approach is neither economical nor feasible from a practical standpoint. Despite the need to remediate/isolate urban soils in inner city areas, no deliberate, large scale, cost effective Pb remediation schemes have been implemented to isolate inner city soils impacted from sources other than mines and smelters. However, a city-wide natural experiment of flooding in New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina demonstrated that declines in soil Pb resulted in major BLL reductions. Also a growing body of literature of smaller scale pilot studies and programs does exist regarding low cost efforts to isolate Pb contaminated urban soils. This paper reviews the literature regarding the effectiveness of soil Pb remediation for reducing Pb exposure and BLL in children, and suggests best practices for addressing the epidemics of low-level Pb poisoning occurring in many inner city areas

    Arsenic Concentrations and Dietary Exposure in Rice-Based Infant Food in Australia

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    Rice-based products are widely used to feed infants and young children. However, the association of rice-based products and high arsenic (As) concentrations have been investigated in a number of studies, but there is limited information from Australia. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the As concentration and dietary exposure in infant rice milk, cereal, crackers and pasta as well as to investigate the relationship between As concentration and rice content, rice type and product origin. Total arsenic (tAs) concentrations were determined by nitric acid digestion and ICP-MS while inorganic arsenic (iAs) was determined by acid extraction, followed by ICP-MS with an interfaced hydride generation system. Nearly 75% of samples had inorganic As exceeding the EU maximum levels for infants and children (0.1 mg kg−1) and the mean iAs percentage of total reached as high as 84.8%. High tAs concentration was positively correlated with rice content and also related to brown (wholegrain). Estimates of dietary exposure showed that infants consuming large amounts of rice pasta or crackers will have an increased risk of health impact associated with excess intake of As through dietary exposure. Moreover, the current Australian guidelines for As in rice (1 mg kg−1) are above the WHO or EU guideline and therefore, will be less protective of high sensitivity consumers like infants and children

    Metal accumulation in roadside soil in Melbourne, Australia: effect of road age, traffic density and vehicular speed

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    Concentrations of vehicular emitted heavy metals in roadside soils result in long term environmental damage. This study assessed the relationships between traffic characteristics (traffic density, road age and vehicular speed) and roadside soil heavy metals. Significant levels were recorded for Cd (0.06-0.59 mg/kg), Cr (18-29 mg/kg), Cu (4-12 mg/kg), Ni (7-20 mg/kg), Mn (92-599 mg/kg), Pb (16-144 mg/kg) and Zn (10.36-88.75 mg/kg), with Mn concentrations exceeding the Ecological Investigation Level. Significant correlations were found between roadside soil metal concentration and vehicular speed (R = 0.90), road age (R = 0.82) and traffic density (R = 0.68). Recently introduced metals in automotive technology (e.g. Mn and Sb) were higher in younger roads, while the metals present for many years (e.g. Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) were higher in medium and old age roads confirming the risk of significant metal deposition and soil metal retention in roadside soils

    Heavy metals in Australian grown and imported rice and vegetables on sale in Australia: Health hazard

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    Dietary exposure to heavy metals is a matter of concern for human health risk through the consumption of rice, vegetables and other major foodstuffs. In the present study, we investigated concentrations of cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) in Australian grown and imported rice and vegetables on sale in Australia. The mean concentrations of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in Australian grown rice were 7.5 µg kg−1, 21 µg kg−1, 144 µg kg−1, 2.9 mg kg−1, 24.4 mg kg−1, 166 µg kg−1, 375 µg kg−1, and 17.1 mg kg−1 dry weight (d. wt.), respectively. Except Cd, heavy metal concentrations in Australian grown rice were higher than Bangladeshi rice on sale in Australia. However, the concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, and Ni in Indian rice on sale in Australia were higher than Australian grown rice. The concentrations of Cu and Ni in Vietnamese rice, and that of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Pb in Thai rice on sale in Australia were also higher than Australian grown rice. Heavy metal concentrations in Pakistani rice on sale in Australia were substantially lower than that in Australian grown rice. In Australian grown rice varieties, the concentrations of heavy metals were considerably higher in brown rice varieties than white rice varieties, indicating Australian brown rice as a potential source of dietary heavy metals for Australian consumers. The mean concentrations of heavy metals in Australian grown and Bangladeshi vegetables on sale in Australia were also determined. Some of the Australian grown and Bangladeshi vegetables contained heavy metals higher than Australian standard maximum limits indicating them as potential sources of dietary heavy metals for Australian consumers. Further investigation is required to estimate health risks of heavy metals from rice and vegetables consumption for Australian consumers.

    Potassium Source and Biofertilizer Influence K Release and Fruit Yield of Mango (<i>Mangifera indica</i> L.): A Three-Year Field Study in Sandy Soils

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    Arid degraded soils have a coarse texture and poor organic matter content, which reduces the activity of microorganisms and soil enzymes, and thus the soil quality, plant yield and quality decrease. Potassium solubilizing bacteria (KSB) have been suggested to increase the activity of soil enzymes and increase the release of potassium from natural K-feldspar in the arid degraded soil, and thus potentially reduce the rates of the application of chemical fertilizers. Field studies were conducted for three successive growing seasons in an organic farming system to investigate the effects of K-feldspar and KSB (Bacillus cereus) on K release, soil fertility, and fruit yield of mango plants (Mangifera indica L.). The maximum growth of mango plants was found in the treatments inoculated with KSB. KSB increased soil available N, P, K, and the activity of dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase enzymes by 10, 7, 18, 54, and 52%, respectively. KSB increased the fruit yield of mango by 23, 27, and 23% in the first, second, and third growing seasons, respectively. The partial (up to 50%) substitution of chemical K-fertilizer with K-feldspar gave fruit yield and quality very close to that fertilized with the full chemical K-fertilizer. The release rate of K (over all the treatments) varied between 0.18 and 0.64 mg kg−1 of soil per day. KSB significantly increased the K release rate. The application of chemical K-fertilizer gave the highest K release, while substitution with K-feldspar reduced the release of K. Natural K-feldspar contains 8.2% K but is poorly soluble when applied alone. KSB increased the soil quality parameters and enhanced the growth and quality of mango fruit. The fruit yield of mango, under KSB inoculation and fertilization with different K sources, ranged between 9.14 to 17.14 t ha−1. The replacement of 50% of chemical K-fertilizer with natural K-feldspar caused a decrease in the fruit yield by 17, 8, and 2.7% in the first, second, and third years, respectively. The substitution of chemical K-fertilizer with K-feldspar up to 50% with KSB is a good strategy to reduce the excessive use of chemical K-fertilizer. B. cereus and natural K-feldspar have the potential to improve soil health and mango plant productivity in low fertile arid soils

    The Variation in Groundwater Microbial Communities in an Unconfined Aquifer Contaminated by Multiple Nitrogen Contamination Sources

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    Aquifers provide integral freshwater resources and host ecosystems of largely uncharacterized, truncated endemic microorganisms. In recent history, many aquifers have become increasingly contaminated from various anthropogenic sources. To better understand the impacts of nitrogen contamination on native groundwater ecosystems, 16S rRNA sequencing of the groundwater microbial communities was carried out. Samples were taken from an aquifer known to be contaminated with nitrogen from multiple sources, including fertilizers and wastewater treatment plant effluents. In total, two primary contaminants were identified: NH4+ (−1 NH4+ min-median-max), and NO3− (−1 NO3− min-median-max). These contaminants were found to be associated with a decrease/increase in microbial species richness within affected groundwater for NH4+/NO3−, respectively. Important phyla were identified, including Proteobacteria, which had the highest abundance within samples unaffected by NH4+ (36–81% NH4+ unaffected, 4–33% NH4+ affected), and Planctomycetes (0.05–10% NH4+ unaffected, 43–72% NH4+ affected), which had the highest abundance within the NH4+ affected samples, likely due to its ability to perform anaerobic ammonia oxidation (ANAMMOX). Planctomycetes were identified as a potential indicator for the presence of NH4+ contamination. The analysis and characterization of sequencing data alongside physicochemical data showed potential to increase the depth of our understanding of contaminant behavior and fate within a contaminated aquifer using this type of data and analysis